Is there such a thing as the "gay gene" Sup Forums?

Is there such a thing as the "gay gene" Sup Forums?

Because my family is filled with it and it kinda scares me

My mom came out as lesbian after the divorce with my father
My older sister came out as gay
My older brother came out as gay too
My father told he had gay experiences in the past...says he's still straight.
Also my uncle is probably gay.

But then I'm straight and people in the family kinda look funny at me. As if I'm in the denial or something. I rarely speak to them, because I just can't stand the degeneracy. I mean, who is the blame for this? Genes? The Jews? Parents? Then why I'm straight? So confusing.

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Well you are OP.

but I'm not a fag so I don't know what you're trying to say?

The reason you're still straight is because you haven't been on Sup Forums long enough
I've learned shit about vaginas I wish I never knew.
Never could fap the same way again.

I'm not attracted to traps or anything like that.

Not the point
I mean learning that there's at least four different types of excrement that exit a vagina.


How many cats did you own growing up, op?

no cats or any animals. Father hated that shit, said it was too much of a hassle

It's genetic, but also the extent to which the genes are activated is largely determined in fetal development.

Gene's are certainly responsible for ones sexuality. It is not natural for animals to be exclusively gay, but it isn't extreemly uncommon for then to not engage in homosexual behavior. What is uncommon is exclusive homosexuality. Homosexual gene's exist because homosexuals reproduced. The best thing is to allow them to marry and not have children.

I thought in Poland homosexuality was not socially aproved.

I guess we are fucked, sorry for that bro. Try to make them catholic.

>there's at least four different types of excrement that exit a vagina.


>not being gay

My mistake
5 actually

You lie! It's pee or water.

that's nice logic africa
we have gay and tranny politcians, it's nothing out of ordinary. there are more gays in poland than blacks lol

vaginal discharge
and possibly more.

You have free will, and being a fag is epigenetical. In another timeline/universe you are gay. Now you are a fag because you are op but gay isn't predetermined.

Is there a gay gene....

The only fact with regard to that, is that the more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay.
But that's not causal, so really, I don't know. I certainly think sexuality is a very complex thing that..

Wow now I actually want to wear a condom.

>is that the more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay

what, I don't get it. doesn't make any sense at all

>after the divorce

There is no gay gene

People just have shitty family lives or something terrible happens to them and it fucking ruins them

Just look at Milo

He is totally fucked in the head like most gay people

People in your family hang around any cats?
Gayness may be the result of a parasite altering brain chemistry.

You don't need to worry Polandbro

its called r1b

No, it isn't genetic.

If it was genetic, then how would it not go extinct? Especially if it's a recessive trait?

The gay gene shit was pushed by homos who wanted psychiatry to stop researching ways to "cure" gay people so they said it was genetic and this not something that could be "fixed".

already answered, read the thread
You should've know that already, and that doesn't matter. You should still wear a condom if you don't know if she has any stds
maybe you're right
that's the one side of poland

currently poland is divided. 50% leans to conservative values, the other leans to the western values, you know, influenced by usa and western europe

But newer generations tend be more progressive.
because bisexuals exist? I don't know.

OP is a faggot. You're in denial.

Nice flag but no.

I'm pretty sure it's more developmental than anything Poland bro. That doesn't mean you're off the hook, but a lot of research implies that it's connected to hormone exposure in the womb.

I wouldn't worry about it unless you're sexually attracted to men.

Is the Eastern Poland more conservative?

Do you like men?
If yes, gay. If no, not gay. Though, to be on the safe side of things. I would advise you to refrain from reproducing, to facilitate this and so you don't have to spend your days alone. Take a long walk off a short bridge.

Just get the gay sucked out of your system by a nice hot trap.

Homosexuality is due to epigenetic changes according to some recent studies

It's the Poland A and B argument

basically means that the western side of poland is more developed while the eastern side (excluding warsaw) is the least developed one. Therefore, the eastern side tends to be more conservative but it's poor as fuck and it's honestly our version of rednecks. People in eastern side of the poland may even believe in witchcraft.
that wasn't my question, I'm straight, I'm just asking if there is any gay gene because of my family.

nurture is 100%responsible for faggotry. congrats on not being a faggot tho.

not a gene
its a defect that happens in the brain during gestation
brain wasn't flooded with testosterone leaving the default attraction to men unchanged

>newer generations tend to be more progressive

fuck off retard, at no point in history has a generation agreed with their forefathers

This is the best explanation.

it is both a genetic and situational

Is it genetics that make you gay? Nah, it's more likely that it's genetics that make you a weak minded person and your family is just being trendy because it's cool to be gay and degenerate in our Jewish run societies. Shame on your mom for having children before turning gay though goyim

Dude, r u retarded? Have u ever actually visited eastern parts?

