even the anime deathnote was shit, this has zero chance of being good
Nigger plays L in the American version of Death Note
>shit fucking ending
this, and i especially hated the annoying 2d girl they just had to add later too. i was enjoying death note largely because it didn't have that cringey shit. so much wasted potential.
As a black man Im going to say this is ridiculous...why the hell is it ok for a black man to play a asian character but if a white woman played aunt jemima its racist?
Light should have won. All he had to do was hide a page of the notebook instead of the whole notebook. Such bullshit.
>L is 1/4 British, 1/4 French, 1/4 Russian and 1/4 Japanese
The dood is playing chess 10 dimensions ahead of everyone the whole serious then WHOOOOPS
Muh ebil plan failed for the shittiest possible reason.
>nah just make him a nigger
And you guys are different than the SJWs complaining about Ghost in a Shell... How?
Were you joking when you typed this? As if it would make a difference of the entirety of Sup Forums stopped using Netflix, let alone Sup Forums...