Can someone explain this new phenomenon to me?
Why are there suddenly so many more transgendered people than there were 10 years ago?
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>thsoe flags
makes me think...
It happened at the exact same time gayness was normalized. Some people have the need to break boundaries, no matter where they are.
Because now the media is actively encouraging them
Are there really? Or is it just the "media" pushing it as if it were?
I had never even heard about transgender kids until a few years ago.
Millenials were taught that they could be anything they wanted, but with the normalization of degeneracy from tumblr, Millenials want to be faggots.
The best way to destroy the difference between black and white is to fill the canvas with grey. That's what they are doing. They are normalizing 'no-gender', so that it will no longer be allowed to have 'male' or 'female' identities, culture, education and upbringing.
It is already happening. Try telling someone today that something is unmanly or unfeminine and they will go into an autistic fit of
As the media devotes more attention to it, people want some of that attention too, and can end up convincing even themselves that they are special in this way. It's a huge danger to praise this kind of behaviour as it only encourages more of it.
It is not millenials pushing for this. Millenials have nearly zero influenze on politics. They are only tools to create some kind of legitimacy.
Who is pushing for transgenderism? Jews. Marxists. Globalists. Whatever you might call them. But it is certainly not dumb millennials with no money, no real education and no power.
It is starting to legitimately get out of control. Normally someone becoming transgender would be a rare isolated case but recently it has started being promoted by doctors. Anyone who claims this behaviour can be fixed in another way or that it is a mental disorder is outright shunned.
It's being encouraged in children, so you end up with more of them.
>destroy the traditional concept of gender roles, encourage boys to act like girls and girls like boys
>then turn around and say that if anyone doesn't act according to their traditional gender role, they were "born in the wrong body"
>give the kids who fall for it endless positive affirmation, tell them how brave they are, etc. whilst also making sure to talk about how terrible it is that people felt social pressure to not "accept themselves", thus causing a two-pronged attack of both encouraging it and discouraging going back on it
>chop their dicks off/make a fake one and pump them full of hormones
>when they kill themselves, blame it on social shaming, and call for more children to be encouraged to be transgender to "prevent" further tragedy
Newest and easiest way to become a member of the almighty oppressed class.
>10 years ago
>7 year old girl "wants to be a boy"
>parents put her in girl's soccer
>at 16, she's dating Chad and hoping he asks her to prom
>7 year old girl "wants to be a boy"
>Parents take her to Dr. Shekelstein
>He puts her on hormones
>He puts her on the evening news
>at 16, she kills herself
And you've probably never seen a tranny in real life, only on the internet, where it's always the same "media groups" consistently pushing this agenda.
If there's any increase in "trangenderism" is by impressionable and weak people, who are suffering some type of depression or another type of psychological illness and think they'll find refuge in this fake community the media pretends exists.
for the get:
kids are not fully gendered.
they have a sex, and exist and grow up/develop their bodies, gender, personae in a culture.
the culture is now permissive and actively promotes special privileges for transsexuals, transgenders, LGBXYZs
mostly they're people destined to be miserable, depressed, misanthropic, confused etc.
steering their hurt in the trans direction gives them sympathy and even a sort of social capital while still carrying enough stigmato justify their butthurt
ergo young trannies for the get
Atrazine poisoning
Alex Jones wasn't kidding, it really is turning frogs gay, and also causing males tadpoles to become female tadpoles, and causes male frogs to develop female vocal chords and prefer mating with male frogs
Gender is a social construct
>14 year old desperately wants attention
>sees that being a tranwreck gets you instantly on the news
>tells parents he needs to be a girl
>gets put on the news
news reports on suicides lead to suicides.
news reports on shootings lead to shootings
Which helicopter you gonna identify as? I can't decide if I want to go Ah-64 or Mi-28, I don't think I'm big enough to be passable as an Mi-24.
I think a lot of trans people get sucked into the idea that they will be much happier as the opposite gender. It's a sign of how profoundly unhappy many people in our society are.
