Occipital Bun

Is it true that people with occipital buns tend to have more right-wing views on average than those without?



How the fuck would we know?

I don't think I have that.

>Is it true
where did you hear this shit? Or if you're making this up, are doing this to make you feel better for having one?

>occipital buns

so thats what that thing is at the back of my head.

>occipital buns
First time I've heard of this.

Explain Pls

No, but it is true that you're uglier than those without.

yeah, if you ever need to sap someone, aim for that, they'll go unconscious or at the very least, lose sight for a min or so.

I have one and I post here. Take from that what you wish.

I've also heard that they indicate higher levels of Neanderthal admixture, but take that with a grain of salt

Anything else or just confirmation we wuz neanderthals n shit?

People without an occipital bun are not white

We wuz Neanderthals and shiiiiiet



i have one, the barber always rams into it with the clippers

kek is a nija lulz


I have a huge one

Fucking this

Didn't even think about it, but I have one, so ok.

I know this pain.

Occipital cortex is associated with sight and a bun would indicate physical trauma like OP's dad dropping him like Eric Clapton's son

Is it true that people with lower I.Qs tend to have more right-wing views on average

I got one, also have 2,8% Neanderthal DNA

Confirmed, leafs are retarded.

It's a small bump on the back of your head common with people with significantly more neanderthal DNA than average.

Well I'm right-wing and exceedingly dumb so yes it has been confirmed

So I'm an Italian nigger?

Yes. Whenever I see a DRUMPF supporter, I always remind them that Hillary won the popular vote and they chimp-out because they can't accept the Electoral College is a fraud.

Shareblue, pls go, we're having a discussion here thats nothing to do with that shit head.

me too brother, time to stand up against this injustice

Hillary lost the popular vote on the night of the election, she just gained an extra few million after they counted "ansentee" ballots from all the dead people and illegal immigrants who are allowed to vote in California

Shit leftist false flag.
Here's a (You) for your trouble though

No but it is true that people who use the phrase occipital bun tend to be more autistic.

Well I've never heard of this thing but 2 seconds on Wikipedia tells me it's more common in European ancestry, and I have one, I'm blonde haired, blue eyed.
So. We're in agreement? Only people with occipital buns survive the Day of the Rope?

Preach faggot.

A bit more info for the uninformed:

Neanderthal are not the "cave men" that we picture them. They were at least at intelligent as modern humans but lived in much smaller societies. They first left Africa ~250,000 y.a. and interbred with later homo sapiens who left Africa ~75,000 y.a.

All populations contain some Neandertal admixture EXCEPT for Sub-Saharan Africans. They contain no Neanderthal DNA and more "archaic hominid" aka homo heidelbergensis or homo erectus, our 2 basal ancestors.

To further confuse the situation, Australian Aboriginals are so distantly related to all living humans (and least related to Sub-Saharan Africans) that they are all but considered a separate species. Also, there is an extinct group of hominid species called homo denisovan that only interbred with Melanesian (Oceanic Islander) peoples.

So modern humans are actually 4 distinct sub-species of the genus homo:

1. Homo sapiens sapiens (modern Sub-Saharan African)
2. Homo sapiens eurasia (modern Eurasians. 3-4% Neanderthal admixture)
3. Modern Melanesian (3-5% Denisovan admixture)
4. Australian Aboriginals.

This information is clear as day in the modern (post Neanderthal gene sequencing c.a. 2010) literature but has not made it to the public because of the implications.

Anthropologist AMA

>have extremely pointy occipital protrusion
>go to east asia for holiday, people sleep on wooden or marble blocks
>wonder why this doesn't hurt them like it does for me
>mfw they feel my occipital protrusion and think I am some kind of freak

Apparantly most scandinavians got one and the nazis measured them to see if it correlated with intelligence (It did not)

i dont have one.

i almost hit where my spinal cord and brain meet when i fell in the bathroom when drunk after stepping on my cat. i woke up with no vision and my hands and arms were like sand. my vision came back after a few seconds.

probably should be dead or at the least paralyzed.

I don't know about that specifically, but I do know that it has some significance. I was selected for a bizarre program in school because of mine, also had a strange experience with abduction as a kid. It was mainly strange because I wasn't bothered by it at all, and I know it was real because my friend came with us, but all he remembers is that he suddenly woke up on the trail.

Sheeiiiit. I've got one.

>I don't have one
Hardly surprising.

I got a bone for you to study