Is she, dare I say it
The first step to individual thought.
Degenerate as fuck
good olde pope'
i'd fuck this dumb art school whore until the pussy bleeds tbhfam
i smell another poppy raid.
She has always been our girl. I will do anything for our girl.
she's been redpilled from the beginning
What in Kek's name is this shit? It's like ASMR that's made to fuck with people on acid
Its Poppy, the greatest girl on earth. She makes this weird artsy shit.
it's mostly titanic sinclair's creativity.
i find mars argo to whom he used to work with qter
she's more than that, she was our girl from the start..
bump her music is quite redpilled, look at the lyrics for American Kids
I LOVE Poppy?
Do you love Poppy?
I hope you love Poppy.
Man that looks like a blacked video poster.
Why are berettas so attractive?
mars argo > poppy
link to the gun video youtu.be
its definitely a real gun fwiw
absurdist "post-ironic" art videos
I want to lick her feet.
>Hollow points
Illegal here fuck you poppy.
She also makes fun of west coast liberals by making a video about her and some guy finding a magical kale smoothie (making fun of hedonism).
she never really says anything its always just vague abstract nihilism. taking a literal red colored pill doesn't mean shit titantic sinclair. you're still just a doubting thomas for now.
>it's mostly titanic sinclair's creativity.
this dudes twitter makes it obvious that he is a little redpilled at least
not my favorite, but damn they are beautiful
FYI... Mag inserted with snap cap.
yeah and 10 rnd mag bcuz CA laws.
>"Redpilled" Sup Forumstard
>Unironically believes in God
>Not believing in God
Fedora fag OUT
>unironically believing we came from nothing.
Its a paradox either way mate, pick your poison
I'm not big into anal but I really really wanna fuck her ass.
I'm not into anal either but I would hatefuck the shit out of so many people in the ass.
That makes you gay though. Why are there so many closeted gays. Really makes you think.
I thought you parasites disappeared in 2010
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
Of course she is Sup Forums
Poppy is everything Sup Forums loves. Not degenerate, redpilled, loves God, brings peace and happiness everywhere.
that vid only makes me want to see her moan in pleasure
young chicks are like that everywhere, they will do whatever they think will land them x or y
She wants to be adored. She's a perfect model for young women.
whatever you say, I remain a middle-aged cynic
do you guys say "eat this pill"? i've always said and heard "take" a pill or "swollow" a pill but eat is weird unless its astronaut food.
Wtf is this shit? New level of autism?