Mainly this.
Up until like 8 years ago, it was simply recognized as a boy or girl acting like a tomboy or tomgirl. This is a pretty normal thing that a lot of kids go through, and - like most other fads kids fall into - it's normally just a phase. Now, a boy shows the slightest signs of femininity and the parents throw him in a dress, cut off the penis, and start hormone """therapy""" as fast as they possibly can.
Idiots trended it.
Massive suicide wave coming in a few years if the narrative changes.
Because they aren't really they've just been brainwashed
Because it wasn't being pushed by the media so actively 10 years ago.
In other words
>the jews
BPA and birth control pills. Estrogen has been leeching into the water in higher and higher numbers.
Plastics and chemicals in the foods. Take a look at who funds all the tranny acceptance movements. The chemicals, hormone disruptors, all that shit. This is the result of it. When a child is young and it's brain is forming, it is malleable, when the mother eats all the estrogenic plastic crap, this has a massive effect on the childs brains.
The chemical companys would rather promote this as 'normal' and put these down to side effects, then say 'Ops, we fucked up' and take this crap out. If any of you out there have all sorts of sick shit going on in your head, do a little test.
Eat dairy. The cows are fucked completly, and the fat in milk is full of estrogen. Eat something that's been wrapped in clingfilm. Then watch what thoughts go into your head or what you fap to as you play on the PC, or watch TV*.
*Note - Watching TV or playing on a computer puts you into a trance like state, you'll be more receptive to the effects of this shit when doing so.
Bunch of faggots got millenials to watch rocky horror picture show. Now all the performance arts losers found they can get paid for pushing transgenderism.
Jewish brainwashing tactics
Because mental illness is on the rise
it's the latest psy op designed to destroy the family structure and reduce another generation to programmable compliance. Without family bonds they are more pliable, mindless, consuming zombies. There are more about because it is being systematically forced upon your senses through the (((media))) and it has been most successful. The next outside group they are going to do this with will be paedophiles
Fucking this.
Boomers forced all the young men to submit, and those that couldn't bear the pressure, turned themselves into women to find sweet release.
I plan on identifying as a F35.
there aren't, media just pushes it way more.
have you ever actually seen a tranny irl? chances are either no or you didn't notice if they were convincing.
the most the media push has done is tell 40 year old hons that it's okay to put on a wig and take zero effort to try.
t. tranny piece of shit
I eat dairy everyday and don't even watch porn. If you are watching gay shit it's on you.
Yeah, except they don't put anyone under 18 on hormones buddy in any first world country, it's literally illegal
Because it's fashionable. And people always want to be at the centre of attention.
are you really a tranny? You're gonna have to post some pics to prove.
Watch as we get an user to put his mother's clothes just to prove a point.
I think it has to do with attention.
Being homosexual was a trending thing about 10 or so years ago, and everyone started to come out as being gay. Now that no one cares about that, it's now being trans that's in fashion. That's the new brave thing going on. Everyone is turning trans to get some attention. What's next you might ask? No one knows for sure, but I suspect that since the issue was from civil rights, to marriage, to now bathroom, that it might move on to something on the lines of disability privileges. Idk what that entails, but it might have to do with people coming out as disabled just so they can cut in line, park closer, or use a bathroom stall.
It might sound crazy, but isn't that the whole point of the left?
F-35 surgery is crazy expensive and doesn't work properly m8, you might as well get Super Hornet or A-10 surgery instead.
well there's a lot more people, there is global communication, and the gene pool is getting dirtier every year. so more imbalanced people will be born.
top kek
>might move on to something on the lines of disability privileges
Trannies are already mentally disabled
>ugly jews
Nope, that's just typical kike cunts. All of them are ugly or inbred.
Maybe by the time it can fly it will be recognized. or you could just be a plane that is crippled too
It's trendy.
i am and i'm not going to post a picture because im uggo
But German trans are so hot...