Alright listen up OP and you heavy-metal retards. Today we're going to learn about a disease.
We know know how rabies works. An infected animal becomes more aggressive prior to death. It will end up biting other animals to spread the infection along. This is an example of a behavior-modifying organism.

What you probably don't know is that there are hundreds of other organisms that also affect behavior. A virus causes caterpillars to climb up trees. Then it liquifies their organs so the body disintegrates and the virus can be spread by the wind1. There is a STD for grasshoppers that makes them more sexually active2. In the days prior to experiencing the symptoms of the flu, the virus will make you more sociable so can transmit it more3.

Here's the real kicker though: There is a parasite that has the ability to modify sexual preference. Toxoplasma gondii. You've probably heard of T. gondii as the amoeba that infects cats. There's a lot more to it than that. Rats are a carrier of T. gondii. When infected a rat will be attracted to cat urine, making it more likely to be eaten by a cat, the intended host. How does it work?
>Toxoplasma alters the brain to make the rat sexually attracted to cat urine4.
>Toxoplasma's ability to make rats sexually attracted persists even after the rat is no longer infected4.1.

Szeptuchy nie występują na zachodzie, tylko na wschodzie.

Are you from the East? If so, good to travel there?

In response to homosexuality- homosexual disgust aka "homophobia" has evolved as a means to avoid toxoplasma infection. The purpose of disgust is disease avoidance10. You are disgusted at the sight of feces because feces has a lot of bacteria. You didn't need to learn to avoid feces; it's just genetic. Similarly, homophobia was found to be genetic, and also present in nearly half the population11. This means that homophobia evolved because it increases your darwinian fitness by helping you avoid toxoplasma.

So what can we do? Get your wife tested for toxoplasma prior to conception. Toxoplasma testing is not routinely done in the US (gee I wonder who could be behind that) so you should request it. Increasing acceptance of homosexuals will likely lead to a rise in the number of infected, so watch out. It's possible that toxoplasma actually works in the brain to create homosexuality during puberty, so keep your kids away from known homosexuals. Evidence that a very large number of parents are weary of gay doctors working with their kids backs this up11. Prophylaxis for toxoplasma is Bactrim so try to get your kids on it if you can.













Also a bonus image about geys

Depends on what you're looking there. But overall not really.

I'd be interested in culturally pure areas, I.e. small rural villages relatively unchanged. Also, mountains, but those are the south right?

there is no gay gene. we have sequenced the whole human genome and pretty much identified the function of most coding regions. what may happen is something happening in non-coding regions or epigenetics causing abnormal regulation of certain subset of genes, which can lead to gayness.

Sexuality is determined by the experiences of the individual, usually at a young age while they are impressionable. Just get some pussy.

Also qts

Moze sa jeszcze jakies babuszki zielarki, ale dzisiaj wiekszosc tego typu osob to neopoganie i new age. Bylem w rekonstrukcji historycznej i spotklem tam sporo tego typu osob, wiekszosc z zachodu. Polska b jest slabiej rozwinieta ale to nie jakas somalia.

>Is there such a thing as the "gay gene" Sup Forums?

I personally think this does in fact exist but most of the people who claim it are lying to themselves and there are other psychological maladies or experience in their past at play that have turned them """""gay""""".

Maybe 5-10% of the entire gay populace actually has this potential gene. The rest are in denial. If you're gay and reading this you're very likely one of those people in denial too.

>My father told he had gay experiences in the past...says he's still straight.
How did he think it would ever be of possible benefit to anyone to tell you this hahaha what the fuck.

mountains are in the south, if you're interested in that, zakopane and all that are better for tourists

Basically what you need to understand about most of eastern hasn't change a bit since ww2, dare I even say since even ww1

pic related is how most of it looks, only the buildings look more shittier.
if you really love polish women then you really just go to bigger cities, or the western side.

protip - if you're foreigner, especially from usa they will fuck you after 10 seconds. This is NOT a joke. I wish it was, but it's not

Just... No. You should really get out more.

Looks comfy! I'd like to pass through Poland and go to Russia someday, maybe next year.

Hopefully this thread put your mind at ease some. I'd say it's more developmental than anything. Good luck.

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:

As a neuroscientist who majored in behavioral genetics I think at most your family might have a higher propensity to producing a genetic profile that is more geared towards immediate compensation and high arousal level.

>Basically what you need to understand about most of eastern hasn't change a bit since ww2, dare I even say since even ww1
Consider yourselves lucky.

You need to be more specific in that no? what no? Yes, that's how most of eastern poland looks. Not big cities, but all the rural areas
well if you really like it so much, you're welcome here.
lol no thanks

Uncle was first to get it.

Left side of family tree (mother) with gay uncle in it. I'm gay, brother is gay, cousin is gay. That's 1 male out of 4 boys that its straight.

