Wtf mods stop being faggits

Last thread achieved fast as fuck (((((they))))) are watching

If this keeps happening everyone make a thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Think we may have lost this round to be fare may have to go down the paintball gun route

Do not give in!

Are paintball guns legal there?

Shut the fuck up bong fuck. Quitting ass bitch. Go get that damn flag for KeK


What, is there no way to scale the building or something?

>not using a flamethrower drone


This will have to be a 4am operation. Surely the Scousers can break in and rob the flag!

Oh yeah PUNK?

>"On March 22, 2017, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, Liverpool, adopted the project."

Only way up is inside and thats gaurded by his hierd goons some scouseannons tryed erlea and got told to gtfo

May have to resort to outside sources to organize. I suggest discord considering it's the safest bet imo.

Is there any security stopping people just walking to the roof?

>Live near chester
>30-40 mins from Liverpool

Nearly 10PM tho so probably can't see shit. Maybe I'll go check it out tomorrow.

Wait, what's happening? is the flag back up?


Link to up coming events at the location.

Why not pay them to look the other way while someone walks up and takes the flag? Surely we can crowdfunding some bribe money

Yh goons up the top mannin the doors some fag rang them thismorning on one of the first threads

What if one user will attach a circular saw to the drone and cut the flag's pole? This configuration can be easly assembled

i don't think he realizes how far of a reach Sup Forumssters (pepe enthusiasts) have.

shia go home
>Just DO IT!!

>Sup Forums crowdsources intelligence efforts and then one-ups itself by crowdfunding espionage efforts

I'm about to fucking fly over there and take that shit down, if one of you bongs don't do it.

Thoughts on this plan?

If longbows are legal there maybe a bong can set up on a nearby roof and shoot a flame arrow?

A consumer drone would have the necessary power to carry that and provide enough force to cut through a steel flagpole. You'd have a better chance just cutting the fabric.

If some autism burns the flag then we can't steal it

As do I.

Wanna meet up and take our pants off?

you potatoes make me proud thinking outside the box.

why bribe money? with enough money you can buy a drone and materials for the flamethrower, or atleast a blade to cut it down and carry it away.

*wouldn't have

Yeah is there anything wrong with climbing over the roof?

Also: HWNDU but it has to be moved to another country and kept secret and isolated and protected by hired goons

We chased these goons out of the country. Incredible.

I suppose the most simple solution is just to attach a knife to the drone and cut the ropes attaching it to the pole. But then it would be difficult to get it down from there

You can enter the place it's a cinema too, might be worth chatting to the people in the swan next door.. see if they know anything how to get up to the roof..

Whats the timezone of the flag?



You need to get them on the black market but it can be done. Just don't get caught. The penalty is summary execution.


HWNDU might be saging our threads
When making threads dont use "HWNDU"

so wait its confirmed in england?

Come on BritBongs maybe Germanistan is next.
I also want to play CTF.

It says so on the fucking website you retard.

Yeah, it's listed on the HWNDU stream and a few user's have been out to have a look already.

It's on top of FACT gallery in Liverpool. Earlier thread got up to the top and people have been posting pics of the flag from the street level below.

It's an art gallery with security though so the anons need to be a bit canny about it.

It's staying up now. Rogue janitor or something on earlier today?

>tfw you'll never be rich and famous enough to start a worldwide capture the flag game

So wtf is the point of trying to get the flag down if we know where it is? isn't it kinda boring?

Why not just get a cheap af drone, fly it into the flag and get it caught, then have the drone catch fire

Hi SHIA and Fuck you, you cant stop KeK!

one of the viable options maybe shot from a up position with a fire arrow like barcelona 92 and make that shit on fire

>moved to another country and kept secret and isolated and protected by hired goons
LOL, wut?

Its purely a britfag exclusive mission...

Cant we just bring ladders and climb the building?

Can we please organize a discord so we can continue planning without interruption?

The Security around the Flag and their Provocation to do it unhidden.
Thats the reason Merchant.

>a silent, steadfast protest against Trump's presidency
>unite the citizens, stand against him!
>in a different country
>with noncitizens
>on the other side of the fucking planet
how strong and brave.

I disagree. If we're gonna do this we have to go all out. Remove flag, and replace it with something else.

He moved it here, kept it a secret until the reveal and now has security guarding it.

is shia even behind this shit anymore? sounds like he sold the project to some little arts school in bong land.

Firing a couple flares at it won't work?

Pretty sure it's the same deal as the first stream at that other museum. Just whoever he can get to host it at this point.

Discord: jc5T35j
>Discord: jc5T35j
Discord: jc5T35j
>Discord: jc5T35j
Discord: jc5T35j
>Discord: jc5T35j

there discord.gg/zwFeYfW
just need to spread it now

How many of us bongs have drones? I reckon we could harness like 30 of them together and lift a person up there in the dead of night.


He's done loads of work with FACT gallery so yeah I'd say he's still behind it.


Yes, make one.

Weaponized autism has gone international lads


>hired goons
i bet They Do It For Free

The only options are:

1) fire at it with a paintball gun at night and hope somehow pellets bust on the flag

2) try and deface the flag with paint via a drone, or try to lure hundreds of birds there with food and have them shit all over it

3) steal it by climbing the building somehow.

The only thing here is that 1 and 2 are repeatable (which will FORCE Shia to move the flag if it happens more than once) whereas 3, although the most satisfying, could wind the person getting into a lot of trouble


Somebody in the area just pay a homeless man £10 to go up there and shit on it.

What about a sacrificial drone lit on fire that flies into it and gets tangled in it

Incorrect, brother. 3 is the only option.

couldn't we just take down the camera/screw with the camera

We just have to get some retard to do it.

>cover your face
>round up and pay a bunch of hobos so that they break in and get the flag for you
>put it on your wall and post a pic on Sup Forums

The people bringing up the bribing the guards option have a good idea. Imagine how funny and anticlimactic it would be if some autist walked up, handed the guard a few pounds, and walked in and took it.

Someone yell "praise kek" again

Shlomo, you of all people should know that rules are made to be broken, and the best way to get someone to do something is to forbid it.
