It means that GOP members of the house Intel ctte think that comey is leading a politicized investigation. Not good news for anyone hoping for Trump's impeachment. Very good news for those of us who never thought comey was "our guy"
Why does Trump converse with terrorists that are under surveillance?
It means his team was talking to people on the watch list.
>"Does this mean Trump's right for the 187th time in a row?"
archive that you stupid faggot
>Does this mean Trump was wiretapped after all, just like he said?
The FBI was only recording calls to the Kremlin.
So, yes, all the traitors are busted.
The NSA and CIA capture everything they can. They were retarded to paint themselves into a corner by saying they weren't wiretapping Trump.
I love all the back pedaling and watering down the claim. Did you already forget that he attached Obummer's name to that claim as FACT? Has nothing to do with him.
“I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored,” Nunes told reporters. “It looks to me like it was all legally collected, but it was essentially a lot of information on the president-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.”
*******However, when asked by reporters if Obama tapped Trumps’ phones, Nunes said “that never happened.”**********
Without citing evidence, Trump had tweeted earlier this month, "President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!" The White House has since not presented any specific details to support the claim."
>implying Obongo wasn't behind it
It's a debate of semantics. There was no specific physical wiretap, but there was definitely electronic surveillance.
It means we're still bugging foreign leaders and diplomats, based on what Nunes said
The NSA runs dragnet surveillance on as many people as possible and has billions of dollars to spend on targeted surveillance. There's no doubt that the NSA (and probably a dozen other agencies) are actively spying on ever politician of significance.
Nunes just leaked classified info afgter spening most of the day monday complaining about leakers and trying to shift focus of the investigation to leakers. What a retard, wonder if he'll investigate himself now...
Don't act surprised, he just tweets whatever he just heard on Fox News. It doesn't mean anything.
This info was classified? Would you be willing to share a source please?
Nunes said himself that he was talking about intelligence reports...discussing details of those reports to the press
>German shits on a real patriot
Joe has spoken. Take him down.
>Oy Vey!!! Stop being racist goy. Our black Muslim bull Obama did not physically go to Drumpf Tower and physically wiretap his personal phone. You damn racist nazi!!!
Yet again, we come back full circle. No proof.
Saying a former president wiretapped you in an attempt to sabotage the election, is not the same as saying "the FBI wiretapped me because they are investigating ties someone in my campaign has with Russia"
If anything it's blowing up in his own face
Wtf are they doing?
being African
I can't believe that we are actually in 2017 and there are people who don't think that the NSA has intel on literally everyone in the fucking country. Allegedly, they only hold onto metadata for around 3~4 years. Anything older is beyond useless for counter-terrorism. I don't buy it, especially after Trump's election. You never know what kind of well-intentioned person will run for office 30 years down the line. If there's a shadow government, it's saving blackmail materials.
Nigel Farage was the target
Don't ever show me that fuckface again.
(I mean Gröhe, the guy with the flag)
I'm sure Obongo had no idea the FBI was doing it not was he privy to the contents of those wiretaps. If there's anything we know about Obama, it's that he knows how to run an highly professional spying agency.
you have proof of this right?
Those can be unclassified over time. I'm not calling you a liar, just asking for a source that confirms that specific info is classified. If you can share it'd be much appreciated
You have to go back, Achmed.
Schiff was really reaching hard in that presser. Pitiful. It won't work.
You can expect them to go full out against all of this stuff, because if it comes out that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump transition, the party is going down in flames. Whether they look like pathetic shills is irrelevant at that point. They are a party that is already reeling, it could be the death knell and they know it.
let's ignore your trolling and focus on the facts
there are multiple huge facilities with massive amounts of storage
multiple football fields in size
all the metadata for everyone in the USA could be stored my walk-in closet
>listening to the new establishment
As much as Trump does.
>2D pictures representing 3D persons
This surveillance, according to Nunes, had nothing to do with anyone from Russia.
So many people in this thread didn't watch the video. Come on guys, it's the least you can do if you want to contribute to the thread.
Ahh so this is how the shills are going to spin this now eh?
Schiff was a total bitch. I just watched the presser from the 15th, and he was desperately trying to paint this as a Russia thing. Now Numan has been totally vindicated.
