>1/ Listen up, everyone. I just got a very disturbing phone call about a grave subject >2/ As many of you know, the president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, recently announced that the blacks should gang up on Whites >3/ Just as we predicted, the Rainbow Nation failed and is about to go the way of Zimbabwe >4/ The government of South Africa is about to seize the land of the White minority. They are launching a real White genocide >5/ White South Africans are in the United States and are reaching out to the Alt-Right >6/ South Africa is on the verge of civil war. It is that serious. The shit is about to hit the fan >7/ White South Africans are asking for our help. They're trying to get the word out about what is happening to the White community >8/ The Whites of South Africa are already thinking in terms of how to raise money to defend their communities >9/ If you haven't already done so, you need to contact your congressman and get them up to speed on what is happening in South Africa >10/ We also need to put real pressure on @POTUS to intervene on South Africa >11/ Jared Taylor did a podcast with the Suidlanders about this subject >12/ The podcast gets to the serious part around the 29:00 minute part
SA will tank so hard if the whites leave. Niggers can't do anything on their own, look at Zimbabwe. Its our duty to save as many whites as possible before that happens though so spread the word. Email your MPs
Zachary Jones
Whites in SA really should be offering themselves up for marriage to foreigners. There is no reason for them to stay.
Lincoln Scott
Whites shouldn't leave. There's 10 million whites in south africa and the entire country depends on them. They should stay and fight, offer release to any white violent criminal in western countries who wants to come fight the race war. Get help from Trump and putin and offer money and land to any white NEET who wants a job fighting the race war.
South african whites are about to be genocided and ran out of the country just like Zimbabwe... They should go full 1488 and decide to create the white ethnostate.
The happenings are rising all over the world. White nationalism is starting to rise. The world is embroiled in more important wars so the liberals can't whine about blacks being run out of SA. The time is right fucking now. Hire blackwater and drive the nigger out.
Aiden Parker
hiring blackwater is actually a really good idea. A handful of mercs could easily kill an army of gun wielding dindus.
Connor Russell
The nig nogs dont deserve the whites. Whites are the only reason SA is functioning and theyre planning on running them out for good.
And there's too many of them for the whites to put up a good fight. They either need outside help or just let the apes fend burn in their own fire.
Thomas Long
It's practically tradition in Africa. They've been hiring south african mercinaries to fight wars between the fucking nigger countries for a number of years. It's time South African whites got fucking serious. THey already live in barricaded walled cities to keep the fucking dindu hordes at bay.
It's time to give up rainbow nation lies and just go full fascist afrikaaner resistance and drive the nigger out of the country by force. It's Them or you.
Joshua Reyes
bump Wait they already have walls?
Jace Miller
>blacks start attacking whites on a massive scale >media stays quiet >whites don't really attack at first >white people are killed off by the thousands every month >media is still quiet >odds are 6:1 >blacks come with knives, swords, a few guns >whites decide to get serious >come with guns >media speaks out >blames white people for causing it
I can already see it happening.
Austin Torres
This is what will happen.
Leo Butler
>April 6 OH FUGG didn't FBI user mention the 6th?
I'm literally not ready, I live right outside Johannesburg.
Luis Sanchez
A daily reminder that White men made up only 1.8% of all murdered people in South Africa between 2010 and 2016.
Noah Harris
You're going to die, m8.
Jackson Turner
Fuck that man I'm starting preparations now. My family are all liberals though shieeet.
Aiden Young
Get a gun and kill some kaffirs m8. Godspeed.
Nicholas Bennett
>My family are all liberals oh that's all right, minorities only hate conservatives. they wouldn't attack their allies.