Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,
Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.
The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.
This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.
Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:
>Implying it's because of decline in atheism and not massive increase in population in developing countries which are generally more religious on average
Carter Howard
You know, that there will still be hardcore atheists? There are also people that don't admit to being atheists. We aren't living in the ancient times and everybody can choose their own religion.
Julian Wright
Nice assertion.
Lincoln White
Please post original story. What religion were these people?
Owen Hill
Can't you read faggot?
Dominic Sanders
>atheism is the fastest shrinking religion... >religion >religio >religi >relig >reli >rel >re >r > stopped reading. you're a dumbshit.
Liam Davis
Christianity prospered because Emperor Justinian grow tired of the shit the petty early christian squabbles and reformed that mythology and lithurgy into a tool for stabilizing his power in the first nicean synod. Learn your fucking history. The collapse of global civilization brings with itself the resurgance of authocratic methods and lines of thought. Barbarians dancing around fires kindled on books they don't understand.
Oliver Edwards
atheists are either, redit/tumbler libtards or oldfags both ultra cancerous
Jaxson Parker
This. Atheism is the LACK of religion.
Austin Ross
True that, there's nothing like his humble high holiness himself just oozing charity and ascetic values on his golden throne in his walled city state/castle.
Aaron James
barbarianism and tribalism are way better than (((civilization)))
im not a fan of kristian vikernes btw.
Kayden Lee
Actually atheism is being 100% sure that any god doesn't exist.
William Murphy
There is nothing more blue pilled than the modern atheist.
Look, they're basically Jews.
Jordan Smith
Isn't that what I said, Slav?
Christian Carter
Took long enough. Anyone with a fucking brain can tell there's more to the world than physical processes.
You can't even explain your own consciousness by natural processes.
Michael Rogers
Gnostic atheism (I know there is no god) is distinct from Agnostic atheism (I don't know if there is a god or not, but I lack active belief in any), the latter being what most people mean when they call themselves "atheist".
Benjamin Jackson
Alright, my bad sorry
Jayden Butler
>all the christards ITT falling for a shoop
Cooper Howard
Be honest, OP.
Parker Watson
Better for the individual, certainly, however, civilization trumps individuality as a greater adaptive system, just as multicellular life-forms can inhabit much more resource rich niches than single-cell creatures.
Wyatt Cook
This Christcuck polack makes this thread 10 times a day.
Michael Murphy
Isn't Atheism the easiest religion to troll though?
Tyler Carter
Meh, would've voted for Trump.
I'm not going to deal with any religions, here we have the muzzos that rape and maim, then there's the cuck churches that grant asylum for them in their hostels. Then there's the local "multi-culti" multicultural youth area in our local mall, where niggers will lead young kids that go there, to the nigger-houses, get them wasted and rape them.
Thanks, there is no god, I will not support this shit, we need to gas the fanatics and make this land the glorious Finland it once was.
Logan Russell
>atheist faggots being this desperate for validation
Ryan Kelly
i can understand agnostic atheism from a sociological and personal perspective, although i dont like it,
but gnostic atheism is a cult, no better than jehowahs witnesses or scientologists
Jaxon Hughes
Luke Wood
>Fox new is pushing this shit.
Cooper Roberts
Scientologists probably get madder, but then they sue you.
Joseph Barnes
atheism isn't a religion
Jacob Howard
>better for the individual i agree, however better of the collective needs to go before better of the individual, only a libtard would thing otherwise
Joseph Thomas
How's it going, mountain nigger?
Have you ever been to Everest?
Nathaniel Richardson
Theist here, if Christianity ever became illegal I would convert to it on the spot. Down with the establishment!
Joseph Thompson
Heres the future for Christians
Jackson Davis
Julian Ortiz
Modern day Crusader
Lincoln Brown
Validation? We're saying that Christians are just as cucked as everyone else.
Kevin Wood
> Atheism Why call yourself something. Why not just say, I don't care..?
