Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Palmyra Mar21
>E Aleppo Mar20
>Mosul Mar17
>Raqqa Feb23
>W Aleppo Feb23
>DeZ Feb23
>W Daraa Feb22

Developments Mar22
>SAA cuts off Raqqa-Deir Hafer highway by capturing village Umm Adisah
>Hama:Jihadist take control of Khattab, Souran, now target Mhardeh area
>Jobar: SAA regains the lead,jihadists retreat
>SAA reinforcements deployed to Damascus, Hama battlefields
>US airdrops SDF fighters in W Tabqa to cut off the Aleppo-Raqqah&capture Tabqa Dam fom IS
>Jihadists fire 25 rockets at RU Hmeimim airbase in SW Latakia
>Jew warplanes hit SAA targets in Damascus countryside
>Turkish soldier killed by sniper fire from Kurdish-controlled Syria
>US airstrike kills 33 on a school strike in W Raqqa
>3300+ former militants granted amnesty in Aleppo
>Red Cross warns on mass hunger in Yemen, Somalia
>Iraqi forces starrt offensive against IS in new Mosul districts
>Iraqi forces advance against IS in Mosul in a bid to capture the Iron Bridge

Other urls found in this thread:

WTF is happening

What hapoens if Aleppo is cutoff?


That pic related is gonna trigegr some pigs

better size on smiling keira

I'm gonna need a basic gestalt...

based keira check dem abs bruh

>gets into the basic gestalt


I hope your shitskin ass gets banned again.
This shitposting and raiding is fucking pathetic.

>we're being raided

i'm gonna need a quick rundown on this lil mama.

keira letting herself go?

oh no.

She could have shaved her belly

Someone needs to shoop the Bogdanoff twins into that mirror.

>top israeli model
>kills gaza children
>in contact with the bogs
>rotschild bows to the neta"gaza children killer" alchamister
>the bogs entrust their gold reserve to neta
>there is no gold in fort bog only in fort alchamister
>made the phone call that saved zion
>iq 6000 000 +

we shall forget this image once and foreall. and anyone who speaks badly of keira or doesn't agree to praise her jawline will be beheaded
already seen but didn't save because it isn't 3 weeks ago or more

>10/10 in looks
>knows how to use weapons
>respects gun ownership
>can protect themselves and their families

Remind me again why we hate Israelis?

Kike lovers not welcome

Is that a drawling of sponge Bob & Patrick??

have this beaut instead

someone start a gofundme to buy her some tits, there are 10 y.o. burger children with bigger racks


keira is perfect that camera is anti-semitic
no only fags shave their belly you fag


I'd like them because they kill them.
But then again they infiltrated us and made us kill each other and import them

>not supporting Israel
Are you sure that you're not gay?

>that camera is anti-semitic
>pic related

>also checked

Why are Israelis so damn beautiful?

>10/10 in looks
>knows how to use fangs
>respects the rules of nature
>can protect themselves and their nest

Remind me again why we hate snakes?

Seriously if you're going to keep spamming pictures of Jewish women at least stop using the same ones over and over.

daily reminder that jews are White and Based
fucking hot mate

so how much they paying you two then?

>the Syrian army stands ready for a major attack on the positions of the rebels along the Israeli border.

>ywn get to annex Area C of the West Bank alongside an IDF QT
Feels sad.

Fuck your terrible whores ... that's real standard of a beautiful woman, I would kill all the syrian childrens that to be with her.

This girl is your FRIEND

She fights for FREEDOM

>brown nipples
hahahahahahahahaha are you even trying you nigger loving cuck?
this is a real jewish woman

busted 3 nuts in 2 minutes to this eventhoug I muted the vid.....

JAWline tooo good

>so how much they paying you two then?

Some jews of them are freaking hot though and look like europeans from all the mixing they had in their history They are still jews nontheless but Arabs can just dream of looking like that

You're kidding, right?

WOO hoo!, mr. Trump is keeping obama's legacy alive!
>Hundreds killed in US air strike in north Syria
>Hundreds of civilians were killed in an air strike delivered by the US-led coalition on the town of Mansura in the Raqqa province in north Syria, the news agency Anadolu reported on Wednesday.

You are allowed to believ in different women jsut do not infirnge upon our rights to praise the godly keira and her goddess sister olivia


Why are arabs so fucking uggly.
Persians and trukish have some hot ones but arabs are only arguably one step above nigs


She is Jewish? so when the nearest holiday of circumcision of the foreskin?

she is naturally born with class she fits perfectly in the coco brand i want to smell her in that fragrence commerial so bad duude

holy shit the autism on the twitter /sg/

No idea man majority of them are disgusting and hairy as hell with their 1 lined eyebrows

esti gainzbourg is 100% jewish idf aifu material
jump on the bandwagon you looser

it's ps ..... :'(
best /syriageneral/ thread we have had in a while btw.
just wanted to say this in case some anti-semites were listening in

should we round em up and gas them?

you should see /sg/ on twitter. we spent literally 3 straight hours shitposting about nothing and it went super overboard.
I had never seen so much concentrated autism in my life

I want to thank you frist for enlighting me on the superior keira waifu that made this thread go so well...a true inspiration for the antisemite pooland and autistic roomania they should take the exemple
>dem soles


The chambers are reserved for the traitors first

using twitter.
i don't like wahabiist owned Social networks

or is the autism so good i should sell my soul and make a throwaway?

