STUDY: Playing video games can lead to sexist attitudes

>STUDY: Playing video games can lead to sexist attitudes

>Researchers surveyed 13,520 French youths aged between 11 to 19, all living in the cities of Lyon and Grenoble. Participants were questioned about the amount of time they spent gaming, and about their attitudes toward women and gender stereotypes.

>The study's results, published last week in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, identified a correlation between game play and attitudes toward women, who are generally "underrepresented" in games.

>“The video game industry may find it appropriate to encourage an evolution in the way women are represented, because sexism on screen can have consequences which are not limited to the virtual world,” the study author said.

>“Today, 48% of video game players are female and in addition to the development of sexist attitudes, the repeated exposure to biased female models on games produces body dissatisfaction among women, self-objectification, and eating disorders.”


What do you think of this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>here comes the user with the creeps webms

The sexes are different ≠ sexism

Women made me sexist


I wanted to post BRAAAP but not going to risk getting ban

Dark souls made me sexist desu


I'm not even gonna bother reading this shitty bait article.

Everything is racist and sexist now. That's why you need to consume these ((tolerant and diverse)) media that ((they)) make

Shit, is it a bannable offence now?

why the fuck is she rubbing the bottom of her ass? does she have a rash or something?

girl needs to keep her curious little fingers outside of the pubic zone. only autistic boys can pull that off

I play a ton of vidya and I have no bitterness toward women. Then again my sex life is probably more active.

women need to be raped back into their proper place at the bottom of society.

I'm more sexist now than before I quit vidya.

It better be

Decent sample size
I bet none of you tried to read the survey in the article. Does anyone have access to anything beyond the abstract?
It sounds like they might not have controlled for time spent watching TV or other activities that gamers might do less of

Breaking News: Study finds being Muslim can lead to sexist attitudes.

Guys, we have to do something about this.

>If i post spam can i get banned?
lol really?

2B's ass > real asses

That ass is leading my to a sexist attitude.

> the repeated exposure to biased female models on games produces body dissatisfaction among women, self-objectification, and eating disorders

Same shit as always. Before this it was women's magazines, runaway models, and all that jazz.

The common denominator there is women. They can't fucking handle reality and are in constant competition with each other.

Not something men can (or should try to) fix. They're just badly wired.

Haven't you been on r9k? Everything sucks because of women.
I wouldn't have to browse pol if it weren't for them. Everything is their fault.
For fuck's sake they are animals that need to be raped. The only problem with Islam is that they are brown.

Look how short that skirt is, she knows she's a breeze away from giving the public a great view. She's just on the guard of that happening by preparing her hand to keep her skirt down.

>correlation shows videogames at fault
Why are they being paid if they cant into statistics?
Video game use correlates more strongly with gender, are videogames causing males?

TL;DR has already debunked this study.


I'll never understand why they always blame something so benign as videos games, but they never bother mentioning porn. Is it because (((they))) run the porn industry?

i think gamers also tend to go on youtube a lot

>youtube is full of culture critics
>culture critics tired af of feminists
>GG, etc. Mass Defect, etc.

believe it or not, gamers are smart people and they can see the trends and patterns; most of which say "women fuck shit up"

So, what about porn or strippers?

Those are real women.

Oh wait, they only attack video games because it's an easy target.

>the repeated exposure to biased female models on games produces body dissatisfaction among women
Yeah, because we've never seen any handsome muscular male characters in video games. Men never have to experience the exact same thing as women, right?

and then women seriously wonder why a unhinged guy would just take her by force. they seriously fucking wonder.

shit study, just found a correlation. didn't even attempt to establish cause and effect

what wrong with being sexy

>the repeated exposure to biased female models on games produces body dissatisfaction among women, self-objectification, and eating disorders.”

Here's what I think: games are fantasy.
That's the whole fucking point.

Are the male characters bald, out of shape and ugly?


Because THAT would not be escapism.

Study isn't from a reputable journal and the "study" itself is terribly written.

