I don't think he's smart enough to think of the alternative to the alt-right. Although I do think that's the most important thing people need to think of right now.
Gavin Brooks
I'd recommend watching the second video talking about post modernism. He seems to have a good academic understanding of many forces at play.
Caleb James
Henry Adams
I think the alt-right is deep, chimp-level; both we and chimps are territorial creatures. It can't be talked around. You may as well wish for a communist New Man who's willing to work for other people's benefit.
May I say, thank god that that peterson hater isn't here, yet.
he is teaching a way to escape ideologies. he is literally the tird axis, there is a pic people post where he literally represents the z axis in the ideological scale.
William Robinson
The alt right was a blanket term invented by the democrats
Lincoln Morales
>Jordan Based Peterson >Not Smart enough Sure thing High IQ user.
Parker Bell
It seems like his biggest problem with the movement is anti-semetism. It is consistent with what he talks about because of the inherent group guilt that is often thrown around. Throwing in a few 'not-alls' would probably help here.
Jacob Butler
I think he's dodging it really, he hasn't thought about it and just tosses off something abstract. Some other commenter (diff thread) said that Hitler, too, approvingly used the father / son analogy in the same way. I bet Peterson's read Mein Kampf, so who knows, maybe that's why it occurred to him. I'll just repeat other comments, cuz different time zones and all - who cares if we're over-emphasizing the Father? Maybe we need to build our old Father again, before we focus on something else. God knows I wasn't born to be a white nationalist, but y'know, per the Tolkien quote:
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Hunter Ward
The only things I disagree with him is niggers and jews.
Blake Morgan
im a half nigger, and i dont really care about jews. His views on muslims tho bothers me, he goes "not all muslims" all the time.
hilarious re-reading it know that he used to shit on vidya
Are you saying they created the term but real ideological strands just call it home now? Early adopters like Jared Taylor and the like.
Brayden Rogers
its consistent though. Same with Jews. People criticize actions of certain groups and innocent individuals get caught up in the group judgement. His whole thing seems to be against collevtive guilt.
See vid 3
Nolan Allen
He's Canadian. Does he want to leave his whole life behind to talk like that? I don't blame him. But, he is eg based on race + IQ, he mentioned Ashkenazi Jewish IQ being higher in one of his classes. So you know he knows about the other direction.
The closest I've seen him talk about muslims is the tail end of his interview with Reality Calls - 57mins into this:
(You can either take my word or wind back to verify that the context is, population homogeneity / not wanting to be invaded. Though he abstracted it a bit to economic, come to think of it):
Kevin Gray
Something to remember is that even if he knows about something like this its unlikely that he would just throw it out there so blatantly. His political enemies would quote mine him and destroy him given the first chance.
Adam Ortiz
He seems to think anti-semitism is based on jews looking like an evil father figure rather than their actions.
"not all muslims" "not all niggers" It's the same thing really.
Jeremiah Brown
i just saw a post earlyer today, where he goes full not all Muslims. Either way, to me this man is a genius, made me rethink my own readings on nietzche, and question my position on religion.
Evan Evans
H-a-a-a-a-ave you tried c-c-c-c-c-c-crack yet??
Guy is a loser junkie NEET who's daddy runs the University or some shit.
He's a CRACK HEAD Look at how skinny and pale he is. He's a crack addict. I grew up in Canada. Everyone is a closet crack addict/alcoholic/junkie
Chase the Dragon >Do heroin
Slay the Dragon, escape the underworld >He's talking about his drug addictions
His "self-help" sort yourself out is AA/NA meeting shit >Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous >Ex-Alcoholic. I know what they say at those meetings. Journal, look at your past, try and be better. AA/NA shit.
A Student paper at Harvard said he did a lot of research on the psychology of addicts. Guess he was trying to >S-s-s-s-sort himself out
I keep blowing this loser the fuck out and will not stop till he gets fired.
He definately could have taken aspect from the work without agreeing with it in it's entirety. Seems unlikely that he would ever cover mein kampf in a public lecture no matter how contextualized.
Seems like we have forgotten all about the father. Knowledge of the father is limited in this generation let alone respect.
I feel ya user, very weird times to have been born into.
Easton Scott
Professor at 35 years old. Usually you need 35 years of teaching experience to be considered for the position. Guy walks into the job. He knows someone.
I know crack heads and junkies too. You just grow up around them in Canada cause it's so fucking ghetto here. Rich to dirt fucking poor, crack head junkie losers.
He's pale, skinny, pasty and sickly looking Like a CRACK HEAD I know, I lived with some. Trust me, they do not advertise, look like shit or live in shit. Guy cleaned his house like mad, always had clean clothes on and smoked crack nightly.
I could write a novel how fucking fake and junkie this loser is
Robert Hughes
Kek has predicted your arrival
Ethan Phillips
Cause I'm actually Blessed by KEK and he has given me the task of blowing this FALSE PROPHET the fuck out.
