' 4.9k shares Jewish man arrested after spray painting swastikas on his own home'
memes are real
Old news but bump for awareness.
Can i get an explanation as to why they would do this?
Non-meme answer please.
Self victimization. They operate best when they can claim they are the victim.
>I am being victimized!!! Its the racist Drumpf and his army of online Nazi!!!!
To protect their eternal victim status and further discredit those against them
Literally why else?
Woe is me a Jew and this new nazi regime is targeting us! We must impeach and resist! Also the hokocaust!
>racist nazis are evil!
>don't actually exist
>fake attack to prove they exist
He's so red pilled on the JQ that he hates himself and all his fellow hooked nosed Schlomos
But if they actually believed that then why would they feel the need to do stuff like this
because shlomo shekelstein is a fucking parasitic piece of shit. without playing the eternal victim and screaming about muh 6 gorillion no one listens to them.
hey rabbi...
posting rare kike memes
They're milking society for everything they can. They know how to play the game. They created it.
False flag. Same reason someone might commit insurance fraud by burning down their failing business.
These days you WANT to be a victim
Also the thing is why would Nazi spray swastika on Jewish home? Nazi would have sprayed Jewish star or something, like they actually did in Germany
Because Jews know that once gentiles stop seeing them as victims we'll realize that they are the ones controlling us.
Good point
lol @ this edit
Does any user here have a collage of such occurrences? They must be in dozens by now. Would make for a funny redpill.
Oh look they are at it again.
fucking hell
I am starting to believe that every single Swastika that has been reported on in the news is 90% rabbis
I use to have a whole collection of links and stories about this stuff going back and starting from 2010/2011 or so. Have since lost them or deleted them thinking the stuff wouldn't be needed by me. Crap!