Weird leader choices

Alexander the Great and Cyrus of Persia both got added, with Alexander hilariously not as a leader of Greece.

He was Macedonian.

Catherine de Medici, Gorgo, Hojo Tokimune, Cleopatra and Macedon Alexander are WTF as leaders.

Gandhi looks like a smug son of a bitch

He looks like he gonna nuke you any time he want.

Alexander is a perfect choice, it's just that he'd be a perfect choice for Greece.

They already have 2 Greeces and the leader of Egypt is Greek.

Then they are like "LET'S ADD ANOTHER GREECE"

Yes the Greek state of Macedonia. Not present Macedonia. Present Macedonia is a Bulgarian province with a Greek name.

No, they added a Macedonian. Totally different thing.

Why does half of those facial expression look like fucking memes?

>gain culture by murdering

They should probably add that to every African and 'Asian' leader too, desu.

Darius looks like a coon lol

atleast they didn't pick a nigger to play the Egyptian leader and instead took a white Greek

>4 different greek leaders
>only one native american
>no mongolia
>fake civs like Australia
>gilgamesh doesn't speak sumerian
>just now got around to adding persia
what is this shit

>alexander huh? ill take a look
>scanning photos furiously for blonde dude
>scanning scanning scanning
>have to search by name wtf is this shit

What's this game? I'm gonna buy it and never play it, they deserve the money for getting Alexander right

That's a lot of cherry-picked women leaders if you ask me.
I smell SJW agenda.


Civilization 6

Some of the changes are interesting, but they still need to fix the gameplay and AI

Different today, but ancient Macedonians were Greeks.


Implying any of the culture remained after the murdering...


Please tell me you are joking


Funny part is that he's still the blondest character in the game.

The Macedonian elite in Philip's and Alexander's time were culturally Greek. Most Macedonians were farmers before Philip's reforms and Greek culture was not prevalent. Philip and Alexander billed the war against Persia as Greek revenge to get Greeks on their side. They could not conquer Persia without Athens, specifically, supporting them. This is why Philip and Alexander never harshly penalized Athens but completely eradicated the likes of Thebes.


Ancient Macedonians =/= Ancient Greeks =/= Modern Macedonians

Or at least they weren't according to some Ancient Greeks (Athenians in particular)


why did they start with 2 Greece civs already anyway

looks like a whose who of muh diversity desperation.

Scythia, really?

>Ancient Macedonians =/= Ancient Greeks
They literally were

Ha, I noticed that as well.

AI is fucking trash, I'm playing 5 again for a few years until they release DLC which fixes this mess.

>>Ancient Macedonians =/= Ancient Greeks
>They literally were
Didn't they fight each other, and the Macedonians, under Alexander, conquer Greece?

Save this

It's not it's a subjective thing. They factually were Greek, doesn't really matter if the Athenians considered them Greek. Athenians considered all tribal (as opposed to "civilized") areas to be barbarian, even if they were undeniably Greek. With the exception of Dorians, all Western Greeks lived tribally. That is to say, not organized in Poleis. That includes Macedonians, Epirotes, Aetolians, Acarnanians, Locrians, Eleans, etc.

>Literally not reading the second part
What is up with you leaves? Is it something in the water?

Victoria and jadwiga are both cute in game tbqh

Wrong. Greeks considered Macedonians civilized barbarians outside of Hellenistic culture

Sparta and Athens fought each other, but they were still both Greek.


who /civ4/ here? best mods bar none.

Yeah, Sparta and Athens had a full blown war as well. By your metric they were not ancient Greek either.

This fucking game man

> Ugly looking leaders straight outta a Disney channel program made by underpaid animators
> A fucking nobody leading Poland
> An Italian leading France
> The may not exist civ of Scythia
> Fucking non Civs like Brazil and Australia
> Ea style DLC distribution
> No Natives
> Kongo got in before Mali, Zulu, Morocco and Songhai - actual African civs
> The woman who ended the Egyptian empire who was most likely Greek leading Egypt, one of the greatest empires of all time and home of our Lord and saviour KEK
> Shit Viking leader
> released 3 civs late, one of which is a fucking fiver and not a civ
> No Inca, Maya or native tribes but oh Australia
> Australia
> They're probably gonna add Cuba and Canada next at this fucking rate

The game itself is just ugly too look at and no where near as enjoyable as the previous 2.

Its also overpriced

Greeks?! Fighting among each other?! Unheard of!

Heck, the Aetolians helped Rome conquer Greece. Literally the entire Greece from Athens, to Sparta, to Epirus, to Macedonia allied to fight Romans off, and the Aetolians had to pull a Jew. I honestly wonder how the modern world would have been if that alliance hadn't been made.

jesus fuck, why jadwiga????

>have an actual greek culture
>speak same dialect as spartans
>not greek because you have a monarchy and athenians don't like you

lol beat me to it, should have refreshed

Huh, learn something new every day. I always thought the Macedonians adopted Attic Greek as a way of gaining respect from the other major city states

They should let you pick ethics and it change your leader to someone evil/neutral/good based on the civ you pick

Your syntax is messed up not my fault. Sorry I'm such a nigger cuck.

What the fuck is wrong with Civ6? It just doesn't seem as fun as Civ5. I can play Civ5 all night and always have it seem fresh and interesting, but it seems like with 6 I just spend 80 turns waiting for a district to build while the AI durdles about and sucks its own cock.