Michael Reyes
(any)Religion limits free will
Isaiah Clark
>what is philosophy >waht is traditionalist catholicism >waht is buddhism >what is hinduism >what is sufi islam >what is orthodox christianity educate yourself please to get out of your thought bubble
>all christians are like the cucked proddie denominations kys fedora man
Jordan Thompson
It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.
For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.
But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.
And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.
Aiden Barnes
Joseph Lopez
>but gnostic atheism is a cult
True when it's discussed by Dawkins tier "neodarwinists", he's a brilliant evolutionary biologist but a very poor philosopher.
But in my experience a tiny minority of "atheists" would actually go so far as to claim Gnostic knowledge of the nonexistence of any higher power or structure to reality, just that they don't have faith in any world religions.
Aiden Hill
This is the worst Sup Forums meme
Aiden Campbell
Samuel Anderson
Bet you wouldn't go into atheist church and say that, it's all these fedoras have.
>all christians are like the cucked proddie denominations HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Hunter Parker
John Cook
Jayden Garcia
Jayden Ward
Thomas Hill
> THEY SAID CHRISTIANS ARE KEKED!!! >I will show them!! >Start posting Fedora memes like a autist You Christcucks really are sad.
Jace Diaz
Zachary Walker
>implying pope francis is any better than proddies
Nathaniel Williams
Adam Flores
Man, I just had an idea. Imagine if it was Islam that was growing in China and not Christianity. The world would be fucking doomed.
Christian Watson
totally wose than posting image of a same random family again and again hoping for easy trollz this is at lease fun and creative
Connor King
there is no 'collective', as agrarian societies (since the invention of agriculture) are inherently hierarchical - the means of creating, storing and distributing food are separated, property and debt are used to fix or increase the difference of influence between individuals - from roughly equal tribe members humans became slaves and masters. there is no equality, thus, the 'common good' is always skewed in the favor of the wealthy
Angel Smith
Hes just the head of the largest Christian denomination in the world No big deal, r-right?
Launch the 2nd crusade and i will be baptized again as a Catholic. until then, I will continue to berate your faith.
Xavier Gutierrez
Jehovah's witnesses are not a cult
Kevin Robinson
Liberals are dying and not having kids?
Who would have guessed?
Owen Cox
God bless you Poland. Stay strong.
Owen Phillips
if there is no "collective" there is no "agrarian" either
>implying that inequality of wealth means the same in tribal societies as it does today >the farmer has 3 fish and shaman has 5 fish, it means its not a collective because differentiation has gone too far lol
Tyler Harris
She turned into a man now?
Christopher Rogers
Extreme evangelism as well as traditionally isolationist and strong family values do tend to go hand in hand towards creating that culty vibe
Jose Hughes
>need violence to be baptized you saxons didnt change a bit since charlemagne
Henry Clark
Photoshopping fake news ... sad
Levi Hughes
Atheism is not shrinking, it's simply not growing at the same rate as the others.
The religious are often having many, many children, so that's to be expected.
David Wright
Make Europe Pagan Again Who is to deny we are privileged because we used to have the right ways? Time to be right again.
John Anderson
it is now.
Kevin Harris
Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda. It is a construct made up by Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment academia that has almost fucking nothing in common with what even ancient Greeks, never mind practicers of paganisms from which very little survived to our day, like that of the Norse, actually believed. It was made up to seem anything more than a collection of bloody and incosistent superstitions specifically to undermine Christianity.
Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism. A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity. Hinduism also was not very successful at teaching people to poo in loo of course.
Ayden Garcia
I'm no longer an atheist because I believe in God. However, I do not associate with any church because the relationship with God is between the downstream thread (me) and the upstream delta (God). As you take so much glee pointing out that Atheists are 'losing' (what's the game again?) I will also point out that merely answering "I'm this" does not make you that. The whole world can be 99% religious, but if people lie to me daily about things to my face, I have a hard time believing that they're all 'true believers.' I have found God. I know purpose. I understand that discipline and moral character is paramount for ascension. I'm not convinced the mega church christian fags, kikes, mudslimes and hindus know...anything. You merely listen to another person's interpretation when every holy scripture reveals that the relationship and conversation must be DIRECT. The 'chosen people' are merely the individuals who realize this truth. When judgement comes, a very small population may win. When you remove the chaff from the wheat, there is far more chaff than wheat.