They've got stuff in the water that'll turn the freaking frogs gay.
me neither. some people liked to cross dress and would do arts as adults to have an excuse for their indulgement. children is just weird
The rise of social media has shed a very large spotlight on things that used to be relatively hidden from most people.
It also emblazoned people who always shied away from revealing their mental illnesses.
>It's legal in America to turn your 7 y-o daughter into a boy
I'm aware.
That's why I think the next trend will be people identifying as being physically disabled.
special forces?
its just getting more coverage
don't be thick Sup Forums
Requirement a. There is no objective measurement of suffering, with offended person's self expression being the only measure that counts.
Requirement b. The larger one's suffering, the larger is the compensation received.
There. With both requirements true, people will naturally gravitate into positions that will put them into positions that will let them "suffer" in so much as others believe their cries how they are really suffering.
There is no difference between being xyzgender and (how dare you misgenderrrrreeeeeeeeeeEEEEEE) xywgender, other than putting yourself into positions where they can claim suffering over smallest transgressions and solicit rewards of attention and/or recompensation.
Being a 'Tomboy' or an effeminate guy aren't things anymore. Your now transgender and special.
so what
star trek taught us that humans need to ditch these things if we are going to excel as a species
There are no more tomboys and no more sissyboys. They are all transgender taking hrt.
My sister was a tomboy for about 4 years. Imagine if my parents were dumb enough to of tried to get her on hrt back then. It would of ruined her life.
Accompanying the rise of lawlessness is a loss of natural love.
GMO foods and High fructose corn syrup.
The internet gives them a stage, they want to feel special and (((they))) encourage it
Because they can and have resources to get it. Encouraged by whatever society has turnes into. Part of eugenics to get people to stop reproducing and fuck with the male biology so there's no real conflict. Gay frogs. End times yo. Jesus get here godspeed plz
Because its mans final destiny to slay as much trap boi pussy as possible
>I eat dairy everyday and don't even watch porn. If you are watching gay shit it's on you.
Seriously it depends on the brand. It's not gay shit, but it fucks with your hormones. It's what causes acne. Different brands don't do as much damage. with a shithole like Brazil, you might just eat dairy that traditional farmlike, grassfed, where the cows are treated well and not vacinated to kingdom come.
Also, way to leave out the malleable part.
This. No matter what the boundaries are, a large subsection of the population will want to push against them.
Because people's identities and personalities do not arise ex nihilo, but reflect their environment. Queer societies will breed queer people.
Star trek is cuck propaganda you dipshit.
Look at what happened in your capitol today and tell me we can all hold hands and get along.
What the fuck is this shit?
Holy shit, is the black one the best looking there?
99% don't have gender dysphoria, it's just cool to be a transtrender, it's the faggotry of wanting attention. That's why most of them that do transition kill themselves when they see they mutilated and warped their body and then realize they didn't want it.
Also a bunch of them have the balls to be like "womanhood/manhood wasn't what I expected", like you transition to discover what the other gender is like. If you have to discover that shit you never should've done it
well teh faggots got their wants so it pretty much created the doorway for all mentally ill types to try and claim teh same justice. Fuck I miss the 90's, nothing but straights and normals as far as the eyes could see.
>40 years ago
>Kid says they wanna be a grill
>father beats the shit out of him and tells him never to say it again
>The kid goes on as male with the dysphoria
>watching his body be disfigured with testosterone destroys his mind
>Gets caught wearing his mothers clothes, dad beats the shit out of him again
>he runs away at 17
>ends up a transvestite hooker hooked on heroin in the city
>Kid says they want to be a girl
>Unless they have Extremeley progressive parents they'll be ignored
>Start to go crazy from dysphoria during puberty
>Order hormones off the internet
>be happy and live a nice life
>Still a boy until he goes off to college when he can finally leave his old life behind him forever.
munchausen's by proxy: the number of typical transgender kids hasn't changed. what has changed is the number of mothers looking to virtue signal to the world how open-minded they are.
