Be French

>Be French.
>Write satirical newspaper . Get Shot.
>Go to heavy metal concert. Get Shot.
>Enjoy Bastille day. Get run over by truck.
>Go to church. Get throat slit.
>Go to London. Get run over again.

Being French is suffering

On sait qui remercier..

At least you didnt loose both world wars

Not for long.

Mon dieu!

>be American
>Trump is president

>Get invaded by Germans, lose half your male population
>Only get to claim 'victory' because America came to bail your ass out and make the Germans give back half your country

>Get invaded by Germany and occupied for years
>Only get to claim 'victory' because America came to bail your ass out

This would be like watching Die Hard and claiming Mrs. McLane beat Hans Gruber, despite spending the entire movie as Hans' hostage and only getting rescued by John McLane at the last minute.


>Only get to claim 'victory' because America came to bail your ass out

>hurr durr america saved those surrendering frenchies

You guys are probably going to wind up nuked by some snackbar in the next five years

That or a civil war

It's what you deserve for wiping out other cultures in Europe. You get to become Takbeers

>posts the wrong le pen

yea sure, but you forgot soviet russia. Without them you couldn't do shit..propaganda machine works quite well in u.s i see.

>>Go to heavy metal concert. Get Shot.
Eagles of Death Metal are an indie rock band, not metal

>propaganda machine works quite well in u.s i see
Not just the us.

>You guys are probably going to wind up nuked by some snackbar in the next five years
>That or a civil war


Either the Muslim entity is removed from France or it removes you. Such is the nature of Islam.

You are doing something wrong.

My condolences to Frogs. Let's continue to fight Muslims and corrupt politicians with our meme magic.

>France surrender in WW2 only when Paris itself is surrounded and forlorn
>Germany surrenders without even a single allied soldier stepping foot in Germany in WW1

Clearly we can tell that Germans are the true surrender cucks

>Not just the us.
>ignores amount of equipment and other goods shipped to Soviets by US and Great Britain

And if we extend the debate to just general cowardice
>Pétain realizes the war cannot be won
>Brokers a peace that minimizes casualties, even minimizes the number of French Jews who fall victim to the holocaust (I cite Eric Zemmour on this) and leaves France in a semi-independent state

>Hitler realizes the war cannot be won
>Conscripts CHILDREN to fight against the Russians so he can cower in his bunker for a few more days

Friendly reminder that if you call the French cowards, you implicitly support child soldiers. The only real coward on the French side was Darlan.

That is hilarious and depressing. I mean interesting to see how well the American propaganda works, but the general population is so woefully uninformed

The middle comment is pretty great actually.

A must always equal B? Interesting. I need to teach math now, all the teachers have been wrong!

I love vdare, they're great shitposters.

t. assmad cheese-eating surrender monkey

Je suis monte!

Hey be fair, that cheese is delicious