Why should I be chrisitan? Was/still am an atheist

Before I get shat on I am not a fedora atheist thats annoying about it. I keep to myself about my beliefs but I've been looking into christianity I did before but it didnt do anything for me.

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 1&version=KJV

>I believe something came from nothing
>I believe consciousness came out of rocks

>b-but it's ok because I keep it to myself and don't wear an autism hat

well meme'd

well god came from nothing and consciousness came from our brains not rocks

>came from something

this is why people make fun of you idiots.

I am a Christian but I would strongly recommend not converting unless you want to take the time to study the belief.

Unless you want to be a cultural Christian that lacks religious fluency, attends church once a year, will easily lose any debate against anyone who makes critiques on Christianity, and who doesn't read the bible, then by all means convert if you would like.

I personally consider myself a non-denominational Christian, and I enjoy studying the original languages of the scriptures and manuscripts along with observing debates about the various interpretations of scripture. Every now and then I will enjoy watching a theist and/or Christian debate an atheist, as this allows me to gain knowledge on different arguments (although I do not do this as frequently since I already wasted years doing this when I was an agnostic-atheist).

Yeah I didn't really try "god" after I got saved and shit because it just left ad I couldn't get back into it I'm not opposed to the idea of a God but why is Christianitys god the most realistic

Well no, God is eternal and had no cause itself. Also for consciousness to originate from the brains in the darwinian paradigm consider this. In the Darwinian view the brains came about by determined material processes. Any consciousness realized by brains which came about by determined processes is not in reality conscious, but only an illusion of consciousness, as their discovery of that consciousness is just another determined material process in itself.

That's a great point, but what about the christian god makes him more real than any other god. I'm not trying to be an edge master I just want answers and I believe Sup Forums to be the best.

>god came out of nowhere
>thinks its any better

Your life is and will be filled with problems more complex than what the bible covers. It does nothing for you, because while it is as much your story as it was the story of every other person up to the modern age, it's only half of your story.

It's my firm belief that the internet is the new bastion of the human spirit, in all of its ridiculous glory. You can learn how to handle your modern complexes from people here with those same complexes, and you'll be a better person for it.

Because it is the Truth

>I've been looking into christianity
I'm a Ph.D. but I've been looking into becoming an imbecile. We have a lot in common.

Just make a YouTube channel. It worked for Thunderf00t.

Read Summa contra Gentiles. I've shilled it into previous threads like this, and I will continue to do so since it's a literal rigorous proof of God's existence.

Just be sure to understand some Aristotelian terminology beforehand, the text will be at best hard to understand and at worst you will find proofs invalid due to not understanding some terms' meanings.

No, he was mocking Creationism.

Do you believe in YHWH and christ having been a real dude who tried his best to be a good guy? If so, become christian, if not, don't.

You dont have to be devoted and fervently pray to a god every night or someshit user, just believe in a god, follow his code of conduct, pray if you want and live as normally as you can with the religions morals and stipulations.

If you want to be a atheist, go for it, if you want to be a christian, go for it, any other religion, knock yourself out, just dont be a dick and help others and you are fine on my books.

Have you read this yet?

"Summa Theologica" - Thomas Aquinas

It's always baffling to me how people can just decide to pick up a faith or not.

I can excuse the brainwashed from childhood... But being an adult... Jesus.

It's not something for beginners, if he even starts reading it he will only end up confused.

Reading SCG (and some popular works on Aquinas' philosophy) will be much more helpful.

A substantive moral foundation.

I see way less of a reason to be an atheist rather than a Christian. I see no reason to be an atheist whatosever.


If you like really big ideas, check out pic related

I don't get why you people keep using Aquinas as "LEGIT 101% PROOF OF YAHWEH". It doesn't work. Ignoring the fact that it's thousands of pages of dry outdated philosophy which OP will get bored of, none of it alleviates the damage caused by the key theological crutch of Christianity, and that is the centrality and necessity of revelation and historicity.

You'd be better off giving him information on Christian mysticism, or folk Christianity/Saint Veneration. It doesn't matter how many cute long debunked (For lack of a better word) thought experiments and poorly thought out "logical" proofs you present, it will never make up for the damage caused by empiricism, archaeology, biology, etc etc etc.

