How is this any different then the IRA ?

How is this any different then the IRA ?

Other urls found in this thread:

muslims are more white than the irish


IRA are nationalists trying to fight off their overlords.

Muslims are invaders

It's not. IRA was a terrorist group.

The Irish have been in Britain for centuries. Muslims have not.

>Muslims are invaders
the mayor of London is a Muslim

Yeah and that's a bad thing.
London is a English City.

*Usurpers then.

The IRA is a Marxist organisation who used weapons brought in from the Soviet Union in order to undermine western rule
The IRA also killed people for being "racist" as well
Communists hiding under the guise of nationalists is nothing new

The IRA were half competent.


Help me fill squares

Ira rang and gave warnings and they certainly wouldn't drive into a bunch of civilians.

>Gas leak

Troubled youth
Indian or Asian instead of muslim

IRA's action is self-defense, religion of peace is a strike


Only islamophobes are intolerant of being murdered by jihadis.

The IRA had a reason to fight England.

These guys are just murderers

>How is this any different then the IRA ?

Because that was a conflict that lasted a few decades, a fight between virtual brothers that had a clear ending.

This other conflict is over a millennia old and is from a very foreign element with clear goals of conquest.

I'm not aware that the IRA secretly indoctrinated as many Irish as possible with the intent of utterly destroying England and forcing everyone to bend the knee to their own version of a fake man in the sky.

The Irish are Western European in origin.

They also had a metric shitton of high explosives, machine guns and fundraising ops all over America, as well as a huge complicit population and an elected political wing.

IRA were fighting a war for freedom. Innocents die in war. We actually had reasons for killing.

>IRA doesn't target innocents
>IRA are Irish patriots, not sand nigger Muslims faggota
>IRA doesn't attack Europe every other ducking day


The Irish share a sense of common identity with Britain and Western Europe in general where as Muslims do not. They are foreigners brought in just recently.

because slimes don't belong in england

muslims are the fathers of western civilization
kek confirms

>he is this naive

The IRA are responsible for training alot of these Islamic Terrorists that we have today - they also taught them alot of methods on how to kill people.

They were Pro-Islamist cucks.

>The IRA are responsible for training alot of these Islamic Terrorists that we have today - they also taught them alot of methods on how to kill people.
source, ahmed?

We'll agree to disagree.

>Fights for freedom
>sells out to the EU
>begs for gibs and gets it

How slimy little wretch, your disgusting reprehensible turds of people will suck on any financial tit for any reason.

It isn't, they're both scum who need to be famine'd and crusaded

The IRA bombed pubs and killed kids. They're no different to the Sand niggers and the British army at the height of the troubles often called fuckups by the IRA the "Irish Factor" cause they couldn't wire a basic bomb to go off at the right time or really function as humans.
IRA are drug runners and gun sellers looking to make money off the back of patriotic fervour, its the reason theres a load of different IRAs like the True IRA and the Real IRA etc they're all disputing faggots like the dune coons.
IRA did attack and shut down national events in England whenever they wanted.
The Irish are basically as bad as niggers with the intelligence of dune coons.

This is a very nice drawing.
What grade did your Imam give you for it?

i bet that kneeling girl on the phone is his asian waifus

asian waifu is loyal waifu for white mans



PIRA didn't do suicide attacks, targeted infrastructure/military personnel/collaborators, used coded warnings to avoid civilian casualties.
PIRA wanted return of homeland, not conquest and enslavement of someone elses.

lol complete bollocks from start to finish


This leaf is going all out

Yeah, goyim! You must learn to live with terrorism!

Yes, they supported the pan-arab movement and the PLO, who were not islamists. The PLO were then btfo by Hamas, who are.

Why do they love Islam so much?

>lol complete bollocks from start to finish
But he's right tho.

The Irish are easier to fight because they're not white and don't blend in as well as Muslims.

The provisional IRA's fight against the British was a political one, and one that many see as legitimate now, after the fullness of time. Just look at the crushing of the civil rights movement for Catholics in the north, sure that's basically what precipitated the Troubles.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro IRA or anything, they bombed civilian targets. But, overall the fight they were undertaking had some justification to it, I.e. The acquisition of greater Liberty.