We had an insider from the advertising world tell us exactly whats been happening.
In the 1980s Brazil was chosen as the ideal testing grounds for globalization marketing plans, specifically for female cosmetics. Feminine natures, feminism, the feminine divine...all these things were emphasized while masculinity specifically was de-emphasized. race specific beauty traits,like the idealized white beauty traits were de-emphasized and more universal, global majority traits were emphasized. Cosmetics and cosmetic surgery took off in Brazil.
there were some unexpected, but not unwelcomed side effects that helped expand the possible consumer market even more as effeminate men began buying the female cosmetic products, leading to the development of male beauty products.
This led to a direct rise in the numbers of homosexuals and then transsexuals. The emphasis on people of color being idealized also led to a lot of interracial dating with dark skinned men being the new ideal.
In 2008 the marketing program began in the USa and we have seen the exact same thing take place explosion of homosexuality, of transsexuals and of interracial dating, while masculinity is shunned. We even see people that consume a lot of media begining to call themselves transracial.
it isnt a secret jewish plan to wipe out the white race though that is also along term side effect, and maybe not an unwanted one. It is a plan by Wall St globalist corporations to expand their customer bases. Whites are a minority around the world. until we return to a strict nationalism these companies will continue to market to the widest possible global consumer base. But if we do return to nationalism and stick to it, the companies will eventually return to marketing their products to specific markets. meaning countries with white majorities will be marketed properly and countries like brazil would have their own advertising strategies.
Thats the red pill. wall St is doing this.
>Letting dumb, impressionable children decide their fucking gender
>when they're at their most dumb and impressionable (prepubescent & going through puberty)
Setting these kids up for failure. I thought I was transgender when I was like 14 and the feeling passed. Imagine if I was flanked by adults and doctors saying "oh how special you are! take these pills and we'll have a vagina surgery scheduled for you next week sweetie"
I'd have probably killed myself by now. Like many transgender people post-30.
Certain people will it. Notice it's all white kids. Which means less white people will end up reproducing because
>white fucboi can't get pregnant
>white dude who partners with said fucboi can't impregnate him
effectively taking 2 white males out of the equation for each trap.
As the population grows, the incidents of those with mental issues rises with it. More psychopaths, sociopaths, gays and others. The ratios remain the same it's just that now there's more of 'em.
same reason why people think they have morgellons
actions of a few radicalised cunts
sorry, we're not as reactionary as you stupid yanks
Liberal propaganda pushing degeneracy. What else?
Is it illuminati? maybe IDk but look at the kardashians...heavily invested in cosmetics and cosmetic surgery promoting big butts, big tits, race mixing, and transgenderism...and that started after 2008 didnt it? so I think that insider was trying to tell us something and i wish he would come back for another thread. remember, wall st does not care about nations or borders or cultures or races...they only care about growing their profits to enrich their shareholders and if you have a 401k plan YOU are part of the problem.
They're going for the big one - paedophile acceptance
((Their)) putting shit in the water.
>Why are there suddenly so many more transgendered people than there were 10 years ago?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Same except the feeling never passed and being conscious was living in hell.
Yup, this.
White people get:
Abortions are cool and liberating.
Don't settle down.
Be gay.
Don't get married.
Don't have kids or you'll never have fun.
Trans is really neato.
White guilt.
Meanwhile, brown people shit out kids at an insane rate.
>"Mommy, what if I was a girl?"
>"Don't be silly honey, you're a boy."
>Little Timmy grew up in a normal childhood and now has his own family and works a decent job
>"Mommy, what if I was a girl?"
>"I read about this! That means you're trans!"
>"I'll set up a appointment with the doctor to make you into a girl tomorrow!"
>Little Timmy grew up to be that weird guy/girl thing with pink hair, a bitchy attitude about pronouns, a five o' clock shadow, and a deep man voice unloved by everyone
>He kills himself shortly after graduating highschool
Obongo's kids. They're fucking stupid.