
Is Depression real or is it a meme by the pharmaceutical companies?
If it isn't real (or doesn't need to be treated with meds), how does one overcome the feeling that they have depression?

Depression is real as can be. I have known some good goys who have committed suicide.

It's the result of Jewish social engineering making the white man isolated and dissatisfied.

It's both, and in that regard it's hard to make sense of.

It's definitely real, but it's been vastly exacerbated by the postindustrial lifestyle. Antidepressants can mask the symptoms and keep you stable enough not to kill yourself, but IMO if people in our society in general lead more authentic lives, ie not sitting in an office all day doing some meaningless job and then spending all your money on various degenerate forms of entertainment, fewer people would suffer from depression in the first place

>if people in our society in general lead more authentic lives, ie not sitting in an office all day doing some meaningless job and then spending all your money on various degenerate forms of entertainment
Yeah, and we're supposed to do that after being programmed from birth how, exactly?

It's real but pharmaceuticals make it into a lifetime of drug dependence instead of something that can be beaten out of you.

>destiny isn't streaming tonight
What a fucking retard

>or is it a meme by the pharmaceutical companies?
are you saying they got meme'd on by pharma bros?

Depression is the obesity of the mind. 99/100 cases is self inflicted

Learn survival skills and be some fuck living in the woods.

It's real and demonstrable in brain scans. However, it's way more fun to go online and tell people they're just being pussies and that it's not real to hurt their feelings.

I've had it.

I eat healthy, exercise, do fun things, and pray a ton, but I still got it bad.

Nothing was even wrong or different in my life. It just happens. It's very real. It can be chemical, neurological, spiritual etc. It really sucks.

brb, becoming a savage

Depression is idiosyncrasy perpetuated by people who fall for the "happiness is a right" meme.

You don't have to be elated at every moment. Downtime is healthy.

You're retarded. Even people who live in white places that are near perfect get depression. Stop looking at every single thing through a political lense. There are bad things not caused Jews

its real, the pills to help are not
they gave me Buropion hcl dxl 300mg
My friend told me it was just an anti smoking med
it made me feel really clouded and sometime it looked like the walls were breathing.
stopped taking them
feel great
havent had a problem since

It's real.

its real, the pills to help are not
they gave me Buropion hcl dxl 300mg
My friend told me it was just an anti smoking med
it made me feel really clouded and sometime it looked like the walls were breathing.
stopped taking them
feel great
haven't had a problem since

You are a dumbass

Fell for the depression meme and parents forced me to take SSRI's for 6 months.
How fucked am i?
I no longer have massive loads and instead it dribbles out and my testicles are half the size they used to be.

It's an anti-smoking aid and works for catatonic type depression because it's a stimulant. I think it's one of the only useful ADs out there. All antidepressants take about a month before they start working, though.


Being alive is shit. So yes it's real. Drugs only mask the problem. The only real solution is sudoku (maybe kenken if you're faggot).

It's real. It's just that drug companies leap up to sell you drugs to line their pockets when really what a lot of people need is some quiet relaxation and someone to help support them emotionally. A lot of depression comes from an encroaching sense of isolation which is not healthy for any human. It's a sad thing, really.

the common "depression" is just feeling sad because you're not exercising or in a tribe. if you start lifting weights, running, and join a tribe 99% of the time it will be cured.

>Debate this

I want to fist destiny

"Depression is the inability to construct a future." - Rollo May

>Is Depression real or is it a meme by the pharmaceutical companies?
Yes and No.
Acutal Depression does exist and is a really horrible mental illness. However there are many things mistaken for being an actual Depression.
>If it isn't real (or doesn't need to be treated with meds), how does one overcome the feeling that they have depression?
On your own?
Almost impossible. You have to trick your mind and apply psychological tricks in a completely lifeless and chaotic state to somehow find sense and purpose again. Depending on the grade your Depression has (usually divided under 3) it goes from manageable to really difficult to almost impossible.
However if you get help from the outside and any person helping is helpful then your chances really do increase. If you go to a psychatrist while also talking with a close friend or family member then you have good chances of getting out of it without meds. As long as you aren't in immediate danger of commiting suicide you won't get put into a clinic.

