What kind of justice you want

>what kind of justice you want
>just fuck my shit up
>say no more senpai

The more this guy talks the more I wonder why the fuck Trump nominated him.

That's extremely disappointing that he believes that.

>The Hill

Did he say racism and sexism were bad though? Where are the proofs?

He's trying to soften his tone to appeal to a moderate dem

and the founders were racist/sexist because they were smart

>What are the 14th and 19th amendments

Yes, they were. But that's just how shit was done at the time.

He's not wrong

Not what he fucking said at all
Feinstein tried to throw the whole "Lol racist founders" horseshit and he said it doesn't matter who wrote it what matters is what was written.

Do none of you n33ts listen to C Span? He's been under grilling by kikes and cunts in the Senate for the last 3 days and has to watch what he says with every answer. I'm fucking surprised he hasn't gone off and said anything showing his power level. I'd like to see you faggots endure the line of questioning he's gone through and keep your composure during the entire four day proceeding.

He never said being racist and sexist was a bad thing

The problem is that he's implying racism and sexism are wrong.

I love the Founding Fathers, but you can't deny they weren't racist and sexist.

Fucking everyone in the 1700's was racist and sexist.

Why? Relative to our standards today they most certainly were racist and sexist. That doesn't make them bad people or any less great because you have to judge them based on the time they were in.

because he is the greatest and most consistant judge in the country for maybe 80 years. Serious

he makes scallia look lightweight. I wouldn't be surprised if the senate votes for him 100-0

On....what grounds exactly? Is he actually conservative?

The ists were created by bloody Karl Marx
Fuck that white nigger

Lel. R u a lawyer?

Gorsuch is a fag but he never said racism and sexism were bad

Hes trying to get elected by the senate not Sup Forums. Fuck off.

Yes! Bring back racism and sexism!

Dont worry what the stormweenies say, gorsuch is amazing. Im glad i voted for trump for him alone. God bless America.

Oh look, liberal media outlets taking something someone said out of context once again.

Well, whaddya know.

All (((elites))) need to be flayed, and their children butchered in the streets.

that stupid whore needs to fuck off back to israel with the rest of her demons

Context, how do they work?

>I didn't listen to the hearings and I base my political opinions on 135 character headlines


I remember when I was twelve too.

he actually said that it took the country far too long to pass the 14th amendment and that its an embarrassment

also:: those who wrote those amendments were not who is referred to by "the framers of the constitution"

he adheres to the law, and the constitution
politics need play no role in interpreting the law, and the constitution
this is why gorsuch is great, and consistent

They were, and they were 100% correct

The Senate of the United States shouldn't disrespect the people responsible for their existence. Fuck off.

George Washington should have just made himself king.

Well he is correct but honestly our societies ran better when we were in control. Let us have our own country based on how the founding fathers envisioned. Liberals can't force me to accept their new cultural experiment.

watch the clip and context and you would see he was pushed to admitting that claim in order to demonstrate that its not relevant to the validity of the constitution. This is to defend his philosophy of originalism.

Whatever gets him confirmed faster.

I'm dead serious you fucking coward. I guarantee I make more money than you, and desu I'm probably older.