I really love Russia, they're taking the fight to ISIS unlike the pussy American government, hope with Donald Trump we see a real change in frequency and scale of bombings.
I really love Russia, they're taking the fight to ISIS unlike the pussy American government...
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I don't necessarily love Russia but I don't hate them either.
What makes the Russians great is that when they run out of necessities, they can improvise Krokodil.
>I really love Russia, they're taking the fight to ISIS
>Russia "fights" ISIS
>Excepts misses all the time and bombs schools and hospitals instead.
>We still have ISIS
Russia is not worth a fuck, apparently
Yeah, how many times did Russia bomb the last remaining hospital in syria?
Oh wait, you got duped by the fucking media.
Stop listening to the media.
Fuck those slavs
and i thought all Shillary bots died out
idiot, it wasn't russians who bomb hospitals frequently, it's US airforce
or did Hillary told you otherwise?
What's with so many Americans sucking Russia's dick at every chance?
They're a shit country that likes to flex it's muscles until their confronted then cower back
Russian economy will collapse during Trumps second term. Along with the Chinese economy.
>inb5 Russian shills say B b b bbuut the westerner's have always said that for decades, our economy is gr7 m8.
Yea, Russian economy collapsed just like 30 years ago, so if we've been saying this for decades, we've been right for decades. Only this time Russia will also fragment, the only real problem will be how the US will secure rogue Russian nukes.
Just because people are aware Russia and Russian propaganda is shit doesn't mean they voted for Hillary faggot. I'm a trump voter and aware Russia is America's enemy.
>risking American lives and equipment by being attacked by Israelis again
Trump knows
have you checked your mental status? i advise you to visit a doctor ... oh wait what am i saying, americans can not afford a medical care
you statement make any sense only in the mind of an insane
wonder if trump will beat bush's high score
nigga the racist fascist DRUMPF will never beat my good ol uncle bush
I really love Russia ever since November!
t. Ivan Ivanovitch "cyka blyat" Ivanovsky posting from the Kremlin and trying to reach his shilling quota faster so he can get his 15 minute DOTA 2 break
American flags that suck Russian dick are:
1/3 frustrated loners, autists, and young "new" conservatives who are fed up with American foreign policy and can't identify with Republicans, so they look to Russia which they have known from memes as some kind of paradise for white nationalists. Within this group are stormfront users that believe the American government is Jewish owned and believe Russia is anti-Jewish. Within this group are also Christian "radicals" who see Russia as a based country fighting for Christian values
1/3 Slav and Eastern European diaspora who grew up watching RT and are highly critical of the US government in general, but still live in the US and enjoy the benefits of American freedoms. Like the above group, they don't sympathize with either Democrats or Republicans, instead preferring to ally themselves with a Slavic power which they believe is inherently superior to an American/Anglo state
And 1/3 is intelligent Russians behind proxies who have learned English.
Is Russia funding foreign invaders to come fight the Syrian government?
Is Russia directly or indirectly funding groups like Al Nursa and ISIS?
There's a country that has a history of using Jihadists to further geopolitical goals, it's on the tipof my tongue....