God is good. There are no true testimonies against Him.

You're living in a world of garbage, surrounded by lies. The serpent hates you and hates God. It hates everything good and worth preserving.

It's the creator of shit, all the nasty anti-white, anti-family, anti-Christian ideologies in the world.

Its time is short, and it's cursed, and God is going to throw it in the lake of fire for causing death and sin and strife against men.

Unfortunately for many people, they reject God and love this unfair, garbage world. They'd rather accept lies than seek truth.

Either you look for the truth, or you don't. There's literally no point in you asking about Christianity on Sup Forums, unless you are looking for the truth.

But the good news is that God can't lie, and has already told you what will happen when you look for the truth; you will find it.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 1&version=KJV

Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

here's one. Be calvinist

>God cause evil
>you are a puppet
>God made you do what you do


I think it's better to recommend the Summa Theologica to op because I don't want to presume he cannot understand the material.

there's also good reasons Jesus often taught in parables.

I prefer to recommend the best in scholarship to op along with reading the Bible.

I've found that challenging people can go a long way toward initiating discovery of The Way, The Truth and The Life

Faith is a freely given gift from God

>It doesn't work.

And why would that be? Revelation is central to Christianity, but we can get very far with natural theology alone.

Fuck off

OP should read Presuppositional Apologetics and The Institutes by John Calvin

Universe is proven not to be eternal.

Don't fall for the failed cults of the past. Praise KEK!

And there is no such thing as free will

>the centrality and necessity of revelation and historicity
Neither revelation or historicity is necessary.

>Inviolable rule of logic: Everything has a cause
>Well no, God is eternal and had no cause itself.
>Rule of logic violated
IOW, no rules

>an illusion of consciousness
All theists have this

all reasoning is circular

>I am soooo gullible
>proof of God's existence
>Yep, I fell for that too!
Just because your brain is severely damaged doesn't mean any of the rest of us....

The science supports it, you literal retard.

Darwin is a liar. God made the universe in six days. It's his Word or your ego

That's not true~

Fucking Jews

Hey, don't you have a street corner to attend to?

Because at best the doctrines of Christianity are a radical distortion from what Yeshua taught and at worst they're a complete fabrication; the Revelation is bunk and when OP (Or anyone, for that matter) comes to this realization or is presented with evidence of this then the whole thing falls apart. There's no point in being a Christian if Yeshua isn't real.

Give him reasons to be a Christian that don't require Yeshua having been real. This is why the Buddhists don't lead in with six bazillion Dharma-Guardian-Gods, psychic powers, reincarnation and the Buddha being an eternal psychic overmind. They lead in with the things that don't require the Buddha to have existed (Which is arguably most of Buddhism, but that's neither here nor there).

This is why the LE EPIC DESU VAULTING EASTERN ORTHODOX CRUSADER XD meme is so effective, the historicity of Yeshua is irrelevant to the message and the doctrines it promotes.

Yes they are. No Jesus = No sin, no Yahweh, no heaven, no eternal damnation, no point in being a Christian. This is basic Christianity m8o.


Have you even read it?

No clue how God being an eternal spirit being violates your precious rules about how things should be.

Being able to verify that something did or didn't happen as a necessary fact has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of that something. Historicity has literally no bearing on this subject at all.

In fact - given only a priori shit like tautologies can be proven as being necessarily - historicity has no bearing on *ANYTHING* for a rationalist in the capacity of rationalism.

It is. When you explain something you are using logic as the authority. So it is true because logic

How is that different from somethin true because the bible says so?

Thus posts an absolute fool.

>It's his Word or your ego
Thank you for proving my ego exists.

Now what about your gods?

I'm not very social or good at speaking to people. I'd rather just try and help on here, it's much easier.

If you can't even conceive of a state of affairs in which "thoughts exist" isn't true then I you seem to lack any grounds upon which to say it isn't ^_^

And not just "logic", but "human logic".

No clue where the proof that "human logic" governs the known universe might be found.

stop acting gay and we will talk. This is disgusting

Is there a universe?

