Dad, meet my fiancé!

Dad, meet my fiancé!

>What do?

Good job son, your fiancee is a real looker

I'm the dad?
I'm confused, which role am I playing?



Learn to read, user-kun.

That's my boy, I told you business school was the way to go now we're both swimming in 20 year old pussy

English isn't a gendered language, ESL-kohai.

your head

also, nice job
let them illuminati thicc buck trickle down on whole family

Lib-cuck, trans detected.

thank god my daughter is getting some good jew dick. I can't believe how lucky I am for big, thick jewish cock to ream in and out of my daughter every night. Do you think your fiance will fuck my wife with his perfect, circumsized penis?

You're just mad your shitty joke fell apart because English doesn't follow the rules of romance languages. Better luck next time.

Good for you, son! She's beautiful!

I hate Austrians. They are so ugly and no sense of decency.
>wearing yellow to black, wtf?

>Imblying she has a dad

>>wearing yellow to black, wtf?
White & Black & Gold is a Prime combination.
Your sense of style is shit.

take your anti-semitic left wing shilling back to tumblr, cuck. This is a thread to appreciation the jews and all they do for us. You mad your vote for hillary was wasted, shill?

They're not known to be thique. Stop trying to meme.

get over it, cuck, hillary lost.

daaaaamn daniel

At least he's not a nigger.


Stop lusting after my daughter!


Fuck off