The average Sup Forums user

The average Sup Forums user

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that cake looks good desu

He is a ledditor you fucking proxy shill


>dem manboobs


Actually that cake would take way more ambition and skill to make for your average Sup Forums user. We just eat frosting out of the container.

I really hope this isn't what the average Sup Forums user actually looks like but I genuinely think it isn't the case, and complete stereotypes like this guy exist, but the board isn't actually full of them


why though

I'd feed him cake as I suckle his man boobs desu senpai


I had canned tomato soup and a piece of toast for dinner.

false flag

He's white though

He looks like a nice guy

I had hardees baby

Most edgy Icelanders tend to come from the dark corner of the internet... sides like 9fag and leddit. I bet this pussy as nigga is a total cuck and a weak male.

Go back to whatever blue pilled facebook groups you've been hanging around you cookie cutter cunt.

>The average Sup Forums user

Icelandic azz puzzy bitch little island aint shit haha WHOOP

1/3 beer cheese muh negro


Yeah we all 1 big Trump/Juggalo family

>He probably doesn't have a lot going for him in life
>He's genuinely happy
>He feels like he's a part of something big
>He went and made himself a cake and frosted it himself
>He even made a little wall cake to go with it

Why should we hate him again? This is a sign that we're doing good and making the world a better place. Sup Forums and the Trumpening has probably improved this poor guy's life quite a bit.

I don't understand this bait, isn't the left against body/look shaming?

He looks like a pretty fun guy to be around, rather have him as a mate than one of these "artistic" alternative coffee inner city omg I do everything ironically look at my silly pose tumblr/twitter bots

At least they aren't all suicidal and on anti-depressants like /fit/.

Sup Forumss parents


Bless him x

I felt slight pity, but then i realized i was not nor will ever be him. My god what an idiot.

yes, w-we are not

I'd be his friend

fuck Liberal hating scum


Kek is that Robby?


SEE? Trump family 4 life


>leftists shaming someone for the way they look
there's that tolerance again.

I no right? Wut a bunch of hipocrates haha the cant tolerate SHIT

Sup Forums was so relatively great before they election. There was actual debate and less shitposting. It was only about epic numbers and memes. The username has increased dramatically and now this board is actually unreadable.

That is a troll bio, he actually isnt in 7th grade

Wtf u say u traiter azz bitch? We bigger than everb4

Why are you posting all these juggalo Trumps kek

This is him now

Not an argument :^)

no they are both white this is Sup Forums parents and ideal couple


Okay lizten to this:

Trump is the savior of the white race a juggalo paints his faice white. We all one big white familty BABY


Sometimes I start feeling like I'm part of something important and get a short burst of confidence while shitposting about Trump. Then I remember I'm an ugly autistic NEET posting on Sup Forums all day and no one would miss me if I died.

Please stop I fucking hate those people

Yo senpai i wil mizz ya 4shure homie



stop wit famil u cnt h8 ur own kin


nice "kek"

They know it's what we look like bc they use our front facing cameras

Because obesity and fat acceptance is a liberal trait.


Please stop

You know people post the like handful of trump supporters that are kind of fat and have gross and weird faces and aren't exactly Chads. They might be a little scruffy and soft lookin and may look like cringey manchildren.

But they're trying to MAGA and quite frankly when the other side of the political spectrum has pure unapologetic degenerates by the score I don't think you have a leg to stand on. For every single one of these pictures I can find you about 10 Hilary supporter pictures that are worse.

When you promote this meme you downplay the absolute degeneracy of the modern left. You may as well open your anus for cultural enrichment at that point.

that is called controlled opposition




wow you really can't take your own medicin

Firstly he's not anywhere near the grossly obese landwhales of the fat acceptance movement.

Secondly besides the cake you don't have any proof that he accepts this.

Lil bitch azz queer leaf cant control shit with hos gay ass goody goody bitch prezident out prezident is better and u no it bitch

they really canceled this

here is one that's actually accurate

Bitch wtf iz ur flag

Fight me, bitches.

Yeah buddy u look my cuzin lol haha




I cant even... this thread is cracking me up