No lesbians yet

Right side, no one got it, no gay uncle or anything out of 3 boys

No lesbians either.

I wasn't fiddled with. I just loved gay porn. Not sure about the other two


>vaginal discharge
>and possibly more.

Uh pee comes from the urethra, completely separate to the vagina

user, some questions

Are people in your family usually fat? Do they have diabetes? Depression? Anxiety problems? ADHD?

It's not any more genetic than any other type of degeneracy. It's psychological, but either way you can have some control over it.

Everyone in my family is straight except for one aunt who also just so happens to be all other manners of degenerate. It's not like gays are fucking helpless.

I've learned shit about vaginas I wish I never knew.
Such as?

Things change, people brought back shitloads of cash from working abroad and built decent houses. Others started to consolidate small farms into multimillion enterprises. Can you find this kind of architecture in the east? Definitely. But i was born in a village next to Wroclaw then moved to lubelskie, and ive seen equally run down places in both. You have to consider that the former german lands were mostly run as pgrs, witch equates poverty

all no, I don't know if some had/have depression and I never really cared about it.


Any degenerate fag stories you can share with us user?

its a "spirit" that goes down the family line like a curse. generational familiar spirits tied to your family, who knows how far back in the line it got in

Just checking

they are just addicted to the facebook likes

>French Polynesia

that's kinda hot

You need to be more specific, because over time I tried to not give a fuck about it

Everytime I visit my siblings or mother, they change partners. My dad too, only he's with women.

Its always the untermensch with tje defectiv genes.

To ze shower with you.

> It is not natural for animals to be exclusively gay
>What is uncommon is exclusive homosexuality
That's because it's impossible to have exclusive homosexuality, as this would mean there would be no reproduction occuring. Exclusively homo = no offspring = no gay genes passed down.
>Homosexual gene's exist because homosexuals reproduced
Not necessarily, it could be a recessive gene (probably is) that you need to receive from both parents, just like redhair. This way the gene can be passed on onto heterosexual offspring until it meets another homo gene.

Na pewno nie kurwa rednecki no proszę cię OP.

He's Canadian. Probs a degenerate that wants to her gay lewd stuff

Maybe. Like schizophrenia is inheritable, maybe being a mentally ill faggot is also partially genetic.

I mean you ever walk in on a fag gay bang or anything of the sort.

The gay gene was disproved, gays are made not born.

Bisexuals do not exist. They're either faggots in denial or beta bitches who can get pussy so they get fucked by men. Go ask any "bi" "man" what they prefer, if it's men, its the former, if its men its the latter.

? Nie jestem op

Chociaż w sumie koleżanka kumpla przeruchała swojego brata jako prezent urodzinowy... Nvm then

Can't get*

there were heavy rumors of Magic Johnson being gay, then his son turned out to be a turbo fag.

Fuck off Auzzie. You had your time in the shitpostery light. It's our time now.

What I mean OP, is many reactionary elements here on Sup Forums hate this bullshit precisely because they've seen its effects on their own lives.

What if they're just straight narcissists who want to feel desired by everyone?

No gay gene. Was your entire family molested by someone when they were kids?

Wiem, chujowo sformułowałem posta. Niezłe numerki przy okazji

Yeah the gay gene is caused by parasitical malevolent lizards who's biology can take over the person via bodysnatch and then turns them gay and evil because all the lizards are gay and evil.

not him but I've seen their partners in my house, sometimes they were too loud but that would happen rarely
I don't think so.
what about bi women?
I don't know, I don't necessarily hate gay, I mostly hate my family because they're shit human beings.

Czy ja wiem, brzmi zajebiscie postepowo i europejsko. A serio to pojebana akcja.

>I don't know, I don't necessarily hate gay, I mostly hate my family because they're shit human beings.

It's a feature, not a oversight OP.

My brother is gay and we are 18 months apart so we were always pretty close. I never knew i just thought he liked mormon girls or something. Until he came out when i was 19. I have always thought it may be a gay gene and that it was probably from my dads side. don't know him or his senpai so its a guess. I have watched other family's share the "gay gene" and in my opinion there is definitely a pattern there. For instance, a friend of mine with 4 kids, 3 boys and one girl. the middle boy wanted to be a princess for Halloween and had super gay tendencies very early on . Little while later the uncle visits and he is as gay as they get. This family and others i've observed throughout the years make me think the "gay gene" is worth taking seriously.

Here is a more interesting question:

Are men born straight?

What I mean is, are men evolutionarily adapted to be aroused by the women? If so, what visual aspects of the female body specifically? Wide hips? Extra fat deposits? (Like ass and boobs)

Or is our love for the female body simply a byproduct of maternal bond we had with our mothers in our early years or something like that?

ia orana, real or proxy

I lived on moorea for a while last year, beautiful island, saw a bunch of others as well