Isocrates of Athens didn't seem to think so in his letters where he implored Philip II to lead the Greek world in a war against the barbarians.

Civ III Master Race

What is this

of course the mudslime gets three bonuses for culture and science no less, they were literally like animals to byzantines Chinese Indians etc

>change your leader to someone evil/neutral/good based on the civ you pick
And the developers would judge whether a historical figure was evil or good based on an SJW metric.

Civ V had the best leaders and was the best game ever. The only thing I would hate in Civ V, and the only bad thing about it, was how schizophrenic the leaders were. For example, i had a major boner for Theodora, and would spend centuries defending her, giving her renewable lopsided trades, even giving her whole cities for nothing in return, and I would protect her and let her empire expand at my expense, snd I would base my whole diplomacy and wars on her various idiotic machinations. Then,suddenly after 1500 years of friendship and all, she'drandomly denounce me for declaring war on someone she told me to declare war on. Theodoras pussy game was soooo good, but she was cray-cray.

>he'd be a perfect choice for Greece.


In his time "Greece" didn't even EXIST as a nation yet.

- American education

Who the fuck even is she?

Kek. That means "hail." As in ice falling from the sky

just give us an option to pick a male or female leader like it was in civ 2. Real male and female leaders for normal people and female """"leaders"""" in civs without notable female leaders for sjws

>women have no respect for a beta orbiter

she probably got wet the first time shaka zulu came by and threatened to pillage her

Alexander "Sasha" of Macedon, the great hero of Yugoslavia


you think that Saladin or Qin Shi Huang are not worthy of their bonuses? you must be delusional

I'm running out of ideas my friendly frog

>technical enough to distinguish Greeks and Ancient Macedonians
>Victoria still falsely not Queen of Britain

She was the king of Poland for a while, before Jagiełło took over

In Civ 5 every leader was going for victory I belive so they would always stab you in the back. Whilst in Civ 4 they didn't and would only go for certain victories depending on whom they where. Like Washington would go diplomatic whilst Genghis Khan would go for domination

In Civ V they try too win any way they can.

Also, never trust women

Thread with this thing got deleted

Isn't it obvious? She had a cunt.

Well technically, id be a beta provider, not an orbiter, open borders etc,..cuz id always have the strongest army and conquer everyone but her and help her and give her stuff in return to keep the declarationo of friendship going, but nooooo even when i conquer the whole world and she only has like 3 cities she backstabs me for no reason

How can a woman be a king? Did she do anything important?

>friendzoning yourself and your empire to a literal prostitute

jesus christ man

>mfw no Wallachian civ with based Vlad

In Civ V the entire world eventually turned against you when you're doing well. (or at least on the harder levels)

Makes sense from a game player p.o.v.
But it made anything but military victories pointless.

Is this better with Civ 6?

Gandhi really got that SWEDEN YES look going!

In Poland the rulling person is the king and the spouse is the queen. She was the actual ruler. She didn't do shit, as she was twelve. She was good as a queen though

what game is that from?

4 is still the best civ with the deepest gameplay. 5 is facebook tier game and 6 is just a pathetic mashup of 5 with 4 mechanics and even more shit appealing to retards and casuals, like the "lightheared fun" tone of the new civiliopedia.

I'm surprised they actually made her somewhat attractive

No Mongolia makes me mad

>she didn't do shit
>she was good tho
Sounds like what every ruler should aspire to be

Well memed Sven

A medieval leader of Poland who was crowned at 11, died at 26, and did nothing of importance except marry a dude to unite with Lithuania.

She didn't do shit as a king and was a good QUEEN my black friend

>mfw no ancient finnish empire

No. Unless you manage to secure alliances (which is rare) going to war or doing well will make you hated by everyone for the rest of eternity. The new agenda mechanic doesn't work like it's supposed to. Luckily the AI is too dumb to properly gang up on you for doing too well.

>tfw oda nobunaga backstabs you after thousand years of friendship

Literally nobody, her dad got our kingdom in a deal, died without a male heir so the crown went to her. Few years later our nobles married her to Lithuanian king, she died in childbirth together with her daughter. There was nothing noteworthy in "her" reign.

Far too many women

Sort of. Leaders won't just declare war, but you can bet you're going to get spied on and have your spaceport sabotaged a lot by your allies.

Cleopatra and Alexander are the same skin tone.

So that's alright.
They were Mediterranean and lived/fought in sunny climates so of course they weren't pale.

My laptop broke a couple of years ago, Im broke and cant afford one ever since, i havent played Civ VI unfortunately yet. Too bad, i played Civ V for MONTHS on end for a whole semester and then the summer after graduated. im busy now with day-to-day life ever since

Agreed, Mongolia has been a staple of every game. Ridiculous they skipped out on them this time

>No wise-cracking Adolf Hitler

>No sarcastic Mussolini

>No sneaky Stalin

I'm tired of SJWs sabotaging vidya

You can't put Mongolia in a game called "Civilization"


Mythology character? Why?

Sounds extremely realisitic.

t. Alexandrovski of Skopje

Too pure to rule.

Finns are meant to be free and live among the reindeer.

I darkened her skin for the sake of memes, her skin tone is alright in the game