> less workplace protections
> less unionized jobs
> less functional government that protects workers and consumers from predatory corporations
> voting away your healthcare so that the rich can get free tax cut Gibs
What benefits do Conservashits gain by voting against their economic interests?
wtf i hate trump now
What specifically are my personal economic interests?
but that's wrong democrats ran the largest 1.6 billion dollar campaign in history. based entirely on evil corporations
Fuck off fag
you're trying too hard.
What do white liberals have to gain from voting for anti-white policies?
You have zero and I mean zero knowledge of Cronyism and how it works. The giant corporations are the ones that write all the rules and regulations for their benefits. This way they can stifle and prevent competition. As well as create government guaranteed moral hazards. It's a racket between the super rich and the government. P.S. you're retarded.
>2k tax cut is against my interests
Your tears.
Guess how do we know you are a shill.
> Be Occupy Democrats
> Get funded by billionaire globalist Soros
> Sell your soul
> Still lose
> unironically posting an Occupy Democrats picture
My economic interests are to keep foreigners out and bring back real jobs.
My economic interests are to keep the educated from becoming tyrants over me.
Don't you try to tell me what my interests are.
Go fuck yourself.
Union labor is the worst shit I ever did. DONT EVER JOIN A UNION
Nice source, you small-brained nigger.
what benefits do leftards get from voting against their interest? what do they get from importing hordes of shitskins and giving their money to niggers?
you sound really fragile my dude wtf
Of all the stupid ass daily meme threads, we get Occupy. Why couldn't it just be bananas?
And what do you know about my personal economic interests? You don't even know my name, let alone my economics, let alone my interests, you stupid fucking faggot.
>1 post by this ID
Remember to hide and sage
>2 posts by this ID
Remember that that is a new tactic by these shills. 2 posts. Possibly 3. Do not bump.
>anti-white policies?
Yea that's not a thing outside of stormfront and pol
No wonder they're all so worried about the Trump presidency! You can really see it reflected in the stock price..... Oh wait
Le bump
because of muh if i work hard enough i can be as rich as bill gates meme
>Occupy Democraps
These are the people who said Hitler built the Berlin Wall
that was fake and gay
t. Shareblue
Less regulation means more corporate flexibility which means more money they can spend on innovation and job creation/company expansion you daft cunt.
you don't get to pretend to care about workers when you want to flood the US with every broke ass slob in the world looking for a job.
Dems aren't good. Reps aren't good. Vote Libt
>The giant corporations are the ones that write all the rules and regulations for their benefits.
Then why is trump cutting taxes for them?
you also cant have a gibsmedat welfare state if you want to flood the US with every broke as slob in the world looking for gibs.
First of all Soros is an activist. He may be pushing dogmatic leftism which is bad, but he has some of the right ideas.
You are a partisan Trumpshill who will support gutting the EPA for no reason.
Stop accepting bad actors.