Tommy Robinson at the scene of London Terrorist Attack
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Where does this guy live? I was of the impression that it was fairly far from London. I could be wrong. Anyone know?
Luton, 20 minutes away
Who's the cuck that Tony was going off on? he's got a mike so he must be some sort of reporter.
He lives in Syria
Fucking love this guy haha. He's even got an Amon Goeth haircut now.
Go on son
Mate, please. Luton makes Syria look like a flourishing country.
Guy on the mic seems a bit flamboyant. Are gays finally realising they're the first on the beheading block if muslims take over?
Rebel media is kike owned. They are anti-muslim but they support white genocide
He's repellent in his homosexuality. I don't think I could hold a conversation with him
Yeah, Tommy Robinson was spot on, but I don't know who this other guy with a confusing half-accent is... he comes off as a larping try-hard.
Tommy gives no shits, speaking the truth as he sees it despite decades of social conditioning trying to make a taboo out of this kind of integrity and reason. The guy gets assaulted by Muslims in his home town as soon as they see him, he's been sent to prison and survived attempts on his life (the police apparently content to ignore all this) and he keeps going. You have to admire that.
>Tommy "BASED ISRAEL" Robinson
Stop posting this cuck ffs
>they will know who he is
Before i was redpilled i assumed tommy was a cunt like the media psychosphere told me he was but when i actually looked into it and became redpilled about islam by sam harris and hitchens ive turned around and i feel a fucking huge amount of respect and sorrow for this man who has been continuously shat on by the media and police for what is a truly noble and honest cause of his. Good lad tommy fuck muslims fuck deluded liberals
>scheckel media
>another gay anglo goyim
I'd laugh too
spread this.
Our Saudi-owned and kike-subverted government makes his life complete hell for speaking the inconvenient truths. He is literally an enemy of the state and he has the police weaponized against him on a regular basis. The guy will never be able to live a normal life ever again.
goddamn he is one angry brit, love this guy
Tommy is alright, a bit of a manlet but I like him
this reporter guy seems a bit of a fag, couldn't they have picked someone better
Tommy Robinson is based - the guy interviewing him was fucking ridiculous though - Rebel need to fire that fag
He's a good lad
The Stone island patch makes him x2 more based.
In all his rants he talks about his town of loo-ein
I dunno
Luton. Not london, but relatively near to it. High number of shitskins.
"political uniforms" are illegal in the UK, this clothing line acts as recognition for certain individuals
I thought so at first but he won me over when he annihilated the Asian girl. Thats one of the worst I've ever seen a lib get rekt.
>a bit of a manlet
And he's more of a man than your pathetic basement-dwelling arse will ever be, no matter how tall you are.
Really, why bring up the guy's height as if it somehow detracts from his character? You fucking kike.
jesus christ the mannerisms of that rebel reporter
Feels bad man
I don't blame him, some say it was in bad taste but all the shit he has to go through when there's an opportunity to be vindicated you take it.
his accent is too posh to take seriously
I'm 18 and in 6th form, what do you want me to do, start a fucking food fight
I've seen liberal reporters refer to his height and mock him for it on a regular basis, they don't need any help.
Based. The blood is on your fucking hands you leftist cunts.
exactly, that's his weakness, I'm just saying it would be better if he were taller
Speaking about this Abu fellow...
It's not a weakness. The guy is a public speaker and an activist, not a prize fighter.
By joining in with their insults you are legitimizing them.
You should be revising for your A-Levels user
>fashy haircut and Stone Island
is he a homo
fuck that I have an Unconditional
> unconditional
> before getting A-levels
either shit uni or shit degree
do better ffs
>4 terrorists attack last week in france
there was "only" two
Check 'em, and watch the video
Film Production, not telling the uni, you'll lurk me
not that guy but
>film production
> being a smug cunt for getting an unconditional film production offer
cos you're not gonna regret that decision for life. Do well on your A-levels, take a year out and pick something better
>Film Production
yes, hes /ourfag/
CAN'T afford a year off, hedging my bets on film and I'm not picking anything else
Caolan Robertson is almost offensively effete.
