> Rockefeller on Monday
> Brock today
Can something happen to Scrotum Face on Friday?
> Rockefeller on Monday
> Brock today
Can something happen to Scrotum Face on Friday?
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What if these are all fake and the elites are scared that people will rise up and they are faking their deaths so that when the time comes people will think they're already dead and won't bother hunting them down.
David was 101. I would assume he really did die.
brock isn't dead
I hope so but the others might try to fake their deaths they know civil uprising is going to happen one day.
But Kek's curse still struck him. And there's always the possibility of complications during the recovery.
>7 hearts
if digits, he will be dead tomorrow
Brock isn't dead I'm afraid, according to zerohedge he's recovering in a hospital. Wish he would have kicked the bucket though, fuck that guy.
he will now be called george scrotum. kek wills it
We're going to find them and kill them no matter what. That is a promise.
Let's just meme (((its))) death desu
Fake it until you make it, or so they say.
mine digits doth confirm
Kek demands that his blackened jewish soul be sacrificed to almighty chaos. For the memes! He must die
Digits and he dies on friday.
Brock must live, he was the ex-boyfriend of James Alefantis. James Alefantis is a Rothschild. They are trying to kill off all loose ends.
Blessed be thy name Kek.
Soros will croak on my birthday, March 25. Kek wills it.
Digits say Brock dies tomorrow and Soros on Friday.
Someone edited Wikipedia to say he is dead. Odd.