Just FYI
I came up with that term. Me.
I want $$$ or some shit.
Just FYI
I came up with that term. Me.
I want $$$ or some shit.
Would you like it in clammy disposable weaboo income, or sexual favors that won't satisfy either party?
Just enjoy your m-fame m8.
>fame that is real in your mind
Cassshhh me outtt dawg
Checkk em too
KEK wants you people to donate
gofundme gibmedatchange
Money will be used to buy USA GreenCard
Cheeck em
Want the whole story???
I suppose I can not sage you this time, in exchange for a quick rundown.
Just the basic gesalt if you will
>Lurking 4can but banned
>Tweet from some David guy saying Weiner and Pizzergate
>Start spreading it on infauxwars
>Tag teamed shilled
>My no credit, no #, no internet phone starts working again
>Freak out, run to 8cheese cause Im not banned there
>Blab my story
>Some FBI guys say stuff to me
>I give them a theory on RDF waves, cell phones, media, making weaponized autism
>Few days later FBIAnon replies directly to (me) with "Weaponized Autism" when asking why I have such a shit position in the meme war
>Him saying that to me confirmed my theory
You all say it now
Ya whatever, I'm the most influential mother fucker to hit this board in forever and I get no love cause I'm a fucking leaf.
I was hand picked by FBI to be a Meme War General
General FU, that's me
I never said shit till now, but I keep seeing all these youtube guys getting money from you kids for nothing.
I just want to be an American. I need $$$ to do it.
Mark of a great meme is it gets repeated and shared.
I changed Sup Forums/pol and internet for ever (or until people stop using it)
I'll buy some maple syrup while i'm at the store tomorrow, in your honor. God knows you leaf-fags are going to need all the cash you can get with that pedophile PM of yours handing it out to the kebabs.
You're welcome Canada
i invented the noggin joggin rhyme
i swear on my life
really gets my noggin joggin
I could use your money more than the store but thanks I guess..............
Know how them Nam vets feel now.
Pure fucking bullshit.
Of course you millennial fuckheads take credit that isn't yours.
Never read Cracked in my life either.
NEVER seen it used, before I said.
NEVER on Sup Forums/pol
You millennials steal everything.
This is huge....
Bigger than Watergate.
Will Obama be charged?
This is why I never bothered saying anything.
Some millennial faggot will take credit for something they didn't do and claim it as their own.
Nothing new.
Wish I never helped in your fucking meme war.
I'm on fucking watch lists now for NOTHING
we are anons. we take no credit. we receive no praise.
I don't use retardit either. Never use it. Never have. Don't even lurk it.
They're trying to take credit for everything.
Hell, that webpage could've been written up in 5 minutes after I posted by some JDIF kike
Millennials are the most unoriginal and uncreative people in history.
You couldn't come up with it, if you wanted too.
I knew it'd be stolen and claimed by some desperate fuckboy loser online.
Story of my life. Fuck that. I'm tired of gamer faggots getting shit tons for doing nothing from you kids.
I a leaf. USA isn't my country. I didn't want to help. I really didn't.
For nothing
I don't get Trump as my leader
USA ain't my country
I'm stuck in Canada with a bunch of leafs and Trudy.
Life sure as fuck ain't fair.
Will Obama be charged?
>stop appropriating my meme culture
Die leaf
Die yourself fuckhead. Howwww bowww datt??