Its over for drumpf now!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Unnamed officials
There are two parallel realities unfolding right now
sage thread? sage thread.
>its over for drumpf now!
Says increasingly nervous man
>everyone we dont like is a russian agent
kek this is going to backfire on these people badly
>May have
It's the Roger Stone shit that Schiff was talking about on Monday.
Stone could be fucked but he was never a member of the campaign. Trump has deniability there.
They are trying to counter the positive news trump had today with regards to wiretapping.
All they have is probably Roger Stone who's not been part of the Trump campaign (thats why "associate").
>trump is finished
>"may have"
Fuck off with your fake legacy news
>somebody was told by somebody
>who heared it from someone
>suggests he may have
Not even funny anymore
Found ShareBlue's new marching orders
Fake news outlets are an embarrassment.
Anyone who still believes what they say is the lowest tier of pleb
>fake news
>Trump was actually wiretapped and people want to hear about it let's ramp up the Russia thing once again
Can anybody explain what crime these Trump associates actually committed? If you are a businessman, why can't you work with Russians? Is it because of the sanctions?
Right, they warm up Roger Stone.
The counterfeit news network hard at work
>Hey everyone we don't like is a Russian agent, what can go wrong
>Obviously this is really terrible Foreign policy, especially for a party that prides itself in "diplomacy"
>Who cares, its about our political survival, fuck the american public
No wonder Obongo was a disaster, Democrats are simply inept at any semblance of foreign policy.
Can u fucking read retard?
Everyone hacks everyone these days, it's your own fucking fault if the best you can do is use 'password' as your fucking password your practically asking for a cyber buttfucking
Because Russia helps Assad and that ruins the Globalists plans.
>sassy black woman look
This is so infuriating, why won't they just stop lying?
I don't get it, just stop fucking lying, he's obviously not a russian plant, we would have figured that out by now if it were true.
Is this some long play to get first amendment rights taken away? Are they just going to abuse the fuck out of the freedom of the press and print bullshit until limiting their freedom of speech becomes a necessity?
>may have
Time for another episode of
>We make baseless assertions to buy time until we can find a way to not get blown up over Obamagate.
The event horizon is approaching. Brace yourself.
wtf is a trump associate?
How long is it since Trump and his team used the White House press conference to cite 'sources' from Fox News to back up their wackaday conspiracy theory?
Remember when we used news flacks as disinfo agents during the cold war? Well, their programming hasn't been disabled and has now be coopted by the left.
The possibility of news is NOT news in itself. CNN needs to die off. Cancelling cable tomorrow, stating my reason as being that I refuse to support CNN. It won't matter but I'll feel better about myself.
(((Steven Mnuchin)))
>Unnamed officials
I'm hoping they release a name and it's something meme-ish like Kirk E. Kent. I want to see their reaction when it turns out to be another prank from that internet trickster, Sup Forums
Coordinated to prevent Ww3 and end Syrian war
it's about Manafort. guarantee it.
guy wasn't even part of the campaign that long.
Who watches tv nowadays anyway
>Episode #6969 - It's the End for Trump, Russia Hacked the Election w/ Anderson Cooper Pt. 6969
You're a faggot
why not? Please explain to Britfag.
>Absolutely nothing but Democrats on all sides
Yea user, so lets see a conservative on a real news channel weigh in and then maybe I might begin to humor this shit as something more than total crap by whiny snowflakes who are still this damn butthurt over losing an election 4 months ago....
>CIA whistleblower leaks 47 hard drives and 600 million documents
>Obama spied on Trump
>Obama spied on 156 judges
>Obama spied on Supreme Court justices
>Anderson Vanderbilt
Is here any fucking good US based news network?
in the UK all we get is Fox News and CNN, and a bit of MSNBC, like fuck, its all anti Trump shit nearly, Fox News is sometimes okay but sometimes they fuck him over aswell.
>guy wasn't even part of the campaign that long.
Duration doesn't really matter when the dude's the fuckin campaign chair.
Where did you get this Pepe?
Anonymous senior meme officials may have given it to him.
In the US we watch BBC for actual factual news....
from honda
How is Stone fucked? What did he do?
Every news media in the US is colluding with each other to push out shit, 24/7. You want actual news, you might as well watch someone on youtube.
You mean nytimes that published a report saying Trump was wiretapped and then later said Trump was crazy for saying he was wiretapped?
This stone is FUCKED.
CIA are coming after his ass.
Are you of The Ilk? If so, contact me.
For what?
Alex Jones said they may poison Roger Stone.
Why are so many numale cucks wearing this cuck glasses lately? To look more INTELLECTUAL?
When has CNN ever been wrong?
>may have
Stop wasting our time
Nope. He's gonna be just fine. You leftists are really starting to come unglued though. Sad!
>Yeah-huh! Muh liberal propaganda says he's in trouble -- and a big meanie head! Also, if I don't get my way, it's racist!
Hush now, child.
Sorry MJ, what do you want your boys to look like?
Stone was targeted for assassination last Tuesday after threatening to expose the entire Democrat Russia plot if called before Congress. Hit and run by SUV t-boned his taxi passenger side
This was the most high profile, most investigated, most reported campaign or political event in history. Nothing was missed. The fact that the Russia narrative wasn't pressed until post Election Day (in any other way than being mad at Trump because he didnt say he automatically hates Putin) is all the proof everyday ordinary people need to know the entire thing is one big Democrat lie
Every prez and his family gets permanent entourage until they kick the bucket.
King Obongo, Clintons and junior themselves are on the budget too.