How are women more than just sex objects?

Friendship can be obtained from your buddies. The only value of a woman is her sexy, fuckable body.

Prove me wrong.

her womb***** is the only thing i care about

>How are women more than just sex objects?
They aren't, little girls are sex objects, women are just for making babies.
Girls are for pleasure, women are for babies.

I have plenty of friends that are girls that I value for their friendship. They are very caring and considerate and provide a comforting companionship. They are also easy to make laugh and reassure of themselves. Overall there is plenty to be gained between a non-sexual relationship between a man and a woman you basement-dwelling faggot :^)

How would you know? You never talk to girls, dumbass.

Disagree. How is their friendship different from a male's?

They are also child rearers himekeepers and the advisor for a man.

For some reasons feminists have deems the natural place of women as some sort of oppression and intern lessened women to a lower strata than they had

Now they are just more drones for the slaughter

It is the mans job to build and protect, his realm is on the outside, women's role is to bare children and care for them, too keep her home clean and safe and to calm her husbands weary heart after a long day.

It is what they are natural good at and what they should be doing there is not a coincidence that women are less happy now than ever before recorded, they have been reduced to laborers when they always should have been caretakers.

And the influence Of women is downplayed as well, feminists assume that men have never taken the council of women and this is not true

Many a queen or princes has changed the mind of a king, women may push for more empathy from their husband in dealings, they thrive in social context and provide valuable incites on motive and intuition about diplomats women pick up on small ques and behaviors many men don't notice

Men and women have and should be partners with different yet vitally important aspects of having a healthy life, family and society

The feminist view of the world is a lie and a bleak and horrendous view at that

Feminism has reduced women to cum dumpsters that no decent man wants to date or marry.

Sex is so much better when it's with a woman you love and enjoy being around. The post-coital look of adoration from your wife and the mother of your children is the greatest feeling on earth. Meaningless hookups cannot compare.

It's pretty alarming when people can't see the difference between a firm and a flabby butt

i disagree

cumming inside any girl all feels the same, which is amazing

Yep, don't become a respected prize become and easy toy! It's empowering !!

Until you hit your late 20's and you realize you are only a decade away from not being able to safely have children with fading looks debt, a job you hate and no prospects for marriage

Good for you very empowering, the fact is men would be happier with a wife and family but they can make it without them

Women find life without a man or family very unfulfilling and depressing.

Tell me that when your actually trying to have a baby, it's completely different from a hookup

So close yet so wrong. The only value of a woman is subjugating her into the willing production of your genetic offspring, and subsequently happily ensuring the raising of said offspring in a healthy and nurturing home.

Its interesting how it works. Ive never had a female friend that i like hang out with or anything. Every woman i meet i try to get into bed and after that im never to be seen again.
Just talking to them is not the same as talking to your male friends, partially because the activities you do are different but theres more to it.
Every female ive talked to was not as humorous, ive heard maybe 10 things in my life that are entertaining, not even funny, just mildly entertaining. Where as me and my actual male friends can talk all day and do nothing but laugh even while talking about something abit more serious.
Women are just not able of abstract thought it seems, and sadly those thoughts are the most fun to me. They cannot say anything particularly imaginative thats entertaining when they talk.
They also dont participate in activities i enjoy, which to be fair is a very few.
And whenever i wanted to bring up a topic about anything related to maybe the news about whats happening with industry about what new technology is out there. Even when talking to them about their phone they love to stare at so much, i am left to talk to myself mostly, they provide nothing constructive to the conversation of any substance.
I knew this girl that was studying medicine and psychology, to be fair not that much yet since it was early in the year, but i again found myself to know more about even the most simple things in psychology than her and the only studying i did was reading for my own pleasure long time ago, forgot a ridiculous amount too but still through a conversation with her i have learned nothing.
Incredibly unproductive to talk to a woman

The point is it's not.
hey look outside. It's a sunny day.

So, you're not even using condoms with your random hookups? enjoy your herpes 2

I want to think of women as sacred, for they have one of the most important duties in the fatherland: motherhood.

Yet currently they all act like animals. Their political choices are based on pathetic sentimentalism, they don't have any values, for them riding the cock carousel is just another valid choice they can make.
So basically I don't value any women who isn't a dedicated mother.

Reported slide thread

Sage in options field

lol STD's can only be transmitted from men to women you idiot

Nice one Jamal

condom sex sucks and you cant feel anything

They are also good for bearing and nurturing children.

