Libertarian vs National Socialist

Has everyone voted yet?

Why is it so evenly split?

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Two best ideologies.

That's pretty impressive.

voted for no roads,
fuck cars anyways

Lolbertarians are the original redditors that came in the 2012 election fuck off

Just voted.

No, Where is ancap?

>implying more than 10 people on Sup Forums are actually national socialist
those votes are almost definitely a bunch of racists and white nationalists thinking they are natsoc

Or they actually understand economics

>a bunch of racists and white nationalists

>Or they actually understand economics

Yet they are almost completely opposite of one another.
get studying, and stop identifying as white.

National socialists do not believe in the colonial model of race used by progressives and white nationalists.

there's no middle ground?

i think we should marry the two ideologies together.

You bet there is.

libertarian master race

Anarcho Fascism.

>You can only be one or the other

They have extremely limited common ground. Their economic views are antithetical (state deciding which businesses are allowed to exist vs free market), their views of individual duty are antithetical, and their views of the purpose of government are antithetical. They can't be merged.

The thing is i could libertarian because fuck anybody that is a politician now, but at the same time if somebody alpha enough were to lead I'd let them be my hitler daddy desu~

women and men are complete opposites too

no they aren't you big dummy

>stop identifying as white.
this is a serious unavoidable issue in the US. We have to rely on white as unification. We're a bunch of European muts with no discernable ethnicity.


>Best economic system that ever existed

> Low taxes

> Economy not based on war

> Allows individuals freedom of expression

> Lets the market handled things

> Recognizes that immigrants come for welfare benefits

> Anti-interventionist.

> Prostitution legalized and supportive of men's rights.


>Killed millions of Slavs

> Marxist economics combined with nationalism

> Pan-Germanic ideology appropriated by the muh white crowd who would be considered second class citizens.

> Invading Russia in the Winter and the stupid war they caused almost had the whole world turned communist.

> Benevolent feminism

>Economy based on war

>No freedom of expression.

its evenly split because since brexit and trump there has been a huge influx of reddit trash and cuckold scum who think we havent heard their tired debunked civic nationalist opinions

you have no clue how gdp works

china builds many empty appartment buildings to boost their gdp even though they crumble from neglect?

Also every shitskin country also implement authoritarian government.

Whites have been behind limited government because a limited government relies on a high IQ people who are respect freedom. I.e. whites.





the egyptians built pyramids as a sort of jobs project

why don't the chinese do the same? why apartment buildings? why not pyramids or space elevator?

The imperialists used "white" and "nonwhite" to dehumanize the nonwhites, the progressives have appropriated that system to dehumanize whites.

Call yourself American, or mixed race (counting Irish-German etc as mixed race, and you could extend it by saying Irish and German individually are mixed races), or other.

You shouldn't try to unify based on "race". That's shallow. Unify based on nobility and idealism.

Sup Forums civil war soon?

At least we would have a semblance of popular support while the nazis have alienated literally every single other group.

Im neither but closer to NatSoc

Ugh no honey bunny, this is what a NatSoc looks like.

/civilwar/ when?

NatSoc is about (2,10) you fucking commie

I'm not familiar with peterson's politics. What does he propose?


theft implies you own the stuff in your hands when in reality, if you have no government the stuff in your hands is just that "in your hands." there will be no government to protect you from others who want to take your stuff.

without taxation, there is no government. without government the piece of paper that says "you own this house" doesn't mean shit.

so taxation is NOT theft. in reality, you're being allowed to keep the 50%+ of your income with the understanding that government will protect you from others.

nice meme though

Where is the centrist option?

I'm on the Ancap side A.K.A the best side

just vote for the underdog one to balance the two ideologies.


>le i understand economics maymay
>poor companies being oppresed by the state
>poor millionares being oppresed by the poorfags
>muh freedom
>taxation is theft
The State is not only necessary, but should also govern every single aspect of our life

> Protectionism
> Welfare State
Ugh really makes me meditate

I don't know that I am a Libertarian anymore, but I am certainly not a National Socialist.

I'm an anti-Globalist, and I'm an anti-socialist. I have conservative social morals. I am pro-capitalist, with perhaps some support for state run facilities in a few areas, but I am not sure on that.

I'm voting Libertarian.

Libertarianism is what we want

NatSoc is what we need

Two way street, the government would be meaningless as that piece of paper if people didn't produce things. And yes production isn't theirs and they take apart of it regardless of choice..

You don't even refute that you just say the stealing is for the greater good.


How do natsocs deal with the fact that an image board like Sup Forums wouldn't exist in their society?

National Capitalism.

you joke but you could sue for infringing the NAP by affecting your property with sound, pollution, light, etc... your response has to be eye for an eye though

Are you retarded? This goes to show NatSoc are 15 years olds or dumb spics

neither, but i really hate libertarians so i voted nat soc

Libertarianism is on there, user.



This. Lolbertarians are kidding themselves.

i really hate natsoc so i voted libtard

Pro life abortions
Eco friendly deforestation
Global nationalism
Truthful Jews
Manly liberals
See your logic

You're a fucking commie not NatSoc

Why libertarians dont move to the only libertarian country?

What if I'm a National Libertarian?

Stop being a commie

Really though I'd be p cool with either of these

Hello me.

the government should take that into account. that's why the tax rate is under 100% when, logically/ethically, the government is fully in the right to take everything. but they know that's a bad idea. because it's better to take a little bit many times that everything just once.

i think 10% on profits is the sweetspot.

Libertarians and natsocs will know they are allies, and work together as honorable men.

Obama is not that fucking right

their argument is that you wouldn't need a free speech platform if they have what they want.

Except for the truthful jews those things can exist


Why isn't there some sort of "national libertarianism?"

>citizens have extremely broad rights
>non-citizens have few or no rights
>only the child of two citizens is a citizen by birth, children of non-citizens are non-citizens even if born in America

Never, Libertarians are jews in disguise

>no with her option

He's a textbook Neo-Con my dude.

Who will maintain said rights?

same here, libertarianism is just cucky these days. demographics are the main issue right now

They aren't opposites. National socialists believe in freedom for their own kind, libertarians believe in freedom for all. The left believes in freedom for no one.

> shitskin espousing socialism

Its still stealing, only dyed in the wool ANCAPs throw the baby out with the bathwater because of it but it's to point that the government lacks any moral authority since it is built on thievery.

The minarchist government, donkey.

Costa Rica is whiter than burgerland.

Libertarian is not ancap. A state is perfectly acceptable as long as it works for the best interests of the ideology.

Autobahns and Porsches not weed and tolls ok HH

It is inherent in the institution of the state to seek more power and control.

Fuck no. Socialist scum need to leave


again you use that word without understanding what it means. for something to be stolen from you you must first OWN said thing. where do you think the concept of ownership comes from?

in a political vacuum you do not own anything, not even your own life.

Why isn't there an option to vote for a non retarded political ideal?

Collectivist scum need to leave.

rember folks

And? The people will survive. Not so if you let your borders swing open for more quick shekels, which is happening right now.

Unless you can keep out all shitskins, your paradise can't exist.

this desu

Anything less than national socialism is harmful to your people

what would your choice be?

this is just an experiment to see the ideology of pol between two extremes.


Lol no you can't be libertarian and support closed borders or Trump

Individualist scum need to leave

Same thing

>Why is it so evenly split?
Ultimately we all want the same things - we just disagree on the 'how'.