you forgot to add that shia is ded
David Rockefeller dies
Eli Gonzalez
James Walker
>Comey says the hacking was "very loud, as if they wanted to be found"
>Wikileaks has proved that CIA knows how to leave trails pointing to patterns used by foreign spy agencies
>yfw the CIA hacked the US election
Blake Garcia
Praise kek, again and always
Angel Lee
Hello newfriend. How's your first day?
Jace Cruz
Here is his photo someone pulled off his social media accounts!!! That same fucking guy again!!!
Levi Phillips
Thinking about converting from Christianity to Kekism. Do I have to? Are the two mutually exclusive? Or must I choose?
Chase Martin
The fire rises
Carson Thompson
>Reminder that KEK is the god of chaos
Literally false. Kek is the god of primordial darkness, nothing more.
Daniel Sanchez
>a Drumpfkin
I'm not surprised.
Sebastian Stewart
Contacted the FBI. Enjoy prison goy