Based as fuck
/ptg/ President Trump General - Double Tucker Edition
>This is sad but we must remember NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD
she's saying muzzies are nazis and Trump fucked up the roll out of the travel halt
Anglo Alliance
Trump should just have the Treasury print United States Notes to pay for his infrastructure plan.
>United States Notes were issued directly by the US Treasury to pay for stuff.
>United States Notes were dollars that circulated along side Federal Reserve Notes.
>United States Notes exchanged 1-for-1 with Federal Reserve Notes by law.
>Federal Reserve Notes are issued by a private corporation: The Federal Reserve.
>The Federal Reserve lends Federal Reserve Notes to the Treasury/US Government.
>The Treasury/US Gov must pay back Federal Reserve Notes with interest to the private bankers/Fed.
>Borrowing Federal Reserve Notes creates enormous debts for the Treasury/US Government.
>Printing/spending United States Notes creates NO debt for the Treasury/US Government.
>The last president to try to print United States Notes was JFK. He was assassinated.
>Trump can have $1 Trillion of new spending on infrastructure with no debt!
>Yes, United States Notes are inflationary if you print too many.
>However, anything is better than being in perpetual debt to the private bank/Fed/hyenas.
>Nunez says Trump transition team was under surveillance
>Wiretaps were not related to muh Russia
>Reminder that Nunes was on the transition team
>Terrorist attack in London
This sequence of events was totally coincidental!