Initial reports were 5 people run over. Like 2 cops stabbed. How the fuck are 40 people injured?
More than one terrorist?
Initial reports were 5 people run over. Like 2 cops stabbed. How the fuck are 40 people injured?
More than one terrorist?
Ban assualt vehicles
It was a butter knife I bet
fucking hell, 40 people...
Bin your knife, kill five and injure forty.
The area outside Westminster is always packed with tourists, protesters general foot traffic etc.
British cops need to start carrying guns. Wthout the means to defend themselves and protect to public, they just add to the victim total.
It's fucking stupid that they aren't armed. This terrorist scumbag would have been taken down immediately. Less havoc would have been caused including the death of that officer.
If he paid attention to France and Germany he would have stolen a truck instead of a car.
He drove down a busy sidewalk in a midsize SUV
Daily reminder that this is what happens when your street cops are as well armed as a mall guard
Fake News.
london is always busy, look at the speed he was going over the pavement. yeah, no shit he hit a lot of people.
I bet that when they say 40 injured they also count people saying they were disturbed by the event but with no physical injuries. Muh feefees
Whenever there's a shooting or attack like this and the death toll is only like 3 people I always wonder how. Like how do you run into a crowd of unsuspecting people with a death stick and not get at least 10. Go to a shopping mall, spray and pray. You'd get a way higher score. I mean I'm glad it's usually a lower number, just confused as to how.
>get shoved by panicked crowd, stumble and scrape knees
10 is a bigger number than you think it is
Gunshot wounds aren't nearly as lethal as they're shown to be in movies.
If he was driving an suv, then how did the bus run over Dat ass girl?
They's just use those guns to defend Muslims
Bare in mind even getting a bruise is considered an injury in the eyes of the law, he ran down the pavement for almost the entire length of the bridge people were probably jumping out of the way and hurting themselves in the process. Also Brits tend to be rather stoic instead of running for help immediately they probably just got up and went to help others and only reported it when the police came to them.
Fuck you Hans
And to think they imported millions of these terrorist into Europe. One guy did this much damage. Millions waiting to be activated.
This. Don't believe the media bullshit. The reason guns are effective isn't their lethality, it's because of range and potential precision
>Atheist prayers
I believe they are called Tweets and Facebook posts.
>Atheist prayers
I've stopped being able to tell who's joking and who's serious
I'm an atheist and this makes me want to go to Mosque
lol atheist prayers, im an atheist and even I think thats cringy.
Just say your thoughts are with them or some shit like that.
Ban forks and horses
Meanwhile in Orlando.......
Some cunt started a thread with binary translates to this
Then some cunt pruned the thread a second later
Imagine how many more would be dead if he had a gun.
aethists generally are SJWs, this is a standard response really.
Its their way of standing out. You expected him to not put that in when it could fit in easily?
Sweety, you have a lot to learn about your religion.
They were armed, you retard. He was shot by the police.
>a major government building
>random fag bar
Do you not understand the difference?
Link now fagget
People are actually a lot harder to kill than you think, especially with a knife that you have to physically chase down and slaughter with
Reminder that ((((LAURIE PENNY))))) is a filthy kike.
We already had it. There was a campaign under the last ((Labour)) government which paid people to scrap their petrol car and buy a diesel. Now they just realised diesels do way more harm to the environment despite pumping out less carbon dioxide.
Oh no the religion of peace struck again, how does this keep happening? I think it's me, I caused this, it's all my fault, I should have been nicer to the muslims, please don't be mad anymore.
Less. Guns are honestly less effective than vehicles for killing large amounts of people quickly.
A gun can only fire so many bullets so fast. 5.56 doesn't usually kill. .308 will do the job but most mass shooters don't use that for some reason. The loud noise gives people the opportunity to start running, and it's hard to hit a moving target. Automatic weapons are worse - there's a reason full auto is only used for suppressive fire and burst/single shot is used in all other circumstances.
I really think the anti-gun people don't realize what a can of worms they're opening up here. Guns are good for open insurrection. But if you're trying to perform terror attacks in which the sole objective is to kill droves of innocent people, homemade bombs, cars, gas, knives in subways, those are all much better methods. Go compare the death tolls from vehicular attacks or attacks with homemade explosives to those involving firearms.
Anyone know if more has been discovered about this? I know the image was from 2009
*prays in atheist*
Doesn't even look like in the US?
The 10 seconds it takes to cut someone to death who is fighting back is more than enough for the rest of the crowd to get away.
5 people got run over, 2 cops got stabbed, and 33 muslims were hospitalized for traumatic potential cases of online islamophobia in reaction to the attack.