Not to rabble-rouse here, but has anyone done the math for how much physical data they can store at all their centers vs how much data we transmit? I feel that they collect only what they can read/analyze and dump the rest since there is a limited amount of shit they can physically put somewhere.
Well... by the looks they are cutting his dick off.
>listening to the globalists
Nice try, Shariablue. Your leader is in the hospital. Kek doesn't take kindly to your treachery.
Nunes sounded pretty shaky answering questions about the content during the interviews, leveling off around "some of what I saw was disturbing". It was pretty obvious he wasn't very happy about what he's going to have to report to Trump.
nah it just means impeachment is postponed by a month or so. eventually they will get to all the lies of the russian agent and have him removed
Out of both sides of this whole thing which one is in denial?...because at this point one side is definitely in denial...
what's it like being more wrong than our shitposter in chief ahmed?
>when the liberals have to jump through hoops the next day to deal with their cognitive dissonance
may may may may may
>tfw they heard your phone sex
Using XKEYSCORE, they keep a rolling 7 days buffer on all Internet traffic. This was back in 2013, so it's probably a much larger buffer now. Even under that program, all data from high value targets and any encrypted data are stored forever.
Is David Brock seriously sick?
Not him but I'm not watching anything from the MSM any time soon
Sounds like they learned from the Hillary campaign.
I was watching it live, and it did not come off as mere political cover. Plus, he told Ryan first, and Ryan certainly didn't dissuade him from his course of action.
You have to think it would have to be something very major for him to pretty much reverse his entire stance on it, and skip the normal channels.
Something just occurred to me as well, that what he was shown may have implicated people Trump is currently working with, and he felt he needed to tell Trump right now so as not to comprise anything further.
Dems are right when they say this is pretty unprecedented, and someone like Nunes wouldn't risk so much by going this route if it was just a pile of nothing.
What we do know pretty definitively is that there are now whistleblower(s) who have come forward, and I would expect what they showed him is just the beginning.
yup heart attack
not dead though
no it just means that he was surveillance in every other respect EXCEPT wiretapping
Comey said during mondays hearing, that the election hackers were "very loud", and said it was almost as if they wanted people to find out they had been hacking.
Wikileaks showed us that the CIA is capable of mimicking the trails that foreign spy agencies leave behind after a hack.
This whole thing could actually be the CIA having hacked the election to sow doubt about Trumps candidacy, and now presidency.
It could have been anyone really, with the same intentions.
Israel had many of the same motives for a Trump presidency that Russia did and the Mossad are just as capable as the CIA when it comes to cyber warfare.
>trumps team talked to people being monitored by the intellegence agencies.
Pretty fucking big strech. Thats like saying everyone who talked to someone being investigated was also investigated.
Perhaps Nunes realized the deep state exists and is trying to cover things up
They can't impeach Trump without GOP support. Right now the head of the GOP side of the house Intel ctte is saying the whole investigation is being politicized by Comey against Trump. How the fuck do these DNC shills think that GOP is now going to say oh ok maybe he did collude with Russia?
Please tell me how proving the FBI are full of shit bolsters the FBI case proving Trump russia collusion. I'll wait.
>comey is leading a politicized investigation
Really, what did you expect from a guy whose only source of intel is fucking Crowdfire who was paid 250K by the DNC to investigate the Russian claims
The same guy who asked the DNC for access to their illegal servers, was denied, and then said "oh well, better not look at the servers then"
What did they expect?
Uh oh...
Nunes played his hand way to aggressively. This is not going to end well for Trump or the GOP.
The problem arises when one of those people talking is an american citizen protected by the fourth amendment, and leaking his name and what he said is a violation of it
>This week every intel agency worth a damn has told Congress that Obama absolutely did NOT spy/tap Trump's phone
>So Trump WH looks terrible because he lied and implied his predecessor committed a crime.
>So Nunes, gets a call from a "source" that claims intel agencies got "incidentally" picked up some stuff on Trump campaign?
>Nunes, briefs Ryan, then runs to the WH to brief Trump. Then speaks to reporters without briefing the Intel Comt!?!?!?
>Nunes acting on a "source" seems to have used his extremely important position to give Trump light cover on a manic tweet.
The question is: was he ordered by Trump to talk to the press, or did he panic?