MUH slow metabolism is why I am fat i swear

It's real, but way over dignosed.

It is but most people's depression comes from eating too much junk good and not enough healthy food (nutritarian diet by fuhrman is the healthiest). No getting enough exercise, and not getting any kind of mental stimulation (even reading books can do wonders for your mind).
Also, committing yourself to something or someone can help a lot to. Living a hyper-individual, hedonistic life is bad for the soul. So yeah it's real but easily cures for most people.

Its a meme my fellow leaf, I've literally talked depressed folk out of it

It's real, as in as real as any other emotional state.

Life is fucking shit. Accepting this fact puts depression in a new perspective. AKA a normal emotional response to a shitty life.

I'm depressed but I know why and so meds wouldn't fix it. I call it rational depression and I can therefore partition it. It's still there but it isn't destroying me. If the state of the world doesn't severely depress you, you must have even more serious mental health issues than depression.

>Yes it exists
>90% of the time you're just having an off day
>but take this $10 pill anyways

Just add some turmeric with black pepper to your diet



It's real I have it trust me

stop throwing a tantrum


learn more dumbass

stfu pussy

The brain is a lazy organ. It operates in patterns and anything your brain can do to make its job easier, it will. Depression is what occurs when chemical imbalances in the brain lead to patterns that make naturally experiencing joy, comfort, and relief extremely difficult to virtually impossible, resulting in a seemingly constant hollowness or sadness. Note that sadness is not a synonym of depression, but a symptom of depression. Depression is something physically present in your brain and requires treatment. You can treat this with meds, or you can treat it by taking very deliberate measures to reprogram the brain manually. The latter is very fucking hard to do, even as an expert, and isn't practical for most people, because most people can hardly tie their own damn shoes properly.

If you want to fix your depression and don't have the money for meds (or are just scared of taking them), there are still countless little things you can do to put up a fight, and possibly even get a handle on it or reverse the depression altogether. The little things might not feel like they matter by themselves, but if you could change the big things in your life, you wouldn't be desperate for change, anyway. So fucking do them.

When you get up in the morning, open the windows and let the sunlight in. Make a list of daily tasks to accomplish- call John Doe about Thing X, go pay the water bill, get groceries, etc. Then do those things. When you're in public, be friendly with cashiers, wave at people, start conversations, etc. Eat when you're hungry, and try to snack less. Make yourself do these things, even when you don't want to or don't feel like it's helping. Don't sit on your ass playing video games all day and wonder why your brain isn't repairing itself. Happiness may not necessarily be a thing you pursue so much as a thing you simply are, but you won't be capable of feeling happy until your brain learns/relearns how to be open to the possibility of it. So open that fucker up.

Why be depressed when you can funnel that into anger and aggression and go after feds and deep state cucks?

I had severe bouts of depression and anxiety for over a decade until I changed my diet

>how does one overcome the feeling that they have depression?
Easy peasy friendo. Just get addicted to the internet and use Sup Forums until you get inadvertently indoctrinated into a hivemind cult that gives you a cloudy sense of meaning and direction and community as well as the ego boost of seeing yourself as being superior and having secret knowledge over others. And then you just do that until you kill yourself. A life well lived.

I have depression I do take meds but I don't fully rely on them
I always find mediation and reflection always helps me, self love is key.

my psychoanalyst was telling me about how everyone is either aggressive regressive or depressive. It's really just classification for how we deal with emotions. those with a depressive mindset tend to experience more intense emotions, which can be due to a variety of things, but most commonly is due bottling emotions to a boiling point.

from what to what?

was changing your diet part of a larger lifestyle change?


Been dealing with a horrible breakup. Got a Job and a Condo in the same week, was not eating, sleeping 90% of days, suddenly.... feel fucking normal again