>Oh, hee hee Oh my.
>M'lady, you surprise me
>*Blushes profusely*
>These legs, how delectably delightful
>*Coquettishly gives legs a tongue bath*
>M'lady you must forgive me. I am at surely at my most..
>*Breathes in, bashfully*
>Might I be so bold as to savour thine toes
>*Slobber gently over toes*
>The beast awakens, m'lady
>Ohh, my my yes indeed.
>I shan't hold back, m'lady
>*Rubs all three inches mischievously over buttocks*
>A smorgasbord of sexual succour, woman is thy name
>*Parts buttocks to unleash the pungent vinegar stink*
>My lady, my lust betrays me


>man sees a man with good looks
>he just goes on with his life

>woman sees a woman with good looks

French youths?

You mean muslims have sexist attitudes?

Maybe men are sexist because of how women are

And some others feel inferior and project but mostly the former

I spam shit all the time and never get banned

she looks like she has rough arm skin
would not bang




>“Today, 48% of video game players are female

Everything about this article is a lie

> What do you think of this?

Every other study done on this subject indicates the opposite.

MFW I can't look at an ass without thinking about the braaaaapft meme anymore
You guys have ruined me.

judging from the reactions here you'd think that the article title reads: "you personally are a sexist for playing a video game that one time"

>Although this measurement cannot estimate the quantity of sexual content adolescents were exposed to in video games and on television, women frequently portrayed in sexist ways. Time exposure to TV and video games may therefore be considered as an acceptable proxy for general exposure to sexist contents.


That's hair, son.

first i want to see their definition of "sexist" because i bet thats the first bullshit they pull in the study. then i am maybe willing to look further into it

God I fucking hate women, they are so goddamn annoying. All male game models are buff as shit and you don't see men complaining. Cause they play the fucking game for fun, not to compare themselves. Women always throw a fit about the dumbest stuff.
"Why are you cutting yourself Bekka?"

>caus I don't look skinmy like ash from rainbow 6 siege

When I heard rainbow 6 was a game built around realism I was excited. Only to find that half the characters are women. One of the women even wears pink shoes and skinny jeans that outline her ass. Fuck women, they ruin everything.

>STUDY: Playing video games can lead to sexist attitudes
I remember those studies that linked video games to violence. All of which were found to hold absolute no water.

Maybe one day we'll wake up and it'll all be over

Porn pacifies, emasculates and eventually ruins a man. It's Saturday night and you have your dick in your hand and you just watched god knows how many people have the sex you didn't get. Video games allow you to escape to a world where, just for a moment, you can feel powerful. You can be the hero or the villain, but YOU make the world move.

And god damn if we can't let men have even that last piece of self delusion and escape. No, they have to come in there to push thier garbage.

Sexism has everything to do with watching Bowser treat Princess Peach like shit and nothing to do with turbocunts putting another pointless degree on the wall while their children are cared for by the dregs of society.

>with a religious upbringing being a far greater indicator of likely sexism

its nothing

It should be

>48% of video game players are female
candy crush isn't what you faggots are intentionally injecting your fucking ideology into though IS IT?! FUCK

hair on a girls arm? even worse, would not come within 300 feet of her

Reading books is pretty much like videi games you describe it gay like that so

>Study in France
Except half the people games in France are shitskins
You want to use a mostly white demographic for Vidya go to eastern europe

Omegas can't get laid
Omegas play video games instead
Omega problem is misidentified as a video game problem intentionally for subversive leftist reasons
Media runs with it because they're subversive leftists as well
Omegas have no voice in society
No one can hear you scream

I got banned for a day for saying it on Sup Forums

>Anita was right


Feet are the patricians refuge from BRAAAAPPPPPP posters, they make no sound

In other words, Baby Boomers and their Jew Masters are angry that millennials are not taking entertainment in casino gambling, nigger throws the inflatable ball, restaurants and creating a 6 figure credit card debt to buy their girlfriend's heart.

because its genuine not funny, and forced

fucking women ruin kingdoms

I'm an ass guy too
I will never be the same

correlation != causation
but fuck women desu

>breaking news, death causes heart failure

>STUDY: Dead people have hearts that don't pump blood.

>Researches surveyed 13,520 french people, aged 11 to 243, in the cities of Lyon and Grenoble. Participants were examined for a pulse.

>The study's results, published last week in the Outer Reaches of Bullshit, identified a correlation between live persons and having a pulse.

