In 1939, there existed 16.6M Jews worldwide, about 9M in Europe. In 1945, that number shrank to 3.8M

In 1939, there existed 16.6M Jews worldwide, about 9M in Europe. In 1945, that number shrank to 3.8M.

Other urls found in this thread:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

>things that arent true for 100 alex

Prove it.

fake news - SAD!

We're gonna need a source on that outlandish claim.

I´ll take Havaara agreement for 400$ alex

Then I´ll follow up with what is Palestinian genocide and displacement for 200$ ALEX

if jews got killed so hard why are they fucking everywhere now?


They went to America, isreal, and russia. Their populations didn't boom because they reproduce like whites and japs. Mystery solved.

I'm still looking for that 3.6 million figure you pulled out of your ass.

us didn't even care at the time


>Image is from tumblr.

>more jews were born between 1880-1940 than 1950-2013

Wow, medical science was so much better 100 years ago

too many

Can we talk about the population censuses for blacks and Jews.

Apparently blacks are only 14% of the population yet every major city is majority black.

And apparently Jews are only 0.2% of the population but every other "white" person I see is Jewish or has some Jewish ancestry.

I would say there are about 80 million Jews in the whole world.

Even more interesting, more Jews were born from 1925-1939 than 1945-2014.

>14 million Jews in the world

Yah that's bullshit

>uses jewish website for holocaust numbers

>1880-1939, 59 years
+9 million
> 1945-2014, 69 years
+3.9 million

Hmmm, its almost like the first set of numbers is a lie.

Nope, the scandinavians and russians kept strict records on jewish population

only 400k went missing whilst somehow 9 mil jews took reparations after the war

the same happen with muslims :>

Just in time to be turned into a lampshade!
What a tragedy


They purposely under report the Jewish population just like black population

If 60% sounds bad imagine 40%


>1900 - 1925: went from 10,600,000 to 14,800,000 (increase of 4,200,000), 25 years
>1945 - 2014: went from 11,000,000 to 13,900,000 (increase of 2,900,000), 69 years

Amazing that they couldn't match that pre-WW2 population increase.

Muh 6 gazillion

Shrunk* faggot

Wow, those numbers are awfully convenient.

>tries to make point with good goy Chart
>Chart just pokes more holes in argument
We're sorry mien führer. We didn't know. We didn't know.

around 4 million killed in gas chambers
around 2 million on the spot in mass executions
5 million homosexual/disabled/mentally ill

Around 11 million were killed.

>0.01 shekels have been added to you account
>also a small donation to holocaust victims has been subtracted from you account
>thank you for your continued support goy





It really makes you think! Doesn't it!

Did the kikes basically do what the elves did at the end of Lord of the Rings and leave Middle Earth?

