DRUMPF AND REPUBLICUCKS BTFO by Congressional Budget Office

>Donald Trump and the Republicans are pushing for a vote on their extremely unpopular plan to repeal Obamacare, despite a CBO report showing that 24 million people will lose health care coverage under it.

>It turns out that another CBO report shows repealing Obamacare without enacting the GOP plan would actually result in 1 million fewer people losing health care.

>Part of that effort has involved rather absurd attempts to spin their way out of the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) score of their plan, which showed that 24 million people would lose care under the plan by 2026. Trump was even forced to disown his own budget office when their analysis showed that 26 million people would lose coverage over the next decade under their plan.

>And the news just gets worse for the Republicans: According to The New York Times, the plan would end up throwing 1 million more people off insurance than if they repealed Obamacare without any replacement.


WEW LADS. So Drumpf promised the best plan and he would give us everything, but it turns out that millions of people will lose healthcare under TRUMPCARE. Moreover, the plan is literally worse than if they just repealed Obamacare and did nothing.

Why don't we just get a single payer system with a public-private option?

Really a

>So Drumpf promised the best plan and he would give us everything

You don't like DragonForce?
It's like you don't like songs about soldiers fighting eternally in the space of a thousand lifetimes across the universe, light-years passing by as the wasteland turns to dawn in a winter's night as the storm rages eternally until the new battle of souls and heroes emerge victorious with the mighty sword of a hundred kings. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes.

I don't know why they're pushing this bill.

It's political suicide because it fucks over their own base of support.


kek Sup Forums won't response with anything but "shill gtfo", "jew gtfo", "shill jew gtfo".

Exactly! No one really wants this bill. Like Trump's budget, there are even Republicans saying that the cuts are too much.



Trump's own budget office turned on the bill! Their estimate was even more negative than the CBO's, lol!

$0.02 was deposited into your account. Thank you for Correcting The Record!

Yep that's all some of these Trump cucks do.

They don't understand that a public-private single payer system would benefit everyone, and likely cost them less than they are paying now. Sad!

If the goal was to provide coverage to EVERYONE then obviously it failed.

BUT OBVIOUSLY if the goal was to provide coverage to everyone, then it wouldn't be structured the way it is now.

It's designed to cover a small demographic of people without raising costs to the middle and upper class.

Obamacare was a failure for several reasons, but it's biggest problem was with how expensive it was to the middle class.

Is journalism ded?

>It's designed to cover a small demographic of people without raising costs to the middle and upper class.
No Trump said that everyone was going to have insurance, he will take care of everyone, etc.

See This plan does not do that. He was lying.

Trumpcare is literally worse by definition. Did you read the article, which contains links to credible sources, or did you just want to shit post?

Wait, I thought this repeal plan wasn't Trump's final healthcare program.

Isn't it just a part of it?

But do young people still get lower premium costs?

>Isn't it just a part of it?
No this is their plan. The CBO has said it is shit, along with his proposed budget. We should just pass single payer, but the insurance companies and medical industrial complex would never allow it.

>slide thread
How many britbong threads do you need? The world does not stop just because of one event.

They did not have lower costs with Obamacare

Daily Reminder CBO numbers were 50% off on Obamacare.

>21 posts
>10 posts by this id

Do you have a source for that claim?

>shareblue is now advocating for the complete repeal of Obamacare

kek, is this some sort of 99D chess?

Yeah I am here to actually have a conversation.


not even worth a (You)

There are numerous other sources showing the exact same thing.

They're just showing that Trumpcare is way worse for Americans than just doing a total repeal of Obamacare.