Terror attacks like the one today are borne out of ideological conflict, and the will to impose you're dogmatism totally upon the world, not the struggle for equal representation before the law.

Islam attacks the west because of WHO we are, not WHAT we do.

>omg that's so cuteee!

I fucking hate cats. Never trust anyone who says they're a "cat person".

Isolated incident

martin guiness died yesterday. he had something to do with the ira. cuntspiracy??

This is why British are total shit when they are talking about 'Irish terrorist':
1)Between 1900 and 1902, the British Empire, led by Lord Kitchener, used concentration camps.[11] At the time, they were fighting the Boer people in the Second Boer War in South Africa. At first, the British were not able to beat the Boers. They reacted by putting the Boer fighters' family members into concentration camps. They did this so these family members could not give food or help to the Boer fighters.[11] The British soldiers also burned down the Boers' houses and farms, and destroyed all the crops they could find.[11] They did this so the Boer fighters would not be able to find food or shelter anywhere. Around 26,000 women and children died in these camps from disease and starvation.[12]

This maybe a reason for the Irish to HATE the British:

2)In 1652, Oliver Cromwell and the English military took over Ireland. Historians Brendan O'Leary and John McGarry write: "Oliver Cromwell offered Irish Catholics a choice between genocide and forced mass population transfer."[14] Cromwell wanted all of the Irish Catholics to leave eastern Ireland and move to the northwest.[15][16]

With Cromwell in charge, the English military forced many Irish Catholics to leave eastern Ireland, and killed many of the people who refused to leave. They did this by:

Threatening to execute Irish people who fought back against the English[17]
Taking away about 40% of the land owned by Irish Catholics, and giving it to English Protestants[18]
Massacring Irish Catholics[18][19]
Burning Irish crops with the goal of starving the Irish Catholics[19]
Historian John Morrill says that England's actions were "the greatest episode of ethnic cleansing ever attempted in Western Europe."[18] About 600,000 Irish people died – 43% of the Irish population.[19] Because of this, historians do not agree on whether this was an ethnic cleansing[15][16][20] or a genocide.[21][22][23]

source: Wikipedia


Don't be so quick to assume his relgion
Still waiting on the details

IRA would always call and warn people away. A few of the supposed IRA incidents were actually fraggings, tradecraft and hard men settling scores.

"No Motive..." and "Name/Race Not Reported" covers those, think.

The IRA believed Northern Ireland was being illegitimately occupied by Britain through force. Incompetent Brits did everything in their power to prove them right, including shooting a load of unarmed protesters in 1972.

Generally the IRA made at least some efforts to reduce civilian casualties, targeting the army and police and usually giving warnings by phone when they were going to cause some serious property damage. More importantly though, the IRA had an aim. They wanted Britain out of Northern Ireland because they thought the ethnically Irish (mostly Catholic but this was never actually about protestants vs Catholics, it was "your ancestors stole land from my ancestors") community in Northern Ireland would be mistreated forever by Britain.

That meant it was actually possible to make a deal. Northern Ireland was completely re-organised in 1998 to protect the rights of the minority and since then the conflict has come off the boil. Infamously in 1998 a faction within the IRA tried to derail the peace process by setting off a huge car bomb in Omagh, killing 30 people. It's not clear whether they tried to warn the police to evacuate the area beforehand, but whatever happened it blew up and killed those people. This was universally seen as utterly repugnant.

Our real problem is that, while you can negotiate with people who want to change a political arrangement and eventually come to some sort of understanding, it's hard to see how you negotiate with Islamic fundamentalists. The British community in Northern Ireland could make some concessions to the Irish community and get on with it because the wishes of the Republican movement were at least somewhat tolerable to them. That's not the case with Islamic fundamentalists. They want things that are just unacceptable. Sharia instead of common law is not an option. Having areas of Britain not subject to the same rules as everywhere else is not an option. Normal people would rather just nuke Mecca

#notallmuslims before any info even comes out.
Facebook flag/Je suis ____/Pray for ____

>Not bowing before us

There's your problem.

the IRA haven't done an attack in ages. This shit is happening right now
there's your fucking difference

there werent 2 billion irishmen and they werent flooding into Europe?