*shoots gaza children*
>pew pew

pretty impressive.

like this guy right?

Don't insult her or you shall die

>liking kike women

You better not be a fucking Arab I swear

At least they're reported now

she doesn't take horse hormone like your THICC ass whores

He's shitposting/baiting
He has french filenames for some reason

join us, dude the twitter chatroom is insane.

>them feet
>pink lips
>chesnut glassy eyes
>hair semingly as light as her beauty makes you feel
>even her soft knees look perfect

she really could be a good example to them

>that leather stock M16

Good, it pisses me off to see other Arabs who like or respect Jews and especially wanting their women, gross. Same thing with Germans liking Jews

do you have a gun, user?
what gun is it?
is it fun to simply hold it in your hands?
to feel it's power even without firing it?
hear it make the most beautiful sound a man made product coul make?

>Mother Merkel won't let me own one.

/sg/ has been infiltrated again

whats the point of these sandales if it sin't for the sole" no pun intended" purpose of making toe licking easy? their toes taste like cherries for sure
Guess what: I'm a Jew

I've been using Sup Forums for 18 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Ma3toub. I'm not a zionist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, Jews are superior. I'm here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for money and I'm actually rich as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my nose, I'll be your KANG one day

we only don't like the degenerates in our land.
Then it was the communist jews, now it is the socialist 'germans' and all the arab, nigs and other EU's leeching off of our wealth

Dude I'm not stupid I know that part of this was pasta, fucking nigger

I am going to masturbate to
goodnight germanon it was an honor to shitpost with you
latest butthurt from the inferior fake bread
its soooo ded duude this one or a diff?

I rly don't like using social networks unless it is my leggit one...

imagine blacked with keira!

Good night based jew

I haven't been paying attention the last few weeks

Are the rebels pushing towards Hama? How successful have they been?

Yeah but you guys keep letting them all in dude. I know it's not all of you guys, I'm not generalizing, but it's the poor decisions by your cucked countrymen to let these people in. I know, I deal with liberals here

Are Finns allowed to like Jewish girls without the risk of being gassed with them?

wish russia had won the cold war
-afghanistan would be secular
-no conflict in syria
-no conflict in ukraine

>this thread

well if we ever get another Souther German in and not these cucked East DDR germans (commies) and incompetetent northereners we might be able to have a reasonable government.
But they have the numbers while we have the wealth... and the first wave of rapefugees.

Seriously, takin the train in 2015 was horrible.


F for Muhammad Sultan

All I can say is good luck brother. I really hope you guys are able to do what we did here and get someone in who can try to fix shit, despite the adversity


I wish the cold war didn't happen

I really don't think anyone, of any race, should want to procreate with a Jewess. Maybe they can be tempting from time to time, but NEVER trust a Jew, and associate with them as little as you can

it was started by you with the same fake news rethoric of today


yeh you can say that because your country alerady is a shithole.

Im glad im my state is not like the DDR

man we have a horrible central or slightly right leaning party (for gods sake CDU is suppsoed to be central right and look at Merkel).
We need a farage, trump, Geert, Le Pen who is competent well spoken (not Trump) and truly truly care about the well being of his people......

you know a guy like Hitler. lol

no wait,
didn't know america had an embassy in yemen

/sg/ can actually get worse!

I love it

>#Syria #Hama #NorthernHama Two More #SAA #SyrianArmy #SyrianArmedForces Soldiers captured by Militants.

>man we have a horrible central or slightly right leaning party (for gods sake CDU is suppsoed to be central right and look at Merkel).

Pisses me off to know end that CDU is supposed to be center right.

>you know a guy like Hitler. lol

I pray every single day that Germany is just going through some neo-Weimar shit right now and that someone like Hitler will rise from the ashes, but I see leftists here every day and just realize it's 10x worse over there.

Plus, with your federalist system (yeah sorry about that) it would be very hard for one party or one man to gain enough power to get a nu-Hitler into power

1080p beheading video when?

watch vid... they killed him before they did anythign else

this is old

>cue james blunt

I hope by then (unless I feel to support my country of course and return to do my duty) I am safe living in a cottage on a lake in Eastern Montana with a keira look -a-like and coupld bread slicing girls

Well, at least in that video they don't kill them.
If you're talking about other video, well I haven't seen it.