What's Sup Forums's opinion on Armenians?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Armenians?

They exist.

pre turk rape kinda cool. made good wine. now they are a nation of turkish prostitutes

They're are a semitic peoples, so they must go too.

looks like they need some cock

I'd give them my pole if you know what I mean haha

I have no problem with any race, creed, or religion as long as they are respectful to other people as well.

They hate roaches so they're good in my book.

What did they mean by this?

Women are cancerous prudes that need to be purged


Who? Do you mean Americans?

I love the Kardashians
Kim and Kendall are my favorites

Not White. They are Near-Whites.

>first bj ever was from big titted armenian girl
>shes a trump supporter 7 years later

should have wifed her up, feels bad man

Daily reminder that the biggest Chad in history i the R1b dude that made it to africa and impregnated everyone there.
The country is called Chad for this reason.

another word for "jew"

“Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek,but don't trust an Armenian”

― George Orwell

Hairiest women alive

They're materialistic liars willing to cheat anyone if it meant a profit. Incredibly plastic and fake in terms of appearance, wealth, and relationships.

Also, because they're borderline arab, the women age really terribly.

They're all heretics. Purge them.

They are honorary whites.

is the joke because Orwell was actually armenian?