When you realise you fucked up remember these comments and remember me, this britbong, saying i told you so
>Are gays finally realising
Most gays I know think Islam is retarded, the lefty ones were all converted after Orlando
I'm not sure who you've been talking to but I would say that more gays are anti-islam than your average joe on the street for obvious reasons (pakis are the ones that give us bad looks for holding hands in public etc)
t.faglord with a qt bf
if you are truly smart about your future, get a STEM degree. All other degrees are shit-tier
> cant afford a year off
get a job and pay rent? Its what I did
> hedging my bets on film
Youre shit at betting. Off the top of my head Ill give you some degrees which most tards (you) can get into and get a job: accountancy, civil engineering, finance, computer science. You are quite clearly not good enough for medicine, law and higher engineering at top unis.
Listen to this dude, I did 1 year of Game Development at uni before I realised how much of a meme it was. Luckily it was before tuition went up, plus I got a few grants so I'm not being fucked in the ass with debt right now.
Do something useful. Learn to make films as a hobby, all the information you need is on the internet.
Fuck off with that shit
study a language alongside at least
then you will have an actual skill after you leave
I really don't fucking care, if I fail at this, I'll just go join the army or something and step on an IED
>accountancy, civil engineering, finance, computer science
yawn, my father made the mistake of going for fiance, he's now an alcoholic living in his parents home
>study a language
I failed GCSE French, after 5 years of learning that retarded language I can only count to 10
this, he's a flaming faggot who can't speak either. You shouldn't say fuck that many times if you're a reporter for fucksake.
This is true.
fuck off back to the donald
What's so bad about Lutton? Is it just the brown demographic?
Tommy just needs to give him a good bumming
that'll sort him out
the labour supporter of tomorrow ladies and gentlemen
>film production
do an actual degree you faggot
The fuck is wrong with people, I mean that seriously. Muslims are invading and killing off everyone and all these cucks do is try and shift the blame? Fuck all muslims, send all the fucking rag heads back
Good shit! Thanks for sharing
that looks like a fucking badass bmx park
>labour supporter
I'd rather chop my knob off
>just the brown demographic
Oh yea just the problem
Luton, its 20 km north of London
I'll just assume it doesn't look like Syria, or Detroit.
> of tomorrow
You'll reach 25 with fuck all to show for it other than debt and a 'degree' in 'film studies' and blame everyone else except yourself.
> yawn
Youre a fucking joke looking down on people that do degrees that will actually get them a job
try an hour, posiibly more with the traffic
You and your bf need to be thrown off a building
based, he's controlled opposition you massive faggot
Disgusting degenerate
wasn't looking down on anyone you mad manlet, and I'm gonna be the next Peter Rodgers
they're right. it's not called "the insane brown man's state," it's called the "Islamic state."
He was already in London filming with Rebel Media.
Watch this from the weekend:
you'll be the next Peter Rodgers son thats for sure
Yeah pretty much, Bury Park is pretty much sharia run now. The majority of the Luton council is Muslim, it's got to the point where there are so many in Luton they can vote their own people in with a majority.
The high school I went to was 70% white (at a guess) that was 10 years ago. I drove passed it the other day and it was all Muslim.
This place is fucked.
Tommy Robinson is a fucking faggot sodomite degenerate, no better than the muslamic boy touchers.
Okay Pablo. Shouldn't you be mowing someone's lawn?
do maths, you dumb bastard
Mow my hairy has, white faggot. I bet you'd like that, degenerate pillow-bitter.
i don't know if you're being serious.
Milo 2.0
They had to build a new one
This is fucking insanity.
>You're a racist. You're a racist. You're a racist. You're a racist. You're a racist. You're a racist. You're a racist. You're a racist. You're a racist. You're a racist. Nazi scum! Nazi scum! Nazi scum! Nazi scum! Nazi scum! Nazi scum! Nazi scum! Islamophobe! Islamophobe! Islamophobe! Islamophobe! Islamophobe!
He's Scottish. Edinburgh by the accent.
It's just not very thick to me, like he's half American or some shit.
>9 billion pounds spent watching Muslims
>50,000 British Muslims downloaded Isis magazine in a year
Are these facts real? That sounds fucking terrible.
I don't pay you 1$ an hour to shit post Juan, now get the fuck back to my lawn
I think its aleays safe to assume more , given (((their))) history of honest reporting
that was powerful, can someone please cut that video to start @ .50 so the faggy rebel media dude is no longer part of this empowering discourse?
thx in advanced :^D