/RISK/ - Shit Edition



Die faggot

>Der Ewige Anglo
>Island in the center south

Homless hordes
Western continnent

Island in the middle
light blue
Business Degree

nigger land
brown (or alything else)
top left panhandle with a +2 at the end

Just need 1 more


Any color, any where, any name. Surprise me OP

Any color
Al Qaeda
Put me anywhere

Bektash's Labëria
Dark Green

International Brigade

Mupdate go

be more specific and I'll let you roll this turn


Fill island

south east

Why are risk threats allowed on pol

beeline south and get those +1 and +2's to my south east (in that bay).

fixing name, check my ID

go back to cuckposting fuckface, theres 20 threads about the terror attack, leave us be REEEEEEEE

Fill my region


other board delete it, Sup Forums is full of shit and no ID's (samefagging, even though you have tripcodes). rick is technically a political simulation (allies, nap, diplomacy).

just start me in the land in the southeast

fill my territory

switch to any other colour thats free

it's a geopolitical simulation that only autists like ourselves can understand

i'm sure the CIA super computers logging the algorithim on how we play appreciate it

it's more "political" than 90% of Sup Forums threads, thats for sure

fixing bonus

Any color
Pink area


Please keep your bonuses updated or I wont count them, if you lie about your bonus I wont count it either for that turn.

Please note the rules on not being able to cross water and thicker black lines.

If it has been longer than 10 minutes since the last mupdate, I will post when it is ready, no waiting for posts past the 10 minute mark.

take bothe +1, spill to +2

expand on the east side of the river

go north and get those two cities that are worth +2 and +1
spill to through that little corridor my south

5D palindrome boyyys!

Did you miss me here:
I can't tell if one of the added places are me or not. New name texts are too low quality and small for me to read.

Lmk if i was added, please.

If I was, expand.

If not, please add me in the far, far west amd expand.

Fill coast to nearest cities

wait that might be crazy
>11 7818781
it's a pretty nice lookin' number, don't you agree?

sorry added

wait op why is there a niggerland in the east? just wondering

Np, I came in last before the mupdate. No way to know a random player coming in.

Thanks, OP

fucc thats kekistan, thanks for telling me

>not even geographically related to the real world
the reason we let this stupid game play on this board is because it usually is in the realm of history, which is related to politics. this is not even based on a real location

gunna bump that 10 minute rule up to 15, need more rolls than this.

it's a political simulation, honey. new maps means you have to think in new ways. we play Europe almost every dang day here, and we tend to start of in the same places for the same reasons (bonuses). new/rare maps = think more
see this
and this

fucking wew lads

tell people here to join this thread
OP died over there

take the +3 to my left, and move south and fill that whole region

I really like palis today

Continue expanding towards and into pink.

3d pali

Expand to get all the +s

take +1, spill+2

puppy pack
blue put me in the north

Fingolian Empire
Start in the north

you can roll :^)

more spill defend, fill

Change color to cyan.
Also, I roll for bonuses

Serbian Republic of Milutin
In the middle of the map


the middle of the map is taken?

All three players are inactive on Island in the middle.

If anyone wants to pick one to takeover, I will erase the other 2.
Unless they come back this turn that is.

Fill this are in general and gtab more bonuses

to the east of me are a bunch of +1's and +2's. i'd like to expand towards them and take 'em if I can

I'm open to any alliances or NAP's

fight back orange


I meant somewhere here
Roll to expand north

You didn't count my 3d pali here I am owed 10 territories

Continue into pink

Go for the +5 to the north

isn't it past your bedtime or something?

Fixing my bonus

not sure if i need the whole circle for that bonus
go for the +1 to the bottom left of me

nvm I see he got doobz

Nigger what

it's 9:41
very late time to be awake, my ghetto curfew is at 6

there are no +5's
north of you is a +1

9:50 here. Nah. I'm just about to have dinner.

dinner that late? usually have mine at 7 or 8

Is it a +3 then? In the box



No takers for the island monkeys, seriously?! They get the best bonus for filling!

yes thats a +3

Yeah, its in different times.

Continue into pink

counter attack

Fill the circle and get the bonus. Then get the boat. Spills go to filling this area

secure the top 2 bonuses

The +3 bonus

keep filling bonuses in my area until my red region ends. if 've done that, spill south in the neon green region and fill it

Stalemate. :/

Expand forward.



look at wojak's face on the first mupdate and look at it now


Get the +2 I'm super close to to the east of my land

Attack green to my east and take his +2s

Spill that general area

leave me to my northern square and i wont bother your region

then fill the west side of the river

Good catch lol

no redirecting

Yea, it's all yours. NAP?


Added in trip


counter attack