Then there is a universe maker.

That title is "God". "God" is not a name. It is a title, and it belongs to the being who made the universe.

If you are foolish enough to have "Random Chance and Time" as your god, don't blame us when your god turns out to be utterly useless.

By absolute necessity of certain propositional claims that your mind cannot possibly depart from, such as "thoughts exist" ^_^

Cool deflection dick sucker~

No clue how "thoughts exist" leads to "human logic governs the universe."

Stop making me uncomfortable you reprobate. Speak like a man or I wont answer your claim


Riddle me this. Why are you asking the question as 'Christianity vs other religions'? Why not 'hinduism vs other religions'? It's because you are already fully aware of the fruits of Christianity, its dominance throughout history in the West, the immense goodness, selflessness and confidence of its believers. The fact is that no religion can hold a candle to Christianity. No other religion gives you freedom with responsibility. None other explains why the world is so lost and full of hatred.
The elite, especially Jews, devote their entire existence to suppressing Christian ideas, because through the gospel they are tried and sentenced.
Because of Christ, Christians have already won, while everyone else struggles to justify their meaningless lives.

Just a friendly reminder that God is one eternal being

Not Jesus
Not The Holy Spirit
There is no Satan

If you believe in the three things I listed above, you are a polytheist.

>Have you even read it?
Nothing you can read proves Santa Claus exists.

>But I can read something that proves the Easter Bunny is REAL!
Years of believing delusions and cognitive dissonance strain has warped your brain. Your rational mind is gone. You are now incapable of distinguishing real from imaginary.

Here's the thing. God exists because the Bible says so. That is the only standard reliable enough to judge truth

You shouldnt be a Christian because Christians listen to Paul(the wolf in sheeps clothing) instead of God and muh Jebus. Go to blessyahowah.com if you want the straight dope on Dead Sea Scrolls, Oldest Greek Manuscripts.

How would you know this is the case?

Do it for the tradition.

The point went over your head. Allow me to explain.

If there is no Yeshua, then he didn't die on the cross. Because he didn't die on the cross we can by association say there's no original sin (As original sin is the entire point of dying on the cross), and also no Yahweh. Because there's no Yahweh, Yeshua, and the Holy Ghost, there's no heaven and no hell. If there's no heaven and hell, the biggest and simplest carrot and stick Christianity has ("Be good and go to heaven; be bad and go to hell") goes right down the drain.

And yes, basic historicity does conflict with Christian narrative. The objective fact of Yahweh being one of many gods of the Canaanite polytheistic pantheon yoinks the entire Christian (And Jewish, and Muslim) creation narrative right out from under it. Geological timescales defeat the Genesis. And on. And on. And on.

You can believe whatever autism you want, I can believe whatever autism I want, and OP can believe whatever autism he wants. But you will, eventually, lose this fight if you keep fighting this way. You have BEEN losing. You will CONTINUE to lose. If an American public school education can defeat your entire framework of conversion, then something is very, very, VERY wrong.

I'd have to ask you what you mean by "human logic" then, since "thoughts exist" being a necessarily true statement I'd regard as human logic, in that humans are using logic to reason about a claim.

It's rather astonishing, is it not? One being tells you only the truth, and loves you. The other being tells you only lies, and hates you.

And the liar full of hate attracts more people than the truth teller full of love.

Is this not proof of the depravity of man?

You can't answer the claim, because the claim is necessarily true~

While that is true, it is also the case that God exists whether or not writing was invented.

>I am not a fedora atheist that's annoying about it. I keep to myself about my beliefs
That's about the best I can manage as well. Nothing short of massive brain trauma would see me in a church, but with Islam as the true enemy, arguing with Christians is too much like friendly fire.

Nice non-arguments faggot

A)God exists because the bible says so
B)God makes clear he made Pharoah's heart harden meaning that he made Pharoah disobedient to show his glory
C)Paul says God chooses you before the foundation of the world. If you are not chosen, God chose you for Damnation

Got it?

Father is God.
Son is God.
Spirit is God.
There is One God.

One threefold God who manifested himself to us as Father, Son and Spirit so that we might get to know him.

