The left cant keep up with this level of meme propoganda

No matter how many billions they invest, we have the divine spark.

Some things money cant buy.

Other urls found in this thread:

fresh and spicy.


probably mapping out the next attack on that phone

Spread it far and wide



She knows that she won't be targeted. It's sickening.

What's this new meme?



Uncaring Muslim Bitch



Wow you shitting me? Seriously FUCK muslims, what a bunch of fucking fags

Don't ask



>her eyes
You JUST know


Wew lad



Yeah lad. What a photo. Says it all really?

make some holocaust ones for the Jews and Normies


>>her eyes
>You JUST know



Updated version

>tfw you played too much Lemmings the past few days

Fuck whites and asians as well, right?


No, fuck Muslims you fucking faggot, go neck yourself

Do you have the full pic of that scandinavian nuclear family?

I personally like the original

She knows that everyone hates her.

Fucking islamophobes. Screencap this: Anglos will start another world war!


Just spread the original, a picture says more than a 1000 words.




Exactly. I got pretty triggered when I saw that. Another user made an excellent edit here

>Breaking Previously Unreleased picture from when Germans passed the Maginot Line in 1940

Nah, because I remember the empirical evidence that muslims really do feel less empathy and they have little to no empathy for whites even when living in their country. Why should she care? That's just the nature of multicultural nation.

Hopefully we're in the same trenches this time Hans

that was a fake targeted on Sup Forums, dumbasses

Not for much longer.

Great edit!
Except the guy trying to help on the 'us' section is responsible for UK's anti-terrorism policy. So he's even more guilty of what happened then the mozz bitch.


Crispy meme right there my man

What's the difference between the three pictures? White, Asian, and Muslim all doing the same thing but you're only mad about one. Are you just a hypocrite?

Fuck off
These Muslims are scum. If my fellows started doing shit to the country that so graciously took me in I would rush to help the natives, not casually shrug it off with a "fuck whitey"

The "white" looks like a fair skinned arab to me. Does not have white facial features at all.



Other anons seem to like it too, should spread it, along with maybe this one too

Fill me in on this meme, thanks. I dont get it.


Shoop this cunt next to sadiq khan
refugees welcome and dead white people for maximum usability

Is it time to bring back this meme?

The difference is you need to take your faggot muslim sympathizing somewhere else

What a piece of scum
Trying to save face like that while he was the one who ultimately killed them with his legislation

Is everyone on this board autistic? She obviously has an expression of grief on her face. These memes don't work because she looks concerned.


>nice attack

Fuck you!



A Muslim starts shooting and this hijab cunt just walks by uncaring and staring at her phone.


That's how I see it too but I know better than to argue with Sup Forums about the minutiae


> Is everyone on this board autistic?

Do you even need to ask this question?


She looks smug.

She is so concerned that she is calmly walking away while texting on her phone.

Fuck off sharia blue.

She's more preoccupied with her goddamn phone than the white British natives her fellow Muslim shot down.
Fuck Muslims

I cannot wait for the butthurt articles about this image.

So you are a hypocrite then. You pick and choose what you want to be mad about to suit your narrative. Got it.

Why is a gook living in England, anyway?



eh. she really doesnt. she looks like shes holding her head like "oh my god" and texting one of her friends about it

I agree shes uncaring but its hard to see if you dont already hate them


Ha! Nice!!!!!!!!

Like these two?

Just looks like shes looking at her phone to me, but at the same time there were loads of people walking past she wasn't the only one.

Also what do you guys expect her to do the guy already had 5 people helping him.

>obviously has an expression of grief

More like disgust honestly. Maybe some shock mixed in. Are you sure you're not autistic yourself?



Why are you only mad about one of three people doing the same thing though? Bias?


This muslima will be the latest front in the memetic war-- how on earth can they keep up with us?

maybe shes texting or calling someone cause she is worried about what happend.

incase you need a hopping muslim for memes

And you're a faggot libcuck. Got it. Take your gay shit somewhere else

I can guarantee that this woman is going to be interviewed by a major news organisation as an example of how bigoted rightwing extremists use terrorism as an excuse to attack and blame innocent muslimes.

Can I get a quick rundown?

>t.damage control

Thank You user.

And these two?