>tfw it was my birthday today
Tfw it was my birthday today
Other urls found in this thread:
Happy B-day user. Hope it gets better for you.
ill gib u dis benis
Don't worry user, it will get better, I promise.
I got you 3 (You)s as a present user
this was the thread at the top of the first page and I honestly thought I had clicked on Sup Forums
It was a simpler time
Happy birthday, familam.
It's okay user. Happy Birthday. I was in NYC on a trip with my gf when those bombs when off in Chelsea and in Boston for the Marathon bombings. I know your feel.
I gave you a gondola
have this spurdo as a token of good faith
benis benis benis
sure is leddit up in here
Happy birthday.
If digits
OP gets laid today
if singles
he makes love to his BFF
Looks like your going to be alone forever OP
if dibbles i live happily ever after and survive solely off of OPs birthday pains
Many happens today:
1) anons birthday
2) Allah snack bar
3) capture the flag
4) Brock heart attack
5) trump proved right on wiretapping