Why are so many women getting plastic surgery now adays?

Why are so many women getting plastic surgery now adays?

Breast implants, ass implants etc, is it a sign of a decaying culture with no morals?

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Men would if they could as well. Sadly you can't improve your height or frame through surgery.

Because of the porn industry.

Men want what they see in porn, and all they see is half rubber half makeup shaved woman who scream and squirt after every touch

Why are so many OP's faggots now adays? Is it because men are becoming progressively more beta, or is this OP just fagging it up for everyone?


It's because they teach about Evolution and the Big Bang in school. We all knew this day would come.

Women through sexual liberalisation, now have nothing left to offer except from their bodies

>daddy I wanna look like a grotesque brown pear and suck nigger dicks like the cool american celebrities of TV

what do?


What's immoral about enhancing your appearance?

Low self-worth, and self esteem.

They have no concept of who they are, and they define themselves via their image, or through celebrities.

People think big fake tits > a personality or intelligence.

All of the people that are put on a pedestal in society are fake, so why wouldn't people who lack a strong self image not imitate their falsehoods?

I'm no fan of fake tits. Especially if they were done before pregnancy, then they get completely fucked up.

>Why are so many women getting plastic surgery now adays?
>decaying culture with no morals
You answered your own question.

Shoot yourself for being a failed parent.

Those jugs are fucking massive godamn

>>Why are so many women getting plastic surgery now adays?
>>decaying culture with no morals
Just look at USA and South Korea.

Based Varg has the answer to that one.

dont forget roastie surgery


>. Between 2014 and 2015, there was an 80% increase in the number of girls 18 and younger receiving genital plastic surgery, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
> More than 8,000 teen girls received augmentation breast surgery in 2014, nearly double the number from just four years earlier, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

>Over 70% of girls ages 12-20 now waxing or shaving their pubic hair—a phenomenon attributed largely to porn, where female genitals are hairless

>one in three girls ages 15-18 have given oral sex to avoid having intercourse, and as many as 70% of girls fake orgasms.

>As if girls didn’t have enough to be self-critical about— a study last year found that 80% of girls have dieted by age 8— they can now add female genitals to the list. “It used to be there were parts of girls’ bodies that were not exposed to public opinion,” Nagoski says. “There’s hardly any body part left that girls are allowed to be not critical of.”

gotta practice for brain implants

>implying they didn't do that naturally through sheer power of will

>Breast implants, ass implants etc, is it a sign of a decaying culture with no morals?
It has nothing to do with morality or the "decay" of culture. It's a sign of people's perception of beauty being fucked. It's a mental health issue. And most of it is learned behavior.

They are trying to hide their genetic deficiencies.

Silicone breasts don't even look good. Why do they waste money on that?

I would love to nut between those they look great

Who cares just post more pics.


Men don't want nigger-fucking bimbos but women still imitate porn

Fakies don't count.


Sup Forums, if you had a small dick and there was a surgery to increase its size up to 10 inches, would you go for it?

No we wouldn't. The amount of pressure being put on men through imagery is equal to that being put onto women. Yet you don't see men complaining about being bombarded with images of 11/10 males all the time. Strength comes through merit; men know this, most women do not.

Women have figured out their worth is directly tied to their attractiveness. Imagine if you could get a surgery that made your net worth go up $50k. You would do it.

what do her nipples even look like, jesus christ did she get silicone in those too to match?

That's mostly because of the amount of guys fucking them though.

A fwb I had a few years ago now (she was 24 at the time) had a horrible vagina; I later learned it was because her lay count was at least 100 by the time she got to me. She had to have plastic surgery down there because her meat flaps drooped so much that it actually hurt her wearing tight trousers.

Long story short, I didn't contact her again after hearing of her lay count during the 'why I'm having my vagina remodelled' conversation.

Not all women get implants, just the useless whores that fuck their way to fame.
Vanity is all they have because they are toxic people. Just look at what happened to Madonna.
Ignore celebrities. They crave attention.

No. 9+ inches is a meme. Those of us who have felt vaginas know they're about 4-5 inches deep usually.

Men's version of plastic surgery is steroids.

I suppose I could lose a couple of inches and go down to 10, without it bothering me too much.

>Sadly you can't improve your height

you can but they have to surgically break your legs and let them repair with added bone or metal or something and for the rest of your life you can't do heavy lifting/jumping/etc or your legs might shatter

or so I've heard people say on Sup Forums and /fit/

Yet most people disrespect smart and capable men by virtue of their stature. Merit is only worth something to those who can see and appreciate it.

Because most women are whores, attention whores and have low-esteem.

Again, no they don't. Second part rings true though.

she has tattoos around her areolas to make them look like hearts, also big fat nipples

Is it or does this shit look fake as hell? Look at how the breast does an abrupt stop.

nah it looks weird because shes leaning forward in the full picture throws off how it should look

There's someone on twitter and leddit claiming to be this girl, but the pictures look shooped.
