Now authorities are saying it's a (((lone wolf))) and trying to create confusion about the identity of the single attacker so people will focus on that.
Not only that, but suddenly news about the wiretapping is being pushed by certain conservative news sources. Which most people already knew was happening. Watch all the distraction narratives that pop up as they try to get the public's attention off of this attack.
All a distraction to keep people from noticing how the lone wolf narrative is being pushed. They don't want the public wondering if there are more terrorists around London.
Michael Nelson
Bump, mudslimes get out REEEEEEEEEE
Ethan King
Fucking unreal sliding have another bump OP
Caleb Ross
Could be that there are two attackers and that the police are saying that there's only one in an attempt to get the other one out of hiding The police do do that sometimes
Landon James
They're saying the mudslime everyone thought it was at first is still in jail.
Luke Flores
The EU and American police have a history of claiming that there is only one attacker in terror incidents after multiple reports from eyewitnesses say there were multiple assailants.
Also notice how the media is making everything about the identity of the one attacker to distract the public.
You should be wondering why they are making it all about that guy when eyewitness testimony is conflicting with what the police are saying
Brody Gray
I was hoping for a better show of sliding.
Colton Ramirez
They do this because they only have the one in custody. The 2 in the bridge car hopped out and got lost in the crowd. Plebs are naturally very fearful so its better to make them think all is well.
It doesn't draw the perps out of hiding they're probably already on a plane to Pakistan but it helps maintain stability.
Oliver Reed
Interesting how the police are still conducting operations when there was supposedly only one attacker.
The escaped suspects are still at large, your police are continuing to conduct operations
James Gomez
Didn't they shoot one? The narrative makes no sense right now
Thomas Bell
This is exactly what Sup Forums said about the mosque shooting and you fucks called us tin foil hatters.
Ryan Hernandez
Exactly its likely far too late now though these fuckers would have had passports and flights prearranged, they were only 30 minutes or so from heathrow and are likely arriving in asia as we speak.
Austin Bailey
Never even thought of that, Khan probably has them on a fast track out of the area right now.
Jason Mitchell
The police shot the guy that went ham in Westminster, the bridge was 2 completely different guys, not even sure that they were related or just coincidental.
James Jones
It was the bad white man who did it Miss and then he ran away
Benjamin Martin
At first they were reported as separate attacks. Now they're saying it's just one. Either way witnesses saw two in the car and two at Parliament. Also seeing reports that people heard explosions when the whole thing started.
Who exactly do they have in custody?
Carson Brown
how much of this is terrorism and how much of it is just muslims being bad at driving.
Jace Sullivan
Bumpin again
Dominic Lee
There are two types of muslims, those that converted and those that didn't, the guy that stormed parliament was likely a convert, tricked into dying for some pointless suicide attack on parliament which helped create enough panic for them to run down 20+ people in a 4x4 and get away with it.
Most muslims will not die for Islam.
I got a feeling that the death toll will rise over the next 24 hours the injuries were reported as very severe. Of course they the MSM won't announce them as they happen they'll try to stretch out the tragedy for as long as they can, when people stop giving a fuck they'll announce another casualty.
On another note, when attacks in Paris happened The Eiffel tower, the Brandenburg gate and they eye/Westminster were lit up in the French Tri colour, likewise when that Christmas carmagedon happened in Germany the same was done. I've got a feeling that neither of these nations will reciprocate this now.
Jason Garcia
>text while driving >accidentally drive up on sidewalk, killing several people >oh shit >realize I'm gonna go to jail >fuck it, might as well stab some people and go down as a martyr for islam
makes sense
Jaxson Bell
same exact thing that happened in the Quebec mosque shooting.
Christopher Price
That's where you are mistaken. Most of the Muslims in your country are immigrants, especially in the London area. They will absolutely die for their religion and many of them want a Caliphate in London.
Good to see that people are noticing the similarities
Carson Nguyen
Dont takbir and drive, folks
Jayden Moore
By they you mean Satan? The guy that was shot died like 20 minutes after the cop passed away so no one is in custody, I got a feeling the police had a very stern chat with him at the hospital - if you catch my drift. That person was the stab happy parliament attacker, he got through the front gate but didn't get into the building, he was shot down on the driveway.
