Healthcare bill vote to occur soon, this will be the deciding factor on whether Boogie2988 lives or not

Healthcare bill vote to occur soon, this will be the deciding factor on whether Boogie2988 lives or not.

Please contact your local congressman and inform him that the constituents are vehemently against this billionaire coddling bill and that Boogies healthcare should not be comprimised or Boogie wil die

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>caring about boogie

literally the worst of all youtubers

H3H3 is far better, even if he is a kike

Sage goes in the options field


You got a couple (you)s once and it was great.
STOP posting this fat fuck and this obamacare shit.

STOP you cancer faggot of /pol


SAGE goes in the options field

It doesn't matter what the healthcare plan does, this fat fuck makes six figures, he literally can afford to pay the hospital bills during the inevitable heart attack.

>americucks will not join the rest of the first world in providing universal healthcare for all but will gladly spend billions on fighter jets

Is there a more cucked population?

Tell me about him.

Triggerd fattie

I know, right?

he doesn't care about his health at all, and he makes me look thin by comparrison

More like our upper class isn't as cucked as your upper class

Fat, useless slob who talks about videogames for a living, blubbering about how Trump isn't going to make taxpayers foot the bill for the diabetes medicine and heart bypass surgeries that he'll have to pay for himself now.

So he's crying to his retarded fanbase of gamers that Trump is a monster who is literally going to let him die.


Now how the fuck did she got a wife?
How do they fuck?

I think she sprinkles a trail of dorito crumbs leading to her vagina.

I support boogie as an overweight man myself.

Just because I'm fat I shouldn't have to die from preventable diseases.


Hey, want some juicy insider boogie gossip? He's about to lose his right foot. That's why he is so desperate to get the weight loss surgery. His neuropathy has already advanced to the point he can hold a Zippo on his big toe and feel nothing at all.
Still drinks a liter plus of soda a day , though. Sneaks it like an alky with booze. Even does the old bottle swaparoo. His gf has to do spot taste tests on his "diet" sodas.
t.guy who sort of knows him thru friends

Being fat is a preventable disease.

Mmmm. I wasn't gonna respond but couldn't stop myself
I think you're confusing that with treatable you fat fuck


I have a thyriod problem

>makes a shit ton off youtube
>cant pay medical bills


Oh please. You weren't born fat or obese. You could have maintained your weight.

Not all people with a thyroid problem are fat. You're just using it as an excuse.


Who gives a fuck about this obese sack of crap?

Constantly talking about how he's going to lose weight but never does anything but complain about other people. Fat piece of shit.

soda for dieting?


have you never heard of diet soda or something?

I'm fat. losing weight is harrrrd. reee


Stop eating thyroids then you fat fuck

so if I have a gambling problem who pays my bills?

You may retain more fat but I know one thing for certain the laws of thermodynamics aren't broken just because you have a "thyroid problem".
it's not some magical excuse where you are somehow not responsible for all the food you put into your body.

Manage your diet better and you won't have to worry about as many health risk problems. Don't you get free government healthcare in Canada, so in reality just gorge yourself until you are too fat to work and just claim disability since you aren't responsible for anything.

No it's not, just stop eating so much you fat ass

If you don't quit running your gabber you'll learn what the fighter jets are for

What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!

>*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
>*punches chest to restart heart*


*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

*Gets 10000 likes*

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!

So if you stopped eating completely you wouldn't lose weight and starve to death?

Boogie2988 talks about his weight

fuck off