Six more.

>Facebook flag
>"Pray for...."
>Nothing to do with islam
>We must fight islamophobia

Has tried to appear Westernized recently

You fell for the islamic golden age meme m8.

>H&K G3
>Soviet weapons

Nice shit post you got there.

>the attack occurred in a gun free/safe sapce

Did racists radicalize the attacker

>attack occurred in a gun free/safe sapce
Most attacks occur in Europe, so this is true by default.

IRA had something like a legitimate grievance?

Accomplices or suspect protected by the "local community" prior to or after the attack.

why is he naked?

someone set off a bomb in strabane yesterday to try and kill police

>Accomplices or suspect protected by the "local community" prior to or after the attack.
Can you make this more concise?

Mentally Unstable

Because the IRA wasn't a religiously motivated terrorist organization. It was political and secessionist in its entirety. South of the border, protestants and Catholics had little trouble with one another.

The true redpill is to have both cats and dogs. I have two outdoor cats because they are GOAT at getting rid of moles and other pests that ruin yards. Then I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback for companionship and hunting.

Indoor pets are garbage.


And you would know, being a Commonwealther, the London Mayor has no power of note.

Now the LORD MAYOR of London. He has power.

Lol Irish are the niggers or the UK. Spent 3 decades blowing themselves up to achieve something which would have made no difference in your lives. Ha, what a bunch of losers!

No similarities at all user.

>thinking this is even some kind of point

You are a true mong. Kill your self

People taking pictures of dying victims

'Security Expert' analysis on 24hr news

Suspicious Package Reported in other city

We gave them a choice mate. Cromwell was a cunt, but we still offered them to move to Tyrone.

Catholics and protestants have grown past outright conflict. Muslims have declared jihad against the west. They will not stop until none are of them or you are left.

If the are too moderate to outright kill you they will out breed you or financially support those who will.

Their offspring will in turn outbreed or kill your offspring.

This. Like legit terrorist group

IRA would call in their bombs so people fled the area.

>"In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, from Whom
is all authority and to Whom, as our final end, all
actions both of men and States must be referred,
We, the people of Éire,
Humbly acknowledging all our obligations to our
Divine Lord, Jesus Christ, Who sustained our
fathers through centuries of trial.."

First paragraph of the Constitution of the Irish Republic, maybe the Unionists are on to something

probably looking for bullet wounds as they were trying to keep him alive for that sweet sweet information

sure let them in and soon that tricolour the IRA waved for nearly a century will be burned and called racist by these sandniggers.

The IRA is full of retards, irish culture deserves to be destroyed if they lets rapefugees in.

are you even trying?

All of you fuck nuggets need to cut this "IRA was justified. They were fighting for their freedom" bullshit. The IRA murdered hundreds of people including children in cold blood. They were disgusting pigs

"History of drug and alcohol problems"


They're less effective than the IRA - which is pretty fucking amazing given that the 'I' in IRA stands for Irish.

100 times over

IRA attacks were done by people seeking independence and freedom from a country that had invaded them and oppress them for literally hundreds of years.

Islamic terroristic attacks are done by invaders strictly carrying out their attacks in the name of their religion and to parasitically change the culture and landscape of that country to comply with their beliefs

They were an oppressed people who fought against the enemy and will be remembered as heroes.

Some of the shit that went on in the Troubles is abhorrent and quite a lot of the IRA are absolute murderous scum but the British incubated them. It's awful innocent people lost their lives but the fault lies with the British for a lot of that.

You can insult the IRA all you want but they got what they want and Ireland will be united in our life time.

So would you rather all those northern Catholics lived in an apartheid state still? Because that's pretty much what the conditions were like there prior to the Troubles - Gerrymandering, inability for Catholics to gain public sector jobs, and a total lack of representation within the policing authority, government or the courts.

And, all while those Catholics were, and still are, British citizens. You're literally talking about how it was okay that your government infringed the rights of your fellow British citizens, and that it was wrong for those citizens to fight for the same Liberty you enjoy.

Cmon mate, smell the hypocrisy.

Partnership and sympathy for the PLO has nothing to do with these attacks now you moron.