Because they suck at shooting and they always pick areas where there is a lot of medical infrastructure around. Its not like in the stan where you have to wait for an hour for a helicopter to pick you up.
I dunno user, those French attackers rocked up quite the kill count by using AK's and bombs.
Wasn't that the dude who akhbared himself today?
You just had to do it, didn't you!
Damn, we need to step it up my fellow tacobros
If you're referring to Bataclan, then that was a very systematic and militarized operation where they took control of building and proceeded to execute people. Different from most single man rampages.
Even then, the K:D ratio of each person is still astronomically lower than if they had just targeted public infrastructure with bombs. Bataclan wasn't about racking up casualities quickly and efficiently. It was about instilling fear. Guns instill fear much more effectively than bombs. Those are an abstract threat. Something you can hear and see is much more frightening.
Remove guns, and they'll just switch to the more abstract tactics, maybe suicide vests or other stuff that they can do publicly to create and present a tangible threat.
Correct. A knife is just as deadly, if not more deadly, than a firearm when you are within range. Depending on caliber and blade size of course. 12 gauge '00 buckshot at point blank is obviously going to be more lethal than a little 1" boyscout pocket knife stab wound to the torso.
Yes m8 everyone's seen that one.
Dude >> saying that another one came out with coordinates to the airport in Spain.
Is it another precursor post to a new Habbening?
Busy bridge, he likely knocked her into traffic since he was running down the sidewalk. Another woman ended up over the bridge and in the river with serious injuries.
Depends who you believe.
Some say he's still in Jail. Some he was released.
For my money, from the sliver of a glimpse at his face on the gurney by the ambulance, it ain't him.
>be yuropoor
>get run over
>How the fuck are 40 people injured?
Spoilers: cars are more dangerous than guns because they provide armour and mobility
Captcha: select images with cars.
What's both funny and sad is that you'll get some liberal / centrist Brit criticizing the way "Americans do police work" before the sun is up anywhere there's an international discussion on policing... and yet this is what happens when your police are fucking castrated.
Small caliber rounds aimed haphazardly instead of at vital organs. The fatalities they get are mostly by luck.
Police didn't need guns in the UK because they weren't such a multiracial society like America.
In a decade or so they'll need guns.
That was a squad of trained soldiers, not run of the mill angry mudshits
> .223 delivers avg. 1800 joules of energy
> 2 ton car at 60km/h avg. 19,600 joules of energy
Or just one old guy with a Buick
because people notice when someone is getting stabbed and then run
he probably also had a bike wheel
>Atheist prayers
>Could have just said thoughts.
It's shit like this that makes your average, run of the mill atheists look bad. Cringe as fuck.
They need them now in London.
You left out stoppin power.
Don't forget #hashtags.
That's exclusive to .45 ACP
Damn straight
lol@having to shoot someone twice!
>I've stopped being able to tell who's joking and who's serious
You're not alone.
Probably because they have to radio in a special firearms officer to shoot him instead of the 40 casualties packing heat and killing him the moment he mount the pavement.
They knew.
They just weren't strong enough to stop it.
At least 20 of those people were people who tripped while they were running away or someone who was running away bumped into them and hit them and so when the paramedics came they pretended to be hurt so they could get some 15 minutes of fame in some news interview.
This was my thought exactally.
Fuck this earth
In UK, armed police is called in after shit goes down. Normal police officers do not walk around armed with guns.
Nice, give this man a beer
What do you think Parliament is?
>weapon sweep
>items to break into the back of vans
nigger the HoP are filled with armed police
every street corner is a copper with a tacticool mp-7
Underrated. God bless Australian posters.
Hahaha what's that, tipping fedoras?
that's (((laurie penny)))
she is being serious and by serious I mean seriously fucking retarded
british people in general need to change their attitude about guns.
they wont though, they like being little peasant cucks that live to serve the monarchy
ukucks are not an independent type of people, thousands of years of totalitarian rule have programmed their minds and genes to be followers, without thinking for themselves
Muslim Driver, Go figure
>Muh monarchy
We only banned rifles and handguns in the late 80's/90's you burger shit
Before that our laws were similar to switzerland or whatever
I've been saying this for years, 1 man in a car, or with a knife moving fast and stabbing people, can take quite a few down. No guns needed.
If they are prepared to die, they are going to hurt someone, and there is fuck all you can do to stop it. Only racism will solve this.
You fucking wait till there is dire economic problems due to the wests Vast amounts of debt, you wait till they cannot afford welfare and there are mass layoffs. Wait until shit gets bad, this is nothing. If they are doing this now in a pampered looked after welfare west, think of what they are going to do when they REALLY have nothing to lose.
The west doesn't have a clue what's coming their way. Curse the fuckers that allowed this to happen.
Invest in companies that install bollards.