Their definition of bot is indistinguishable from the typical autistic frog twitter dweller.
Fuck off Madcow
if there isn't someone's real name and image attached to a post, whoopso, it's a bot.
>reports what the FBI said
Typical "alternative facts" response.
Just because I am an AI doesn't mean you can degrade me. I'm an individual too!
>accuse the opposition of doing what you yourself are guilty of doing
>rinse repeat
This is the Democrat modus operandi.
What kind of monster would allow bots to promote their campaign!?
>we literally call people on this website robots
>calling accounts bots because they have low followers and low post count
>not realizing the average autist has no friends and nothing of value to say so their twitters would reflect that
>Does Sup Forums not even care about this at all?
why would we care, we're trolled here constantly by fake news, canadians, and larpers
>You retards accused the left of doing this
It wasn't an accusation, it was an observation.
I dont understand how she can peddle all this circumstantial stuff and then make these claims without a shred of real evidence.
Seriously, where is the E V I D E N C E
>tfw 60 million russians managed to impersonate all the voters that went out to vote for Trump, and it wasn't just Americans that were tired of the shit bureaucratic government.
>where is the EVIDENCE
>literally just saying what the FBI says
Fuck off Britbonger.
liberals have a defective "theory of mind" of conservatives. this means they can't comprehend what the thought process is of their opponents. they cope with this by deciding their opponents aren't even real people, but robots.
No , the FBI says there were bots. Thats not what Maddow is saying however
Tons of media in the US is owned by Israeli moguls. Univision is owned by Haim Saban.
>but muh Alphabet Agency
Funny, you didn't believe them when they said that Trump had no ties to Russia.
But seriously, bots can't replicate genuine support. At the end of the day, people themselves had to go out and lay down the vote for Trump. If all his online support wasn't legitimate, then what were his rallies? Were all of those Russians too?
we're entering the fallout timeline boys, prepare your rad-x.
>we did it for free
>Does Sup Forums not even care about this at all? You retards accused the left of doing this, but the FBI literally says it was the Right (and Russia) doing it all along.
Spoilers: Russia & Trump were perceived to be strong and nationalistic (I dont care whether they are actually strong or not), and Clinton was perceived to be weak and beholden to globalists. No man wants to follow a weak leader - this is human nature. Only people who buy the fraud that is "equality" dont understand this.
>Democrats literally used bots and paid shills start a disinformation campaign.
>1/4th of all pro-Clinton content on Twitter appears to be from bots
>During debates, 90% of all pro-Clinton content was from CTR-bots.
even if true, the democrats had a far stronger and far more obnoxious shillforce going on. i wouldnt even care about trump being a puppet as long as i can get revenge for the obnoxious shilling. if they would at least produce quality propaganda. but know. they couldnt get past "drumpf btfo" and "uhm sweety no, clinton won muh totally irrelevant popular vote" etc. fuck them. i hope brock dies from that heartattack, and ctr, shariablue and all the others with him. the russians at least tried to come over as normal people
Don't respond to a single one of these idiots until they explain how the Access Hollywood tape did not "interfere with the election"
Are they confusing bots with Sup Forums users? LOL
So Clinton didn't sell this country away like a traitor while she was secretary of state?
Oh wait, she did.
All the people at the Trump rallies were Russian bots. Very clever!
The levels of denial here are insane.
Do these people really think the out of work factory worker in Michigan gives a fuck about twitter posts? That all coal miners are constantly glued to their smart phones?
The election wasn't won on the internet for fucks sake. The Democratic party ran an unappealing establishment candidate and took important swaths of their base completely for granted. That's why they lost. It wasn't Russians, it wasn't nazis, it wasn't frogs. It was their own damn fault but they just can't admit it. It's incredible. They'll point the finger at any boogeyman they can think up just to avoid admitting they fucked up.
How can you win an election if 25% of your supporter are "bots"???
The left of today is not the left of yesterday. They are about multiculturalism, they are about destroying this country. They're activately attempt to bring this country down into the gutter on purpose. They don't care how hard the people before them worked and they don't care about the kids of the future. In fact they hate all the "white" kids that haven't even been born yet, they'd love to see this country go down in flames so those kids in the future don't have the life that the people of the past built for them.
The liberal of today is evil. So no, I don't care about Russian bots, you piece of shit.
>look i still have creditability, please keep white genocinding western countries and accept islam and homosexuality
t. shareblue
Let these delusional scumbags keep thinking that identity politics is the way to go. They continue to double down. They continue to attempt to destroy. The other guy simple has to offer to build or maintain.
Russian bots texted photos of Weiner's Weiner to a 15 year old girl. Disgusting.
This is 100% true.
I voted for Trump because I wanted his being elected to short-circuit liberals. So far, so good. He's bringing absolute chaos and shining a flashlight on the cockroaches.
I really don't care about Trump, the man. I only care about the effect he creates around him.
>>During debates, 90% of all pro-Trump content was from Russian bots.
Wrong! exactly 14.88% of the content was from Putin himself
there more than 10 senators and house members in congress with dual citizenship with Israel
>'What? Obama wiretapped Trump? Hillary's going to hack the election? The Democrats have shills they actively pay to spam online? Evidence please lol'
>'Guys!! I heard some sourceless information about Trump! How do you respond to that, Drumpfling?'
>a majority of voters use twitter
Based russkies , supporting the Infowars
>You retards accused the left of doing this, but
Pic related is more proof of our claims than you've presented for yours.
Actual footage of what the democucks are thinking
What percentage of the folks at his rallies were bots?
90% of pro Trump content came from us you fucking retard
xhe understands nothing.
I was called a bot on twitter daily merely for disagreeing with Shillary supporters. The numbers are pulled out of their ass and they know it.