Samuel Morales
Jackson Miller
Which I've done repeatedly. BE brain washed, just do not Praise KEK if you listen to this fucking hack. KEK is not pleased with this cunt or anyone who likes him T.
Islamophobia is a reprehensible word. Phobia's operational defintion was appropriated for the word. Manipulation built into its structure
Sebastian Perry
He's a fraud loser FALSE PROPHET
>Can we compare Jordan Peterson to Jesus?? Wasn't that (you) Brazil boy??
He's NOT a prophet of kek and KEK is insulted with this faggot claiming to be his prophet.
I know how meme magic and real magic works.
He's a fucking crack head.
Have Fun.
I did it, cause KEK wanted me too.
Henry Robinson
Came to this thread to inb4 this maplenigger shitposter, but guess I'm too late. Out of curiosity what's your actual problem with the guy? >I could write a novel how fucking fake and junkie this loser is Please do, I'd love to read it. Is it going to be filled with the spam you constantly repost?
Joseph Brooks
>blowing him the fuck out
prove it
William Perry
>Fear mongering with kek like this is the catholic church
You are such a faggot
Joshua Rivera
daily reminder 8clam doxed the anti peterson poster and it was revealed to be a student who flunked Peteron's class and got so traumatized he became obsessed with peterson. He was literally mind broken by JP.
Alexander Lopez
*teleports behind you* Sort yourself oat, kid.
Landon Edwards
Singles confirm this leaf does not speak for kek. My digits confirm Peterson is a prophet of Kek.
Jacob Diaz
It's literally a jailable offense to name the muslim in Canada.
Camden Morris
Peterson IS kek.
the leafnigger that's been posting his shitty memes and non-arguments is actually a mentally ill tranny who doesn't like Peterson because he questions his pronouns.
Bentley Sullivan
Levi Peterson
The more we shit academically on postmodernism the better
Kayden Brooks
Jayden Wilson
Aaaaaand here comes the trannie from before who got cucked at Mcmaster
Hunter Mitchell
Thomas Reyes
you need far better digits to prove that. and when i mean far more, i mean greater than 8 digits.
Ryder Johnson
Is kekkism a religion now? And we read the digits as the word of kek?
Hudson Carter
"not initiated" spoted. dumping memes to expand kekism
Xavier Diaz
I just finished Psychology and Alchemy by Jung and started Archetypes of the Unconscious. I feel I need to share this quote from the first book as it is very appropriate to our current situation. It starts in relation to the world war.
>Nobody realized that European man was possessed by something that robbed him of all free will. And this state of unconscious possession will continue undeterred until we Europeans become seared of our "god-almightiness." Such a change can begin only with individuals, for the masses are blind brutes, as we know to our cost. It seems to me of some importance, therefore, that a few individuals, or people individually, should being to understand that there are contents which do not belong to the ego-personality, but must ascribed to a psychic non-ego. This mental operation has to be undertaken if we want to avoid a threatening inflation. To help us, we have the useful and edifying models held up to us by poets and philosophers-models or archetypi that we may well call remedies for both men and the times. Of course, what we discover there is nothing that can be held up to the masses-only some hidden thing that we can hold up to ourselves in solitude and in silence. Very few people care to know anything about this, it is so much easier to preach the universal panacea to everybody else than to take it oneself, and, as we all know, things are never so bad when everybody is in the same boat. No doubts can exist in the herd; the bigger the crowd the better the truth-and the greater the catastrophe.
To make a long story short, and to borrow a phrase from Peterson, sort yourself out. Sorry but I had to share, Jung is amazing to read.
It may be appropriate to consider them the archetypal red pill. That being said they have to be used in the right context. You have to approach it like a shaman would with study and introspection and not just something abuse and have fun with.
Austin Ward
He looks so much happier than he used to, it's a really nice thing to see.
Sebastian Gomez
Would you Sup Forums?
Xavier Williams
how did psycs red pill you?
Benjamin Lewis
yes and yes
Landon James
im not sure he was a jew. actually he is a german psychologist that were not arrested in germany while freud had to run to england.
he kind of says psychedelics give atheists the eternal BTFO
Jordan Collins
It's pretty true though, i never really percieved the universe in a spiritual gods sort of way (or myself in a universe kind of way) before i blew my fucking mindhole out with acid and the like
Colton White
LSD fucked me up beyond repair.
Parker Myers
Is there any material out that completely fleshes out the rescuing of the dead father analogy? I feel like I get the gist of it but I'd like to have it laid out.
Joshua Robinson
No. Kek is the dragon.
Peterson is the father.
Jose Perez
I haven't sorted myself out yet. I don't think he would approve.
Ethan Rogers
The people of Sup Forums personified by pepe sit at the waters edge. Water is often a symbol of the unconscious and can be seen as Sup Forums itself as the collective shadow of the society at large. At this moment pepe faces a choice, he can loose himself to the abyss or he can dive into those chaotic waters and rescue his father, Peterson, as a symbolic representation of past, or at least those ideas from the past that are necessary to save the future.
