So, Sup Forums, what arm of the alt right are you?

So, Sup Forums, what arm of the alt right are you?

Other urls found in this thread:


>National socialism

correct, not bad

Equally libertarian and blackpilled

Found the dipshit


Go data mine somewhere else faggot.

what do you say


I was a bit on the fence on a couple of questions, but overall correct.

>you probably like anime and guns a bit too much

s-shut up

How did I do?


I'm pretty satisfied I should say

What even is this.



Nihilism, basically. I wasn't aware it was a form of alt right.

i would call myself mostly blackpiller tho

Blackpill master race


Although that sounds like me, I didn't specify any Abrahamic religions.


Why is this relevant?

If you can't tell then you need to lurk more

First two questions...
Data mining.

Its nothing like my views. I bet this is because I picked the shotgun.

im here for years and i still dont really understand m8

>lurk more fgt
The idea of someone using their personal preference on weaponry as a way of rating their political agenda is fucking stupid.

hey I'm 17 and what is this

I've been referring to myself as fascist too much perhaps, this is quite accurate. I am surprised libertarian was the same as white supremacist, I see myself aligning more towards fascism than libertarian.

I consider myself a fascist and a traditionalist in equal measure.

forgot to post

amazing how everyone's results are so different yet we have mostly the same goals (except for all you religious nutters)

the descriptions blow though.. i don't even watch animoos


I for one welcome our new dark lord.

>Has me as more Libertarian than Socialist

Lol this quiz is utter bullshit.
Ask more questions next time if you want to increase accuracy.

Yes pretty much correct.

Ja Heil!

80% Traditionalist/Monarchist

My nigga. Got the same results.

incredibly weighted poll, #4 will decide what you get.

There are too many traditionalists/monarchists here, I'm surprised

WOWOWOW I haven't clicked on anything regarding a race and yet I'm 17% white supremacist

I consider myself to be a traditionalist, but according to this test I'm a lolberg.

Interesting, always saw me as a more traditionalist


Hope you all are using incognito mode at least, look at the JavaScript. This site is trying to link you to Facebook and Twitter profile IDs.


I hate Anime.



>State should regulate and preserve the race/ethnicity
>"Oh wow, you are an ancap!"
Seriously shitty questionaire

how did I do?

I'll tell you.
Thousands of threads about the fbi probing far right websites (like Reddit and facejoo groups) then an off site survey is pasted here every few hours.
>they judge how radicalized you are and record your ip

Basically, everyone is filling out how much of a white supremacist you are survey for the Fbi. Probably won't matter for you, but most of these idiots in my country are colouring in a map for the fbi.


>Not living in incognito mode.


Is that like Stefan Molyneux?

Libertarian Anarcho 88%

White Supremacist 22%

0 everything else.

Nigga your libertarian and white supremacist tabs were identical. It was just by chance they posted libertarian instead of white supremacist.


country i live in fucks up people for way less
if they didn do anything to me yet im not really afraid

>if they didn do anything to me yet im not really afraid

>turkey before thanksgiving

Great Catholic Monarch when?


and what should i do?
turkey will get butchered on thanksgiving no matter what

Fuck yeah national socialist

The results seems okay but the test had very little meat to it. There are deeper concepts it could touch on, for example I completely reject the racist colonial model of race (where "white" appeared, also the same model of race modern progressives use) and no longer identify as white. I view white nationalists as being far lower than communists or progressives. Beliefs on race are a pretty significant topic.

What a shit quiz. The question about the role of the state has some glaring omissions especially and the question about abortion is too narrow.

but you gotta make the quiz fun (spanish mauser is correct)



Like I said, it probably won't affect you, but it's amazing when other people can see this (note) yet lemmings just keep filling it out.
I'm convinced a majority of Sup Forums is too stupid to care.


No step on snek

It's now official that Sup Forums is not alt-right and is a libertarian board. Congratulations, you were right about that.

Now kill yourselves.

meh pretty close


The military arm, also know as das Sturmabiteilung

Please send us a new führer in return we slay the cucks traitors and become the 1000 year reich


I farted and this slimy thing came out

There really isn't such a thing IRL as an "alt right".
But Kek is real.
ʞǝʞ ǝsiɐɹԀ

What do avid alt righter's think about Dr. Petersons take on the movement?

But I want to preserve the white race

Lol i dont even watch Anime. I might be one of the more normies here, but im not sure about this test...



Sup Forums is a board of peace, and your desire for the death is not welcome. Go back to stormfront.

National Socialist

My man


Could someone red-pill me about black-pill?

Holy shit.
Fucking clever you sly dog.

>Could someone red-pill me about black-pill?
A blackpill is a 'Nihilism-pill'


National Socialist. I am surprised how close white supremacist and national socialist are considering I am native, not white.


How. You don't believe in a strong central authority that can kick down the doors of a business that is employing foreigners and burn it down, deport the foreigners, and imprison the owner.


fuck off with your controlled opposition shit shareblue