Robert Butler
>saying pagan as if it means anything
A devout hindu is just as much a pagan as a Scientologist, or "neo-druid"
Use better words
Jason Flores
So, wait, you want to lose Christianity, the one real moral driver of the west, and return to paganism because of degeneracy?
Paganism such as
Greco/roman paganism: summary execution, enslavement, rampant homosexuality, rape of slaves by animals for amusement
Viking: sold whites to arabs as slaves, women could have multiple husbands (literally cucks), execution of slaves when masters died, killing for amusement
Druids: human sacrifice, slavery, constantly at war with neighbouring tribes
Are you literally retarded? The reason these faggot converted so quickly was because they didn't want to be fucking animals anymore and saw that Christianity offered them a way to me more than they were.
LARPagans literally don't know their own history. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.
Dylan Bell
Easton Sanders
Most people also tend to grow out of atheism, so it's not a steady rate.
Easton Collins
>doesn't change the fact its going extinct
Should we set up wildlife preserves?
Joseph Gray
> no collective, thus no agrarian No arguments, it seems, either.
Collective is a sociological term, agrarian is technological one.
> inequality means the same No. Today's tribal societies are more-or-less still egalitarian, the difference of wealth between tribe-members are negligable compared to members of industrial societies. Croatia included (with a sense of generosity).
By the way, what a beautiful shit strawman argument you have there, grandma.
>atheists overwhelmingly liberal >which also means anti family no big surprise here.
Ethan Jones
It has been at least the past 15 years , but technically since its inception since any 'ideology' is a religion
Jaxson Brooks
>Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. a religion is a belief in a ridiculous fairy tale, so no, atheism is not a religion.
also, atheism is growing in the West. iow be proud of the abundantly procreating shitskins who may or may not share your religion; they might be muslims, you know.
Noah Russell
>that fedorable delusion
Let's face it; Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.
Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.
Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006: >atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday >atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens are respected voices in the community >r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit >corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"
Cut to today: >Dawkins, Harris, and (worst) Hitchens (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views >r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage >things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah >atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism) >constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders) >"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory >liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit
And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad
Isaiah Lopez
Well yeah, it might decline unless something is actually done to prevent the spread of religion.
A significant percentage of Muslims globally support terrorism, and other religions like Christianity are perfect fuel for the childish "THAIR RUINING OUR COUNTRY" rhetoric.
As much as people here love beating the dead horse that is Islam, it's undeniable that all religions lead to pointless conflicts and uneducated hillbilly-style tribalism.
If there were a way to stop religion - not by means of violence - but by means of incentivizing irreligion, the world would be a better place.
You know, Karl Marx wrote, "religion is the opium of the people". What if we actually started treating it like America treats drug use? Tax it, and most importantly, put an age limit on organized religion - and punish parents who indoctrinate (and, therefore, harm) their children by shoving their religion down their throats.
Brandon Diaz
As an atheist I don't care. As long as we save the west
Juan Allen
There's a difference between the agnostic atheism that the vast majority of people who call themselves "atheists" without putting much thought are, and the modern "neo-darwinist" anti-theist views held by Dawkins et al.
Robert Walker
China would just kick their ass like India does repeatedly.
Angel Wood
>If there were a way to stop religion - not by means of violence - but by means of incentivizing irreligion, the world would be a better place
Been tried in several places by violence, he USSR executed housands of priests, religion survived. Mao executed thousands of priests, religion survived. North Korea imprisons three generations of worshipers, religion survives.
I doubt you'd count any of those countries as good.
Christ is king you fucking fedora.
Lucas Turner
>it's undeniable that all religions lead to pointless conflicts and uneducated hillbilly-style tribalism.
As do pretty much any kind of social in/out groups in a society