The two in the 4x4 running peds down got away, do not believe the MSM they are at large but its likely far to late to catch the swine. They likely had every intent to drop into the metro among the crowd straight to the airport and home, knowing that a willing idiot was attacking parliament they knew that the chaos would afford them cover and served as a distraction.
The police wouldn't want to admit that two men that ran down 20 got away with it because they were to busy focused on protecting the landed gentry in the palace fortress 100 meters away, it looks sloppy.
Ryan Wood
It may be 2 or 3 lone wolves working together
Blake Lee
Nah mate not at all. Most of them are homegrown the terrorist attacks are generally always done by someone with a British accent.
Colton Young
A ransom video has been released by the second driver
Carson Ward
Police were swarming the met just a few minutes ago so you are like right about that. Utterly sloppy and sounding exactly like the coverup in Canada. They can't admit how shit they were at handling the situation.
Isaiah Brooks
>same exact thing that happened in the Quebec mosque shooting.
Jayden Turner
>trying to make Muslims look bad
Muslims do a good enough job of that themselves
Joseph Edwards
When they kick off Safar we'll see how many of the "actual" Muslims decide to stand by and not join in.
Best to move into the financial district, I'm sure everything will work out for the people living there, kek.
Adam Hernandez
> cover-up > I have a secret plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days.
Kevin Brooks
I think the only 'proof' of that is his wiki article though He should've been serving 2 year yes. You can't tell me the UK hasn't been leniant before in the past when it comes to muzzies
Justin Harris
This is what I loathe about conspiracy theorists. The assume that the govenment or the media are these super competent entities capable of wipespread coverups.
Haven't you dipshits learned over the past 2 years with the election cycle, journalists are some of the most incompetent people out there and get shit wrong constantly and will often run stories with little to no fact checking in order to be "first to the story"
Dylan Reyes
Benjamin Murphy
Want to know how I can tell you didn't actually read the plan?
Grayson Carter
Australia shouldn't you be more worried about China turning you into their little bitch?
Nathaniel Torres
Yeah, because it's totally not reasonable to believe that 'deep state' organizations like the CIA, Interpol, MI6, et all, are capable of causing false flag events in order move governments in certain directions.
Alexander Williams
inb4 he was out on "good conduct"
Jaxson Perez
Don't get me wrong the homegrown ones are born muslims, they're 3rd gens. Its like every worldstar fight, 2 alphas start fighting then every nog and their women join in to kick the shit out of the loser.
Lincoln Carter
>This is what I loathe about conspiracy theorists. The assume If legit, non derail. So you hate the best part of conspiracy theories. The lens that exposes detail.
Assume it was aliens who done it. Now go look for evidence, even circumstantial evidence. You'd be amazed at what that lens allows you to see. >assume it was mormons, look for detail >assume it was x, look for relevant details
Doesn't matter if the underlying assumption/theory is true or false. The lens shows details you would completely miss otherwise. It's called exploration of ideas.
I loathe those who dismiss or accept something as a fact, without facts. >what you are doing, so get off the high horse
Grayson Cox
ISIS is getting hit hard
Tyler Martin
Jesus Christ I just heard quintessentially briish mayor Khan talking about the incident on TV
>"pls remain calm, I assure you that London remains one of the safest cities in the world" >"London is the greatest city in the world"
Dominic Morales
with enough work diverting the media and general coverups is not a hard task
surely with your time on Sup Forums you should have already learned what can and cannot be done, along with with who are the shitposters, newfags, shills or genuine Sup Forumsacks - same applies to real media
if it's a possibility then it can be done, don't be quick to dismiss things
Bentley Bailey
>this is your reality now goys >learn to live with terrorism
He knows exactly who the attackers are
Julian Foster
> ISIS is getting hit hard Oh, yeah. I guess that's why we keep having all these """""happenings""""" all across Europe ?
Colton King
Notice no shills in this thread that want to bump this.
The left needs to hang.
Jacob Fisher
The "bald white man" was his MI5 handler.
Ryan Edwards
that dude looks like a smug pepe, rare there isn't a version of it
Gavin Howard
Death Grips!?
