What's up with LA not allowing ICE to do their jobs? Isn't that aiding an abetting a crime? Hell, national security issues there too.
Why not just arrest the mayor and those that passed this legislation? Why is Trump bullshitting around and not stomping on these traitors?
Enough with this shitting around. Arrest these fucking traitors already. What's the hold up?
Luis Lewis
Who is nunes? Who does he work for?
Brody Campbell
How long until Doubs goes nuclear tonight?
Robert Sullivan
In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then drop by the Women in Healthcare panel hosted by Seema Verma, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Later in the morning, the President will host a Legislative Affairs group meeting. In the afternoon, the President will meet with the Congressional Black Caucus Executive Committee. In the evening, the President will have dinner with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
* 9:00AM In-Town Travel Pool Call Time*
* 10:30AM THE PRESIDENT receives his daily intelligence briefing*
*11:00AM THE PRESIDENT drops by the Women in Healthcare panel hosted by Seema Verma, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.*
*11:30AM THE PRESIDENT hosts a Legislative Affairs group meeting*
>*3:00PM THE PRESIDENT meets with the Congressional Black Caucus Executive Committee*
>*6:30PM THE PRESIDENT has dinner with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson*
* 1:30PM Press Briefing with Press Secretary Sean Spicer*
>About 1,500 workers at three Indiana factories are facing layoffs despite hopes that President Donald Trump would convince the companies to reverse plans for moving production to Mexico.
>United Technologies confirmed Friday that the first wave of about 50 layoffs happened last week at its electronics plant that had about 700 workers in Huntington. The plant in the northeastern Indiana city is slated for closure.
Congressman. Chair of House Intelligence Committee.
He works for us.
Colton Torres
Looks like we're in need of purging.
Grayson Howard
Are we still doing the anime v. anime haters thing for (you)s? I guess it works in a pinch.
Jason Perez
Angel Wright
>Rex and Trump get to have a good laugh about North Korea
John Foster
Nathan Morgan
no shill in sight damn.
Logan Perez
K-on a shit
Daniel Perez
I don't understand why Coulter was never actually brought into the Trump administration. She's at least as red-pilled as Bannon. Maybe more.
Gavin Long
Genius + providence.
He was chosen by God.
Elijah Turner
>Trump has been smug since forever.
I bet this pisses off the libtards more then anything.
Nolan Bennett
Doesn't that just mean we can't go after Hillary yet? How does that translate to a coup?
Nathan Robinson
She's a neocon.
Leo Adams
Grayson Lee
Why not a Peace Prize?
Gavin Powell
How did Weiner become a thing?
Stupid name aside, he just looks and sounds like a freaky wierdo
Jacob White
Ann is probably better at serving Trump without being in the administration.
Leo Butler
Low energy shills.
Brandon Kelly
>So terrified that Drumpf will lose you resort to this
Adrian Moore
Is Portugal part of the WH team or just our greatest ally?
Josiah Carter
(((He))) was qualified.
Jaxon Gray
>Fanatically anti-immigration >Neo-Con
Nicholas Rogers
25 fries
Ryan Ross
> I understand the plan I am talking about phase one failing. I understand the concept behind the current strategy but there is a real possibility of it failing the senate if not the house and thats just phase 1.
That's the normal legislative process. In a normal congress every bill put to a vote can be voted yay or nay. Only a literal affirmative action congress (Obama first and only supermajority) can pass bills without debating, making deals or even reading them (see: Obamacare).
> I have no fucking clue how phase 3 will get passed since it requires 60 votes
My guess is that
1) with previous phases in place getting 8 more votes phase 3 will be a shoe in 2) if they stall Gorshuch filibuster is bye bye 2)
Owen Thomas
liberals hate him, find out his secret trick by reading his book
Liam Long
We'll are they opening a plant in Mexico or just closing? He can't help if they just close
Cameron Gray
Michael Peterson
Brody Walker
The bigger question is how do women find him attractive other than the money/power/fame angle.
Ryder Barnes
Classic step #7 out of Hillary's President Playbook
Become respectable by being adorned with awards for nothing
Gabriel Jones
the second
Bentley Peterson
take that grumtards
Isaac Rodriguez
Reminds me too much of the assassin memes.
Jeremiah Davis
Its better for her to be outside the administration. She is a conservative firebrand to assault liberals.
Colton Green
It means the FBI is just as bad as we think. It's probably split.
