Our media says he's as good as impeached. Is it true?
Our media says he's as good as impeached. Is it true?
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What do you think. You can't even watch this video in your country.
I wonder why.
To be impeached you not be guilty of a crime, even if he had private showers every night with Putin it wouldn't have been illegal.
if obama can drone american citizens, nothing will impeach trump
stop listening to fake news
Your media, like ours, is absolutely retarded and has been nothing but wrong. There is no chance for impeachment.
>Our media
Have you not learned? This is a doggy dog world.
No President in history since the inauguration of George Washington has ever been impeached and removed from office.
Lol I knew this would be a German flag before I even opened the thread.
No, your media is fake news.
You mean dog eat dog?
Glormph BTFO!
oh he still has a fuck ton of support.... If anything this only the begining
Let's just say Trump has already set a lot of firsts.
Trump has literally done nothing wrong. The media is creating a complete work of fiction because the real goal is to control public opinion.
Idiots will believe whatever the media tells them and right now they are telling them 100% made up lies.
It's amazing how Liberals have basically redefined the word "impeached" to match up their own retarded narrative. I wish Trump really was Literally Hitler.
nighty night drumpfkins
impeachment is right around the corner ;)
>"Trump will be impeached any day now!" says increasingly nervous globalist for the 7th time today
A couple people with the power to do so have said the same thing but there isn't enough backing yet. Trump's approval will need to drop to Bush levels before they get enough support to impeach without a real crime to accuse him of.
>he will never be the republican nominee
>he will never beat Hillary
>he will never become the president
>he will be impeached
media also said hillary was going to win
guess again retard
I remember that episode of rug rats when they say it's a "doggy dog" world. I thought that was the saying until I was 25.
To be fair, Hillary did get 3 million more votes than Trump. The odds were in her favor.
Your government runs the media and is controlled by Merkel. ...enough said
>believing cucked media when they were and continue to be for hillary and against trump
Look at it this way. This guy is leading the charge against Trump.
After receiving his JD from Harvard, Schiff began working as a prosecutor in the Los Angeles branch of the U.S. Attorney's Office. While an assistant U.S. Attorney, he gained attention by prosecuting a case against Richard Miller, a former FBI agent convicted of "passing secret documents to the Soviet Union in exchange for a promised $65,000 in gold and cash."[4] The first time Miller was tried, it resulted in a hung jury; the second time, it resulted in a conviction overturned on appeal,[5] and the third time he was convicted.
Nunes: Former Dairy farmer.
To be fair, NY and CA do not exclusively get to decide who is President.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Of course, that is why Trump is president without the majority vote.
Yeah but dogs are a diamond dozen
She also got more faithless electors than anyone in American history.
Congratulations Hillary Clinton, you broke the glass basement.
Shiff could be tried for fabricating evidence and jailed for Treason immediately. Wanna' test Trump, really? You thibk he wouldn't give a smack down to Schiff if he wanted to?
I just want to go one day without hearing or reading more retarded shit about Trump. It's really boring at this point.
Empty land has as much of a say as population centers wow.
The United Coastal States of America doesn't sound bad.
>CIA whistleblower leaks 47 hard drives and 600 million documents
>Obama spied on Trump
>Obama spied on 156 judges
>Obama spied on Supreme Court justices
I'm glad you understand how it works, after the fact. Baka.
>our media
you new in here?
get this boy some screencaps
She was the worse possible candidate for the democrats, and she is thinking about running again in 2020. It is almost as if she wants Trump to be in for 8 years.
At least you are honest.
Our media is reporting just the same. I reckon it's the end of a lot of things. But Trump will remain where he is, for now. Eight years seems a bit of a stretch though.
Schiff & I think i've heard this name somewhere
AH yes, he got thoroughly tucked back in december
Check it out, it's one of the best tuckings.
Especially the part whereWeasely Schiff tries to imply that the DNC leak was russian, but absolutely refuse to actually say it ;^)
The Dems have to fan their base's retarded fantasies about Trump and Russia because if they're hating Trump their going to turn around and wonder how they got into a position where they are totally powerless and that won't be good for Dem leaders
KEK censorship
I don't think people understand how difficult it is to impeach a president
>Our Media
Who? SPON?
They're not going to*
>The aliens will never let him be the Galactic Emperor
who's going to impeach him?
the REPUBLICAN congress?
The 50/50 SCOTUS?
he's untouchable right now
They always say that he'll get impeached but never say why, they think that if they keep repeating it then it must happen eventually.
>mountain of evidence against Hillary Clinton
>no charges
>literally no evidence at all against President of the United States Donald J Trump
Give me a fucking break lefties
Your point?
nice (((media))) you got there
This, even if his approval hits 0%, there will be no impeachment with no crime.
Considering the INSANE amount of digging during the election, and nothing proving that he committed a crime, he most definitely didn't.
you have to do something wrong to be impeached
The left thinks that you can just impeach a President if you don't like them, they don't understand that they actually need to do something wrong to get impeached.
When he doesn't get impeached, will you still trust anything your media tells you?