>"Dead people may find it appropriate to beat their heart," the study author said.

eh when i see a man with good looks i usually use it as a model for self improvement but that's just me

Yeah, it's another "senpai" or "desu"

Thank god for based mods

What fucking games do women play, because candy crush doesnt count.

Take the feet pill user
Apparently you can download a pdf here. Google is amazing, you should try it. I don't read click bait, so I didn't read the article.
interestingly, it also says religion causes sexism. Last line on the link I posted

probably true, but because they include mobile games like candy crush and shit

> 48% of video game players are women

Now go to the Steam/GOG/PSN/Live/etc. and count how many girls you meet.

>girls laugh at me and tell me to go fuck myself
>go home and play video games to ease the loneliness
>it's the video games' fault!

They want to take it all, and they'll get it. They won't stop until everything and everyone has been diluted and commercialized, so they are non-threatening and safe.

feet are alright
i like armpits for some reason

Zelda and nintendo shit. All the girls i have hung out with always had the latest nintendo console for those first party games.

you should, they have an odor

Fucking plebs

>Today, 48% of video game players are female
Playing Angry Birds on your phone on the bus does not make you a "video game player"

Except bowser treats peach pretty well since he wants to wife her. Peach is just a turbocunt for not wanting a dragon turtle and going for a greasy manlet

It's not video games, it's the entire internet. People say the internet deprives you of social interaction but I would propose that the opposite is true. The internet gives you an abundance of much deeper interaction than you would get from strangers IRL (I mean what normal person discusses shit in depth with strangers IRL like we do constantly online, everyone knows you save important subjects for people you know well). Fact of the matter is, the internet is a place to share and evaluate information and art, and that gives direction to all interactions. IRL there's no "prompt" for discussion except for what you and the people around you create. So, you'll end up with a lot more meaningless interactions IRL that will leave you thinking "that person was nice in that they were pleasant enough to not be a total asshole but I still learned nothing about or from them". Think about how many people you have a positive opinion of simply because they've given you no reason to have a negative opinion because you haven't interacted enough.

It can be.
Though there is no illusion of control with books.

I never for a second lost myself enough to think I was Rand alThor or bilbo Baggins. For a brief moment though I AM the lone survivor or the unnamed grunt or the terrorist.

>Women are underrepresented in video games

Not counting:
>Tomb raider
>Beyond good & evil
>Princes peach from the mario games
>All females from final fantasy games

If you want to play a female in a game then just play games with female characters.

But, what actually goes on is that with that bullshit, they just want to push their agenda of "politically rectifying" another entertaiment system to brainwash young kids.

And the common plebs are taking this as a serious issue.

It's a shame that in less than 5 years you won't be able to play a game with a somewhat original story but instead it will be political correct propaganda since all the developers are cathering to the left to sell their shit.

Play Japanese games that recieved English ports.
You will never have more fun
Best of all, nips aren't jewed and the female game designers produce quality

FF14, MMos, overwatch, MOBAs, Entry level shit but hey would you prefer tumblr hambeasts be playing bannerlord, total war, Squad, Red Orchestra, Battlefield 1 (Some feminista at Dice was mad that they decided against female soldiers in Battlefield 1. So we were damn close to not just having Black Germans on the Western front but female British soldiers at Gallipoli or black female Hellfighters) and so on?

I'd like you and tumblr hambeasts to play a game with a serious plot and not

Gimme what you consider to be a game with a serious plot, leaf.

Agree with that. Played Neptune a little while ago. Even if it was sometimes cringy, it still was more fun than any other western game.

>FF14, MMos, overwatch, MOBAs

Pretending to play them while being half naked while streaming the whole charade doesn't make a female a """"gamer"""".

Also, why doesn't anybody say something against it?

We have work of fiction that are "ruining children" but, camwhores for underaged children are totally fine.

One that makes you think
Shoot the guys and kill the enemies doesn't make you think, it makes you react. You think it's a game where you're think but you're just reacting.

>Also, why doesn't anybody say something against it?

Oh, i'm sorry, you're right, m'lady sir xer.

biggest monkey paw ever made
>i wish girls would play games

Leaf I need you to name some such games.

They camwhore for the mobas but the other ones they play for reals.

A game that makes you think is Abe's Odyssey
And Nier