Jacob Cox
She sucked romneys mormon cock ljke you wouldnt believe
Isaac Jenkins
Dominic Jones
corrupt institutions seek out corrupt workers
Caleb Cox
I'm 100% convinced that those are made by Sup Forumsacks .
Nathan Gray
ikr? I wish he had a trip so we could worship him properly.
Luke Rodriguez
She shits on immigration harder than most have publicly. She complained about the too omnipresent focus on Israel. What do you want more?
Dominic Williams
She's fucking unhinged, that's why.
Wyatt Walker
It's true.
Andrew Murphy
Hunter Sullivan
>the NSA is being very cooperative
what did he mean by this?
Michael Torres
Humma probably finds his depravity attractive. Wasted!
Isaiah Jenkins
Our Lisboa Liasison
Grayson Howard
> rags on neocon Ryan > literally wrote a book called "In Trump we trust" > unironically calls him "emperor god" in recent tweets > neocon
user, plz
Jacob Adams
Neocon isn't just about immigration. Really it's mostly about endless wars
Connor White
I beleive it's "futafan"
Dominic Gutierrez
she's a 6 you know it's true
Gabriel Hall
>She's a neocon Uhhh
Dylan Howard
Sweetie, Sup Forums is ours now. You can go find refuge elsewhere.
Jaxson Barnes
What's the story with Nunes? Lefties are saying muh Russian spy. What the hell is happening?
Ayden Peterson
What a faggot get
Isaac Davis
When the alternative was Obama. Wasn't Sup Forums sucking his Mormon cock too back then?
Lucas Young
NSA are patriots, everyone else is too politicized by Obama and his lackeys
David James
what do you mean? she was one of the very first people to support trump. she does seem to shit on him at weird times once in a while though. probably coke.
Logan Gomez
Trump is better. She would just be a distraction
Carter Hill
Re-examine this woman through what Yuri says
Caleb Cruz
Rogers may be /ourguy/
Comey is a faggot.
Jose Scott
Are we still pretending that tranny is attractive?
Ayden Harris
>Current year + 2 >People still doubt Trump It's like you want to be wrong everytime
Joseph Watson
It's true. She would probably call obama a retarded ape
Grayson Perez
No, no one was which is why he never stood a chance
Nathan Brown
Reminder that the "lifetime achievement award" generally implies that you're not going to be achieving anything else afterwards.
Grayson Perez
shit nvm i am retarded. read it as 'bought into' not brought.
Oliver Diaz
Alright, so we're about to wrap this week up. Here are the cliff-hangers we're waiting on:
Will the new Health Care bill pass the house? What will become of the Executive Ordered Travel Ban? Will there be any justice for the all the leaks? What will we learn about Hillary covering up Wiener's perversion?
And how far can California and Maryland go before Trump rolls in federal troops to bring rebel governments back into the union?
Jaxon Campbell
Also, im shook by this tweet
Brayden Johnson
Are you saying you didn't want Romney to beat Obama in 2012? If so, you're an idiot.
People hate this shit. It's like when Obama gave awards to himself right before he got out.
Samuel Flores
She called him Emperor-God live on Fox too.
John Sanders
Ryan Hall
Either way now this wiretap thing is starting to look like a guaranteed win for Trump >Makes claim that soaks up all attention for everything for weeks >Provide little evidence that you could easily produce but shift focus on medias own reporting that attacks you >Shift investigation to Congress >Making any discovery by them not you attacking the president before you >Mucks up any investigation that's going on >Makes all Russia accusations with no evidence no better than yours >Even if nothing comes out of it he still gets to slam Obama surveillance which no one outside of politics likes >All the while being more familiar with all the evidence than anybody
Aaron Morales
We wouldn't have gotten Trump if Mittens won.
Angel Clark
Liam Butler
Because they are ignoring nunes saying it wasn't related to Russia
Carson Murphy
kek confirms
action replay codes for shiny pokemon LEAKED
Juan Kelly
Why do you amerifats care about romney being a mormon so much? Did he lose to obama because of that? If so , then you're retarded
Lincoln Sullivan
>Comey is a faggot.
Probably not even that, he's just clinically insane. I honestly can't explain his erratic behavior any other way.
Ryder Rodriguez
> just our greatest ally?
This one. Not even kidding, if the WH needs a liaison on this wretched hive of scum and villainy we call home (and my identity was absolutely positively kept anonymous at all costs) arrangements could be made.