That is, from what I understand, similar to what he said in his metaphysics of Pepe video and also covers the basis of the rescue your father that asked about
Brandon Wood
which one is true?
Dylan Harris
>qt3.14 >that father
10/10 Would sort myself out for.
Ayden Richardson
both are true. depending on your personality type and the level of damage you as a person have with traumas and other shit, you can surge into unrecoverable psychosis.
Liam Edwards
Oh that's too good - more details if you would! How could they have doxed this guy / thing, he gives no clue besides his sanity-threatening abscess of butthurt.
Christian Reyes
on the other hand, its is proven that controled usage of lsd can make you more creative.
Jordan Morris
Jung was not a Jew - he was accused of anti-semitism. Nice quote:
“The Aryan unconscious has a greater potential than the Jewish unconscious” and "The Jew, who is something of a nomad, has never yet created a cultural form of his own and as far as we can see never will"
Did 2 tabs within 4 days.. the first time I was sent into a form of psychosis were I believed I was in hell and I had died. Had hallucinations of being buried alive in a mass grave. Second time I thought that I was unable to communicate and had legitimately lost the ability to speak. Was so paranoid that I didn't sleep for 2 days and had to be put on sleeping pills, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. Got completely BTFO'd and have seen a complete change in my personality. Subsequently became red pilled though... Basically don't abuse drugs. I thought I was able to handle taking class A drugs when I obviously wasn't.
Ryder Smith
Fuck off you trolling scholar whore.
Sebastian Long
how can creativity be the embodiment of the redpill?
Mason Sanders
nice trips, I thought he was because he was a student of sigmund ((schlomo)) freud
Jackson Brown
Jordan Peterson is too smart for Sup Forums to understand. This thread is pointless.
Bentley Thomas
Sup Forums is not one person, don't shill peterson threads
Henry Lewis
>s-stop sorting yourselves out goyim
Adam Ross
John Peterson
Jonathan Hernandez
Actually this is probably one of the most mentally beneficial and best type of generals we'll ever get on here. Absolutely no harm in it being a thing, can only benefit Sup Forums even if a lot of use don't (yet) understand what he'll talk about.
Josiah Bell
Luis Harris
Seriously. Whether it be psycology, self help, or just the full and free lectures this man is doing so much good for the world.
Also Leafistan's lone free speech warrior
Jaxson Myers
Is it generally self improvement stuff or what?
Henry Moore
So what exactly am I supposed to do to be /sorted/?
From what I've seen I think I'm supposed to do the following: 1. Only tell the truth and act on the truth 2. Rescue my father (revitalize my culture) 3. Face chaos
Jayden Martinez
kek smiles upon facts
Caleb Sanders
Here's a few, just take a look around that channel for more. He's a psychologist by training so he has some great advice.
I think most people gravitate towards him due to his ability to decimate 'SJW leftist' types with his extensive knowledge of authoritarian regimes and the psychological factors that drove them.
Peterson goes way beyond self help. I really can't stress enough how important it is to read Jung if the arguments Peterson makes peaks your interest. They provide you with a whole new way to look at the world. You will, naturally, sort yourself out in the process but it goes beyond that.
I can only speak for myself, but thanks to what I have read I now understand lessons that people like my grandfather tried to teach me 20 years ago. I understand the symbolic language he was using to try to influence me. People will say things like the pen is mightier than the sword but never before did I understand, did i know, what that really meant. When you read the right words at the right time in your life you can feel it. The idea really has you, you can feel the possession. It haunts you but at the same time it animates you.
There is a reason these types of ideas are looked down upon by the academy in our current world. They are powerful. They allow you to understand people and when you understand a person who you formerly labeled your enemy the hate disappears and you can find a way bridge the divide. Maybe I am just drunk and rambling but you should read, watch, and find out for yourself.
Ryder Jackson
I finally got around to listening to the Q&A he did where he mentions the alt-right.
Now, we all know that there's no such thing as an "alt-right" and that it's a label made up by the MSM and HRC campaign to marginalize opposition to the leftist agenda, but I don't think he understands what the opposition is about. It's not just neo-nazis with radical memes. There's a LOT of Ron Paul libertarians in there who DON'T support expansion of the state, even if they do support an explicit ethnostate.
He accurately sees the problem of forced globalization but I don't think he sees how strong nationalism doesn't mean NO foreigners, it just means OUR NATION FIRST.
I have a feeling he'll come around as the MSM messaging continues to fail.
Gabriel Hall
Of course a harvard grad wont speak out against the tribe or for racial interests.
For all his talk of bravado, he really is just another coward (((intellectual))).
Cameron Rivera
lmao thank you for that beautiful explanation
Brayden Thompson
post rare PETEs
Justin Reyes
Jace Sanders
If digits, Peterson lurks on Sup Forums
Jordan Ross
Noah Stewart
Guys I am thinking of resolving our chaos by diving down into the whale and rescuing my father, which will be implemented by starting an open source Kekistani religion where we can piece together all the valuable insights from past religion while simultaneously healing the conflict with science. Anyone interested?