Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope ? do you think he's a fool?

Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope ? do you think he's a fool?

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no and no.
he knows what he is doing he is not a fool.

A fool? Yes.
Dead? No.
Popes come and go but the Church of God endures.

no ozzy fans here i guess

Still alive.

He is the anti-christ and all catholics worship satan by proxy

a rope is too kind for this traitor. Let's try that old idea of boiling water.

I honestly don't see how he hasn't been deposed already. If I were Catholic I'd be infuriated at everything he's done.

>that nose
i wouldnt be that surprised to find some jew blood in him

>it's ok with atheists
>it's ok with gays
>wants catholics to stop having so many children
>cares about the environment

I think he is bretty good :3

he is from argentina, he is cool, but obviusly cant play soccer.


Trad Catholic signing in. Every Pope since V2 is a disgrace, except of Ratzinger in his old age.

Bring back the liturgy, bring back the will-to-catholic-power.

Someone gets it at least


Although he is a fool I wouldn't want to see him dead.


well grim

>Every Pope since V2 is a disgrace
Except John Paul II and Paul VI are literal saints, and canonization is infallible. Are you even a catholic?

like your country then?

>Pope Francis. During the military junta, Fr. Jorge Bergoglio headed the influential Argentine Jesuit order of priests. His own politics were openly conservative and anti-communist. He was deeply hostile to liberation theology which focused on the needs of the poor and was a growing movement among Latin America’s nuns and priests. For decades, many have accused Bergoglio of collaborating with the junta and informing on these left-wing Catholics.
>Among the best known accusers were two of Bergoglio’s former teachers, Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics, Jesuits who were determined to work in the slums of Buenos Aires and interact with leftists who were doing the same. When they rejected Bergoglio’s orders to stop their work, he kicked them out of the Jesuit order. Shortly thereafter they and six parishioners were kidnapped by junta thugs. The priests were tortured for several months and then dumped on the roadside. The six lay Catholics were disappeared. Yorio declared in the first trial of junta leaders in 1985, “I am sure that he himself [Bergoglio] gave over the list with our names to the Navy.”


The pope is a false prophet...Luther was right.

None of the shit in catholicism is even in the bible...no where does it claim we must pray to Mary

I don't need to see his head on a spike or anything but he has got to go.

The barbarians are at the gates. We need a warrior pope.

I remember this. Didn't he get pissed off becuase they were trying to crowd surf him?

A traitor, the rope is too good for him

Vatican and the Pope are Luciferians. He was put in position by Soros, Clinton and Obama to help them bring NWO. His job is to encourage Europeans to accept muslims and to unite all world religions into one (Luciferian) when NWO is established.


>Declaration of the catholic faith was a key component that resulted in the decline and fall of the Byzantine empire.
>Split Christianity in two due to power rush and then split Catholicism into fragments due to corruption and greed.

I'd hang any bastard who claims to be pope in the name of Chalcedonism!


Lord of This World lyrics drew me in!



This. Pope John Paul strongly condemned communism and Marxism because he saw it as anti-christian. Pick related was him chewing out some priests for promoting Marxist warfare.
Now we have a cuck Pope that claims nationalism and capitalism are evil and promotes socialism and female priests.

I don't hate him, but I don't think he's the right guy to lead the church at a time like this.
In his defense, the media completely sensationalizes everything he says. "Don't hate people just because they're gay, we're all sinners" becomes HIP NEW POPE SAYS GAY MARRIAGE IS NOW CANON and shit like that.
That said, his views on multiculturalism are going to be harmful in the long run. I don't think he realizes that he's alienating a lot of Catholics by trying to get tolerance points with young people.

We need Sarah next, though Francis seems to be in good shape so we'll probably have him for 10+ years at least.

I wouldn't mind seeing this pope dead.

The papacy in Rome is the greatest tyranny the world has ever seen

t. 32nd degree Mason

yes. hes a left wing plant and a traitor.

>An Argentinian loving his fellow black man.

He's literally a soviet agent. Liberation theology was implanted in Latin American during the cold war to help promote socialism, and he sucked it up like a sponge. Now he's the damn pope.