>american posters

So true that they know it theirselves.
They spend lots of time and money to emphasize their fucktoy appearance.

>Prove me wrong.
it's hard to do and takes much time...

Women can be useful in other areas than sex objects but their uses are vastly different than a man. Also you should remember that the data that correlates to intelligence of men vs women is based on large samples. There are outliers...this means there are women who are indeed much smarter than you. As a whole, they are not.

Get married and you won't need any.

>It's pretty alarming when people can't see the difference between a firm and a flabby butt

It's Swede flabby butt poster from Sup Forums using a proxy again.

>Born: Norway
>Lives: Hällevadsholm, Sweden
>Anime: Kodomo no Jikan (Sybb - BB Forums)
>Hates: GTA

>names: Sybb / Sybbie / GF_Sybb / Aoki / Otkanime / kai_wii / bertrimmarpåstjärt /perverted_perfection / assisclass / oskar_det / SL68 / DualBbys / Double00AA / ah_yes / ShadowLord69 / Paipaj / TAL_0311 / NyaseNya / Slugma128 / aBBYS / whiteflower97 / s3k94(maybe) / donald rump

>Resident Evil [Jill, Claire, Rebecca]
>obsessed with "Agnetha Fältskog" from "Abba", especially her ass

>proxies (Spain, at the very least - Sup Forums archive ID'd Sweden:8XmZxaPG + Spain:eeWWZA2r) to agree about flabby butts


Hello John Podesta

>fuck the same woman for the rest of your life








Tell me, without lying, that you NEVER EVER thought about groping their tits or fucking their pussy

To continue your family line. To stop the white race from becoming extinct. Family and fatherhood is a purpose.

but i can continue the white race with impregnating multiple white women



Slide thread

They can be good mothers/nurturers/homemakers but today's modern women have abandoned that to behave more like men so you're right.

>thinking sybb makes butt threads to slide



And your offspring will grow up without a father figure, causing degeneracy.

>claim to be white with this kind of logic
you have nigger blood in your veines



Abdul, no molesting little girls.

>fatherless white people are any better than nogs

At least nogs can't know any better it almost makes degenerate whites worse.

Leaving children without fathers basically garuntees they'll be poor

We need to start a trend to get mgtow's balls to fucking drop.




Hi Bill Clinton.


Good post desu.

i know its bad

i feel so animalistic

i just want to cum inside one night stands until the end of time

i would just pay child support

You don't need to get so pissy over the truth.

>DoubleAA00 = Sybb

That doesn't solve the problem you idiot


It would be cheaper to support a wife with five children than it would be to support 5 different women. Just find the right girl.



So does every 17 year old, you'll learn that holding against your base urges is required to be an adult


No 10,000 times better because it gives your fucking real purpose beyond an orgasm


Hello mr Hansen, I see you're out to catch pedophiles again.

I'm very impressed with the durability of Alba's ass. Dat booty has been a thing of magic for twenty years now.



>find the right girl

i cant believe you said this. you have got to be kidding me. they dont exist. youre going against nature


and over here after you have 5 kids the courts cant make you pay any more child support

so my trek to 100 will be swift after those 5


dude plis get a girfriend and then come back and tell us if you still feel the same

It's also nature to overeat


The other poster's probably full of shit.
But think of how many plain or unfuckable women there are. If someone says they never thought about groping their female friend's tits, it's probably for a reason.


feminists screech and howl about being slut shamed

after these sluts get their rights to be sluts then they blame men for sexually oppressing them

its the same circlejerk over and over, feminists are leeches and gibmedats


Sure they do. Maybe not around you, but they exist. I'm 21, married, and expecting a baby. Conservative women stick to conservative communities, not hanging around in bars.
Instead of contributing to degenerate behaviour while criticising it you really should do better.


What are you spamming fuckhead?

what about submissive, traditional housewives?

The OP makes these threads on 4 different boards here, constantly, and nothing is ever done about it. Proxies, as well.


Men and woman are both sex objects , no?



that just sounds boring

are you some religious nutcase?

reproduction i guess

We're both agnostic, and it's really not. We're saving to buy some land in the country to raise our children on a farm. Clean air, animals, crops, some dirt bikes for our boys. There's a deeper level of happiness beyond meaningless sex.