they just always have him on when there are things to be angry about
Hunter Green
Brody Brown
Domestic abuse by other illegal aliens.
This proves Trump's point,
>They're not sending the good ones.
Ryan Morgan
after 16 years in office just you wait
Angel Lewis
Say and it will be so.
Czech em
Lincoln Nguyen
I like my beans mashed
Nicholas Bailey
Eli Butler
That's awesome, Christians have been comparing him to Cyrus the Great too. I really want a Zoroastrian Persian nationalist movement to take over Iran. I think Iran has the best chance of any Islamic country of coming back to civilization.
Benjamin Long
You mean "Unpapered Citizens"?
Andrew Turner
That's not even a fucking question.
Hunter Gutierrez
Very, very disrespectful
Robert Bailey
Eric is definitely redpilled.
Still rumoured he was the one on /pol in 2015 if oldfags remember
Carson Roberts
Lincoln Butler
Gorka genuinely knows how to handle himself.
Robert Ramirez
Why is hannity s based?
Christian Powell
Is there any happy Gorka pics?
Blake Torres
CNN is just making shit up now. That's spooks scared shitless they're going to prison.
Their leadership is going to start filing out of the country shortly. Then the real fun begins.
Angel Jackson
Obama set blacks back 30 years in race relations
Gavin Nelson
>Trump is our country's reckoning
I like this guy. Patrician baneposting.
Gabriel Thomas
Newt's like a stray cat you took in. He'll be your best friend, but you need to watch him when you open the door
Jaxon Young
>>not ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT women Stop using that term. It confuses blue-pills because they can't tell the difference between illegal/legal immigrants.
The correct term now for illegal immigrants is "Trespassers"
Ryan Price
>may have so... nothing's changed and you've got nothing.
Levi Wood
Manafort story is old as fuck. They have nothing.
Jacob Watson
>"indicated" >"may have"
>when even breaking 911 won't believe your shit anymore
Luis Perry
See? This is sad. Folks should be able to report crimes without fear.
Bentley Jenkins
this too l-lewd for this board
Easton Long
I bet that was Barron
Jeremiah Peterson
Kayden Roberts
Kek is rewarding us for our patience
Nolan Perry
Jackson Miller
Even Breaking911 is putting that shit in quotes.
Samuel Williams
That's george rockwell , right? Such a based guy , shame the kikes had to kill him because he told the truth.
Joshua Ross
Do non-Americans here have news shows that are redpilled like Tucker and Hannity? I want to know how bad it is in your countries.
Lincoln Evans
More piss soaked highlighted dossiers
Jacob Gray
How long has Obama been out of the country?...
Benjamin Allen
Adam Martinez
hmm, think again sweetie
Ayden Stewart
The evidence: Roger Stone claimed hundreds of times Assange would publish something and was right eventually
Jaxson Phillips
Damn Melania....
also look at that bro's face to Trump's left. He is in love!
Jayden Garcia
Lincoln Barnes
Hannity is straight up ODing on blood lust right now
Xavier Ramirez
>Trump vindicated on wiretapping claim after weeks of CNN calling him a liar >Withing hours they have a new source saying Russian collision happened Do they think nobody sees through their bullshit
Ian Price
He must be referring to how his mouth is firmly planted on the asshole of the deepsate.
Adrian Watson
>"indictating" >"may have" kek okay
Elijah Edwards
I told the guy at work the same shit >Trump never starts an attack without knowing first and full well he's right
Ayden King
Morning >Report: Trump wanted tanks in inaugural parade >Nunez says Trump transition team was under surveillance >Wiretaps were not related to muh Russia >Reminder that Nunes was on the transition team >HWNDU Season 4 begins >New flag found in Liverpool >Terrorist attack in London >5 dead, 40 injured including the attacker >Confirmed for Islamic terror related >Media tries to call attacker “asian” >Trump tweets: Spoke to U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May today to offer condolences on the terrorist attack in London. She is strong and doing very well. Afternoon >Spicer says no plan B for healthcare bill if it is defeated >Trump wishes Persians a Happy Norwuz (Persian New Year) >David Brock has a heart attack >Survives >Illinois house votes against making Obama's birthday a holiday >Was not the attacker >Nunes: What I've read bothers me and should bother President Trump and his team >Goes beyond what happened to Flynn >”Don't know if American people would be comfortable with what I've read” >Phones were never tapped >President himself and team were in intelligence reports >Possible Obama was involved >Said he won't say it was only one person who gave info to him >Nothing criminal >Items in reports don't have Intel value >Says FBI are not cooperating >More info coming Friday >Trump: "I somewhat do" feel vindicated after Nunes announcement >CNN: Is Trump afraid of stairs? Tonight >Dems go into full damage control >They attack Nunes personally >Liberal Joe: GOP should remove Nunes as Intel chairman >Expect shills >Rep. Doug Collins says they're close to a deal on healthcare >Rep. Mark Meadows: “Optimistic” and “encouraged” by talks between GOP and White House >Based Lou Dobbs reports changes have been made to the healthcare bill and the Freedom Caucus is happy >McCain: Congress doesn’t have credibility to handle Trump-Russia investigation >(((CNN))): FBI has info that campaign colluded with Russians >NATO to reschedule meeting to accommodate T Rex
Jace Baker
No. The best thing we have is 4 people and the audience ganging up on the single right-winger.
Christopher Parker
>out of my depth but smug about it: the tweet
Luis Gray
>ook ook eek eek science
Kayden Martin
Kevin Lee
>Try to make Trump look mean >Actually just remind us that violent domestic abuse is commonplace in their culture >Which reminds us that this is a violent culture >Support for wall and deportation grows
John Phillips
So standard protocol. Assume it's incorrect until it's proven otherwise
Jason James
are we gonna have to leak mccain's tapes now?
Angel Scott
The fence around the chimp enclosure is there to protect people, science man.