Any italian here? Can you redpill me on the North vs South hate thing?
For what I've seen it seems that the so called "terroni" of the south are some sort of proto-argentinians as our arrogant and criminal culture seems to be heavily produced out of them and a bit from Paris.
Is this just another internet stereotype? Or is it true? How much does this affect politics?
What do the northerners do then? Are they opportunistics who exploit the southerners like jews? Or is this the response of southerners to them?
I've seen Napoli in google maps and it looks like the suburbia of Buenos Aires (which is NOT a good thing).
I don't have italian ancestry in case this means something.
Aiden Fisher
the main thing is that north and south italy were divided for a long time, and under different rulers, which means different mentalities arose. Some even say that italy is pretty much an "artificial country", made up of different people that share nothing in common, but i disagree. As a unified country, we're barely 150 years old, so we still have a lot to endure together. The north is richer, the south is poorer, which led to mass migration from the south to the north, and even in other countries (see: USA, latin america, Europe), the hate for southeners might have started with the migrations. The main meme here is that northeners are more hard working, better people, while southeners are lazy and mafiosi. I am myself sicilian, so i can't tell for sure why northeners hate us, but i can tell you that southeners started hating back. Nowadays the hate is not as strong as before, it's pretty much a "tradition". The one thing that can unify northeners and southeners is the shared hate for something else, such as refugees
Julian Long
Thank you for your reply.
John Thomas
>Nowadays the hate is not as strong as before, it's pretty much a "tradition". The one thing that can unify northeners and southeners is the shared hate for something else, such as refugees Bretty much dis, yes :DDD
>I am myself sicilian Derùn, merda xD :DD
Jaxson Martinez
Badania indibendente MAI :DDDDDD
Kayden Collins
The south sided with the Moors/Muslim invaders while the north sided with the Roman Empire during the civil war.
There will obviously be some contempt from both sides because of the discrete ideological trajectories each region chose.
Gabriel Turner
>The south sided with the Moors/Muslim invaders while the north sided with the Roman Empire during the civil war.
What the fuck are you talking about? The Moors didn't exist during the Roman Empire. Sicily was conquered by the Moors for a brief period before the Normans took it back. The Byzantines held on to the remainder of the south of Italy, with brief incursions from the Lombards, until Roger of Sicily (Norman) captured the south from the Lombards and Byzantines and unified it into the Kingdom of Sicily. That then passed between the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily a few times, with the French and Spanish holding claims to the kingdoms.
You're a literal retard.
Sebastian Murphy
Adam Martin
Not even good shitposting.
Tyler Sanders
>The south sided with the Moors/Muslim invaders while the north sided with the Roman Empire during the civil war.
you must be lost in the salsa here because muslims weren't a thing when the western roman empire was invaded by nondescript germanic tribes, who took the whole peninsula. The divide is from Naples and sicily (south) being unified states for a rather long time before the north both gained independence from germanic rule and then unbalkanized itself. AFAIK the muslim only really got to the islands and weren't much of a thing in mainland italy, and even then they got BTFO by the normans.
Kayden Morgan
pizza and pasta :-)
Justin Murphy
you know i cannot vote salvini, but i can assure you i won't vote for M5S. Either forza nuova or SILVIO!