Looks like Theresa May
>They were retarded to paint themselves into a corner by saying they weren't wiretapping Trump.
That's protocol though. Admitting they were wiretapping without proper oversight would be admitting to a crime.
They'll explain this by saying it was all incidental surveillance. In other words, they didn't intend to monitor Trump, but it turns out all these other things they were watching ended up involving Trump. Pure coincidence, of course.
It's all lies, of course. They most definitely were surveiling Trump, and they were possibly doing it at the behest of Obama, or his subordinates.
literally wat?
Nunes said he was going to tell Trump in the press conference. What are they on about?
I remember this "incidental" surveillance bullshit from the Snowden leaks. The NSA would have dragnet surveillance claiming to target a foreign population, then sweep up more American communications than anything else, and keep the American intercepts because they were "incidental".
This whole era is a battle of semantics.
Ironically he probably has evidence that could put everyone in Washington EXCEPT TRUMP away for a long time. Theyve all been committing crimes out in the open for decades. But he's playing politics cause that's the game over there. Not truth or justice.
Yep, Snowden said it himself. There's where I heard it:
>The problem arises when one of those people talking is an american citizen protected by the fourth amendment, and leaking his name and what he said is a violation of it
Then maybe they should stop talking to Russian intelligence and then lying about it.
Flynn, Stone, Sessions, Manafort, etc all were asked if they had contact with the Russians.
ALL of them lied, and then were called out on lying.
>deep state caught in a lie
>democrats keep suckin
Trump is based as fuck
>Trump is based as fuck
oh course a kike lover like yourself would say that.
Maybe the democrats shouldn't keep their servers protected by password:Ob@m@2012 if they don't want to get hacked ;^)
We also don't hear anyone talking how the Saudi's influenced the elections for the Clintons now do we?
Nunes has to recuse himself now though, was that part of the plan? If it was part of the plan, then it seems a tactical error.
Don't forget about Pelosi. Fuck, how deep does this Russian thing go?
>I don't know how to respond to the truth so I'll just deflect to the shitty demoshit servers
Really makes you think
You realize that all of this has been investigated for 8 months without any proof of collusion being presented, and today was the day the GOP ran out of patience with said investigation? If I were waiting 8 months for proof that MY candidate was breaking the law, and that all of a sudden it's discovered the investigation is a political witch hunt against my candidate? You really think any Republicans are going to support this sham of an investigation now?
Saying that they shouldn't have done their jobs if they didn't want to be illegally tapped and then blackmailed about it seems a bit like victim blaming no?
But why don't you show me the crimes that were committed by these advisors talking for an incoming administration?
The investigation hasn't concluded.
It has for every Republican not named McCain or Graham. Don't forget, you had to win over a shit load of Republicans to have any chance of impeachment. How you going to win them over now that the investigations proved to be tainted?
fuck this needs more recognition . this is literally the smoking gun imo. They use LE RUSSIAN meme as a loophole to spy on him and say it was 'incidental' data collection so they can basically do whatever the fuck they want and not be prosecuted.
It's just not done yet, there is nothing else to be said.
It had nothing to do with the Russian investigation. It was some other investigation (as Nunes stated)
Also it's pretty obvious you didn't read past my first sentence.
NO. It means the people they were surveilling also happened to be in touch with Trump.
Which means...Trump can't act like he didn't know a bunch of Russians were helping him in the election.
Which means...your boy's a TRAITOR.
They're not going to fire Comey for lying to congress/incompetence? Why is Schiff freaking out over "irregularites" then?
I'm gonna lol when it turns out it actually was a physical wiretap.
Watch the fucking video, shill
The incidental investigation is unrelated to the Russian investigation
Furthermore, incidental information obtained through tapped communications is to immediately be masked and disregarded
This is a deeply troubling abuse of information collection and your celebrating it. Why?
That's why I think panic might be an explanation. Nunes might have thought Comey was "in on it" so to speak, and when he made it clear yesterday that he wasn't (did he defect) he may have panicked. He (Nunes) did look rather surprised at the time, after all.
>surveillance not related to russia
>surveillance not related to russia involvement
>surveillance not related to trump team
So what does that leave them with? Were they surveilling another group?
>inb4 they were surveilling the people surveilling on trump