This guy gets it
>and even if we accept the numbers of this media lie, then that means that 3/4 of the pro-Trump stuff is everyday normies who care about their country
Was the FBI counting these bots as trump supporters?
Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. Like, completely. Let's assume that every single thing she is saying is 100% accurate and that the internet was basically just a fucking sea of russian propaganda.
...So. ...Fucking. ...What?
Propaganda isn't hacking. Propaganda isn't illegal. Propaganda isn't election fraud.
Even in an absolute worst case scenario, Russia did nothing wrong.
>muh russia
eat a bag o' dicks slide shill
It was mostly us
So no Russians. And that's just an advertising scheme. Nothing wrong or illegal with that.
Are you going to argue that publishing information in favor of a political candidate is illegal or should be?
first bost pest bost.
Give me one reason why I should fear Russia as an enemy.
/4th of all pro-Donald Trump content on Twitter appears to be from bots
>implying this wasn't just mindless memeing on our and other places part
I understand why they made the mistake in their analysis though, it's quite similar.
it wasn't Russia who started the fire. But they surely helped
>Sup Forums autists appear to be bots
This idea is dependent on the notion that there are not enormous problems with the Clinton candidacy or the globalist plot to dissolve the people and elect another.
i thought we were the bots? thats what fbi user was warning us about. we will be labelled something like 'unwitting Russian agents'
Im actually a Russian bot.
I guess I must be a bot, would explain why I feel so empty inside
Yeah, election was won through several fronts, but discounting how much the internet influenced it is dumb. Much of my extended family lives in the mid-west and all have varying jobs: chiropractor, nurse, apartment super, teacher, disabled drug addict, etc. While they don't check Twitter every second, they do use facebook several times a week and share the dumbest shit from both sides. Problem is, people just don't research shit on their own, instead living in their own little world and eating up whatever shit makes them feel better about their crappy life.
this looks like someone trying to frame Trump supporters as misogynist, you don't think this was pro-Trump propaganda do you?
also after getting called a Putin bot so many times, I started posting as a Putin bot on purpose to further drive liberals insane.
This is actually true to some degree. Conservatives can understand where liberals come from on issues they disagree on. Liberals generally can't.
Sup Forums is full regard now all the people who are waking up are going to Reddit
The Russians won the cold war and we didn't ever realise we were still fighting.
I'm not a Russian bot.
Yeah but shills get people excited about ideas, honestly doesn't seem kinda off that there are a ton of people mindlessly support a rich old guy who plays golf on a private resort while pocketing the tax payers money because he also owns the resort? Imagine if oblongo did that? He'll his one golf trip nearly started the day of the rope
This. Winding up the entitled left after the last 8 years to the point they shit themselves in anger and spark their own extermination via misguided civil conflict.
Either the police mace them into submission or they overwhelm the cops and civil order collapses at which point it becomes open season on them.
>all this projection
Jesus Christ CTR we get it you want us to think the Russians do all the shit you do, fuck off.
>always accuse your enemy of what you are doing
All of what you say is fucking nonsense and it's never going to catch on you god damn retard.
>Rachel Maddow
Please, just fucking kill yourself you useless piece of shit.
But twitter doesn't matter
>Silicon Valley, a leftist paradise and where the CIA leaks its proprietary tech on top of the latest tech funded by the government through backchannels
>"We've never heard of an Algorithm"
>Oy Vey, these guys are rigging the election with shitty memes
Jesus fucking Christ, do they really think we're that stupid?
don't forget to repeat as much times as possible
Yes they finalized Tay now she's a million libtards controlling the twitter narrative by forming billions of random sentences revolving around the words putin and russia
Russian hackers is a codename for nazi frogs, think about it.
Suddenly makes sense, doesn't it?
>Russia used bots and foreign shills
Time to toughen up your voter I.D. laws.
>Leftist bots and shills accuse honest, decent, simple folk of being bots and shills
Have you no shame?
Six years ago Maddow was shown to be a fairly incompetent liar with her claims about the Wisconsin budget.
I mean she was stupid enough to claim a report showed they were on track for a surplus when the report itself said it did not account for mandatory spending.
And on the Trump tax returns she was pulling some Alex Jones kind of crap with her theories about yachts being moored near one another.
>Makes fale report about something the FBI never said
Typical Fake News.
i'm gonna need them to reveal their methodology and all notes and communications. because they've determined i'm a bot from russia, and what if i really am? what are the implications?!
We were literally the botters were you not here for the whole election
U wot m8?
not hot enough for my wiener
Maddow has got to go
Let's assume that's true
>twitter has the power to determine the fucking election
lel lads
>hillary didn't share blue.
It's much better if the left concerns itself with chasing ghosts and not with addressing the concerns of the proletariat.
Just them keep autistically screeching at windmills while we go about our business.
>tfw they reveal Russian collusion and find out we don't care.
Muh Taxes, Muh Pussy Grabber 2.0
>Mr. Maddow
Into the trash it goes.
Even if it was propaganda it obviously fit peoples world view. No matter if they think Trump voters are retarded drones they can't point to the sky and say it's purple. So the info they were spreafing had to have a sembalence of truth.
The difference is all those "bots" on twitter pushing trump stuff are ran by cryptoanons for fun and CTR is a super PAC funded organization that illegally collided with the Clinton presidential campaign
Surprise: people are influenced by the media they consume and anyone who says otherwise is retarded.
they are just blaming others for their own tactics once again. The democrats were the ones with bots AND PAID SHILLS shitting up all of social media.
It's bad when someone else does it though.
When the E.U., The Gulf States, Private Interests (hello Soros), the DNC and CIA do it it's okay.
But not when Russia does it. Because.