Bentley Rodriguez
All the reporters creating confusion about the real ID of the (((lone wolf))) work for the (((BBC)))
Trying to distract people from the actual attack
David Robinson
haha nice
David Cox
Walked around Westminster for a couple of hours earlier. Nothing interesting was really happening, just lots of police and media everywhere and the area around Westminster Bridge cordoned off. At one point a policeman on a motorbike pulled up alongside a van and started shouting at him to stop immediately, but nothing came of it. Not sure why he wanted it to stop.
Joshua Rogers
Nothing to see here.
Jason Jackson
Liam Collins
who said it was ISIS terrorism does not always equal ISIS
Hunter Martinez
wrong. when shit went down in munich they said there could be multiple other shooters for hours unless they were certain there werent. It would be really irresponsible for them to say everything good now, we got the baddie and then all of the sudden the other sandnigger pops up again and starts killing people again
Christopher Cruz
That genuinely gave me a chuckle.
Jayden Watson
Remember there were two knifes besides the death attacant
Levi Hall
Drumpfags BTFO
Luke Bell
Holy tap dancing christ batman I just started a #BanIslam hashtag and it's taking off Sup Forums should join in.
Nathaniel Hill
Or they did catch them and have not told the public because they have them in a special prison were prisoners get special treatment.
Jose Jones
The most recent public shootings were first reported but soon after they told us it was a lone white wolf
Adrian Robinson
witness accounts are SHIT evidence
Lincoln Bennett
Ah yes, better wait for the authorities to tell us how to think
Dominic Cox
go prep your wife's immigrant bull
Andrew Lewis
So what is the news, was the attacker really white? Is this a big hit on our conquest to defeat Islamic terrorism? If the attacker is white, that gives war on Islam less credibility.
Logan Foster
Michael Sanders
Oh my God, my ID.
Michael Campbell
Jaxson Miller
have richard gutjahr and his ugly af mossad wife rita katz already tweeted their pictures after being coincidentally visiting nearby?
Carson Ross
People legitimately BELIEVED that Sweden had 0 terror attacks while they were having a Grenade Attack every other week for the last 2 years, and that's not counting every rape and murder that didn't involve a grenade.
Ryan Long
I wonder who could be behind this attack
Adrian Roberts
>they expect one of us in the crash
Owen Edwards
Andrew Garcia
So a few hours ago Some CIA Cluck was telling everyone that the attacker was a white nazi.
His real picture really makes you think.
5 eyes needs to stop watching Trump and do their fucking job.
Having spent some time at a British jail I can say that such a facility would be surplus to requirement.
Also waterboarding goes to show how cucked the west is, I in essence waterboard myself every fucking morning in the shower to clear my sinuses, its unpleasant but its better than looking like a toddler with a running nose for the rest of the day.
The British are more about the efficiency of favorable psychology. We was able to run India and the rest of the empire by the illusion of power, each bong was in charge of something around 1 million panjeets. We learnt about the power of illusion
The two that got away have gotten away but the British government would never admit to such a farce. In the middle of the city with the most CCTV 2 goat fucking inbred morons in a range rover were able to run 20+ people including children/teens including foreign nationals and get away scot free and unscathed. It would be unacceptable. it would be like a -20 to prestige EU4 event.
An alternative would be to frame 2 troublesome hate preachers that had nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if the same 2 actual perps attack again because it could easily be claimed that it was a copy cat attack by completely different pair of subhumans. Never let a good tragedy go to waste etc.
Jaxson Robinson
Name, blame, and shame eh.
Its possible, though if it were the Israelite's I'd expect triple figure casualties.
Mason Richardson
Don't need any false flags for that.
Jaxon Williams
As always its continental Europe that is to blame. Not by malicious intent but by ignorance fueled by arrogance.
Evan Lewis
Joseph Jenkins
it was rubin carter, it was rubin carter!
Jace Howard
no need for the high casualty count when this type of stuff happens every few months
Mason Long
i found busgirl's facebook
Chase Wright
America - of course everything is a fucking false flag / coverup / staged according to americans - GTFO
Mason Powell
How do we know he was a real muslim? I mean even if he was muslim, how do we know? Besides, not all muslim are terrorist.