Yeah his bias is ridiculous. I absolutely detest Schiff
He's done, its been really obvious for a while now. Just researching his circle of people and what they've been up to makes it obvious he did some stupid shit. Old republican money is not tech savy they left a huge fucking trail because they think they are gods but that pantheon is dead. He's fucking done Trump's impeachment marks a new fucking Era in the political arena folks. You guys need to get out from behind the computer and claim your piece and stop waiting for some old dumb fucking men who repeat "its going to be great" over and over on ever topic to fucking do anything worthwhile for you.
>Population of NY: 19.75 million
>Population of CA: 38.8 million
>US population: 318.9 million
When Drumpfkeks can't even into arithmetic.
it's wishful thinking, dude.
To be honest, you need video and audio evidence of the president eating and sodomizing children while saying "I am the president of the United States and i love eating children and sodomizing them too!" in order to even consider a impeachment
>Our media says he's as good as impeached
This is literally true. It is actually a thing. Millions of illegals, voting. NOT a paranoid Republican fantasy. Seen it with my own eyes.
t. californiafag who's been involved with elections.
not gonna lie, former drumpf supporter here, drumpf is finished thank you goodnight
Republicans can't wait to get rid of him, they're pretending to be behind because he has conservative public support. He's going to lose it rapidly over the next fews months, I think he might even be deemed incompetent and but all the collusion charges on cabinet members and financiers. It'll be over soon
Our media said he wouldn't be president.
At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised for a third term.
This time it's really over for drumpf!
do you know how hard it will be to impeached him with a republican congruous
you're an idiot
>he doesn't know about the 14 numbers for trump in epstein's book
literally defending a pedo. neck yourself
Blumpf is done DONE
And Putler is next
He'll resign. Impeachment by his own party would make them look too bad, which is why they've already gone so far to try to cover up his crimes or look the other way. They're willing to be collaborators on treason rather than threaten their power or party's reputation. A couple years after he resigns he'll die of a "heart attack".
Fuck u u lil bitch
Trump iz pro populism and diz iz a populizt board.
We do not care about da intelligence agenceyz and high school iz good enough cuz colllege iz a suk.
U muzt be down2earth to be a populizt
>He'll resign. Impeachment by his own party would make them look too bad,
He isn't gonna get impeached. Never ever going to happen because it would mean a civil war. It's liberal losers trying to cope with their humiliating loss
Trump and his puppets are all pathologic liars. What to do next, get democrat progressive elected in America and Europe(less of a problem in Europe and Canada, but be careful) in the next election and completely reform the political system with ASP is the best bet for future.
No only a few neoconservative establishment uniparty cucks dislike him.
Most of the rank and file are on his side.
If hes removed, the Republican party dies as a national party, as nobody from the base will trust the party again.
>They said he would never win primaries
>they said he would never win election
>they said the recounts will matter
your media maybe not mine
Lel good luck with that, SC will be majority conservative by then
Haha thats right brother thankz 4 spellinbg it out for these fools haha
Da republicanz aint shit withoitb there BASE which is populizm
This, they're trying to drum up support to arbitrarily undermine him
Did your media give you a REASON for impeachment, or are they parroting impeachment talk without any legitimate source or backup like every other libtard on the planet?
You wish nigger.
How is he an idiot when all it takes to register to vote in Cali is a DL # and they hand those out like candy to illegals? Couple that with obama encouraging illegals to vote essentially saying that if they vote for her and she wins they get more gibs
I don't think I've ever seen anyone as salty about losing as American Democrats.
They literally can't accept that Trump won and move on with their lives.
They're going to dedicate all their efforts into undermining a man that was elected president fair and square.
This is a spoiled kid throwing a tantrum on a global scale.
Obviouzly hiz media iz juzt parroting FAKE NEWZ hahah
Diz iz da only rel newz sourze we need WHOOP
You can't impeach the president unless they've broken the law in some way. Having talks with world leaders (even leaders of nations that are hostile towards the United States) is not a crime. So no, Trump isn't going anywhere
Republicans do not support him, at all. They are just there for the political capital which he has pretty much spent making bogus claims and publicizing poorly received executive orders.
I'm just being real if you like the guy because he's a character thats fine, but he doesn't know what to do with power, he's good at rallies,he's your favourite Television character at the moment outside that the guy really is an idiot, and he's also exhibiting signs of dementia, despite high probability of taking the very best drugs for it.
Oh side note, his address to congress, he was really drugged thats why could be so on point. He's totally being handled its really fucking funny, but his team whatever they were up to it was way outside their reach. This was a coup attempt its getting shut down though. It was a brilliant attempt but after the election execution was terrible, he lost a shit ton of support for basically being a crack pot and having no tact. I can tell just by the age of the people involved and the companies they're involved with they left a digital trail they didn't hide anything very well.
Was a fun ride though
Our media says your country is now called Germanistan
At this point media could state a basic fact of the universe like "water is wet" and I would begin to seriously doubt it.
The media isn't just dishonest at this point. It's a strong indicator that whatever they're reporting , even if they genuinely believe it and have "sources", is dead fucking wrong.
He will die in jail