>Is there a universe maker?
There there is a universe-maker maker

See how stupid this circular logic is?

Jesus revealed himself and the New Covenant to Paul after the resurrection.

Paul knows more about Jesus and the New Covenant than all the other apostles combined.

did you never wonder why?

You are doing it again. Just stop this madness and be normal

But we only know God exists because the Bible says so and Him opening our eyes

FINALLY, someone who gets it. Thank you, Jesus Christ.

This right here is the RIGHT way of going about this. Autistically screeching about creationism and how JEEZUS was real does not work. It hasn't been working, it won't magically start to work if you keep doing it.

>you're a polytheist


The Holy Trinity distinction is a difference by matter of relation, and not essence

YHWH, I Am, is the eternal God. that eternal God manifested as Yehoshua, Yeshua, Jesus, whatever you want to call him, and that Son of God did die on the cross.

The only people who say he did not are muslims.

Inbred, terrorist, pedophile muslims.

>being so autistic you can't comprehend the trinity

The concept of historicity is based in a belief in the idea that the historicity of any given thing can be known - otherwise historicity means nothing to humans since they can't possibly grasp what is or isn't true of history.

If you can't know history, you can't can't meaningfully hold to a doctrine of historicity as your qualification for a belief in any given thing.
You can't know history.
*Therefore* you can't meaningfully hold to a doctrine of historicity as a criterion for belief in any given thing.

Please read better.

No clue how you think there is any connection whatsoever between "human logic" and "how this universe is governed".


>God exists because the Bible says so.
The bible says lots of things that we know for a fact are not true.

Human logic could influence states of affairs causally. I don't maintain that it does, but it could - in which case you'd be wrong.

Yes on A, but again, the bible doesn't have to exist for God to exist.

Yes on B, but only after Pharoah hardened his own heart 7 times.

No on C, because hard Calvinism does not understand the harmony between us choosing God, and God choosing us because we would choose him. The key to understanding is that God knows the end from the beginning.

There is no Super God.

If you invent Super God to be your god, do not cry when he turns out to be useless.

Again, the point went over your head. I'll try to clear it up for you further:

What YOU believe is real is irrelevant. What I believe is real is irrelevant. Whatever proved whatever to us is irrelevant.

All that matters is what the guy you're trying to convert thinks is real. He doesn't know what you know, and he doesn't know what I know. The recognition of this fact is called "empathy". What the guy you're trying to convert thinks is real is, statistically, NOT the Christianity you're peddling. You don't have to take my word for it, you can just look at the number of atheists in the New World/Europe. Your strategy is not working.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the earth shows his handiwork.

All debunked. Pick one if you'd like.

Foreknowledge implies merit on something humans would do in the future. Salvation is not merited on anything

Also, God hardened Pharaoh's heart all the time because that was his plan to begin with to show his glory

God exists independently of the bible. But the bible is how we know him

I am not. It's just that your way of posting just looks like a girl trying to act cute. So unless you are a girl, post like the rest of us do

Universe was just fine without us.

No clue why you think your human logic is powerful enough to understand either the universe or God. Seems fairly presuppositional to me.

>All that matters is what the guy you're trying to convert thinks is real
That has nothing to do with *ANYTHING*. When the fuck did I ever talking about evangelizing? Hello? I'm not the strawman you're talking to.

That is only Known through the bible

It is only contradiction because of your logic saying so

How is that different from the bible being true because it says so?

People tend to do things that people they trust suggest they do for their own benefit.

What are we supposed to think when our own god won't even help us?

>I am not

>Universe was just fine without us
Or it wasn't. How would you know?

That merit is believing in Jesus.

God chose me from before the foundations of the world because he saw that I would choose to believe Jesus is who he says he is; the Son of God died for the sins of the world and raised on the third day.

God did not need to wait for me to make that choice.

He already "saw" me make it before he said "light, be".

You should be a Christian for your own sake, and that of your kingdom.

Then it is not true.

Either it is true that the heavens declare the glory of God, and the earth shows his handiwork, or its inclusion in the bible is false.

The bible is called the Word of God. Jesus is called the Word of God. make sure you're worshiping the right Word of God.