Honest conversation about interacial couples

yo muffucuz finaly score me a white bich. she gona have muh babies

Yo tyrone set me up with a thick black girl

Not a big deal. 3% of the white population will even consider intermarriage and the majority are disgusting man fucking asian women. There are some 8 WMAF relationships for every other combined, we need to make asian women love their men somehow because their pussies dry up for asian men when they are around white men.

It dosent sit right with me... Never has.
When I was young my mom always said if I brought home a black girl she would kick me out of the house... Just how I was raised

You finally cropped that ugly creature on the right. Good job.


wat wron wit interacial dating

once u go blak u neva goin bak

what does her ass smell like? also describe the taste

Once you go black...
You are a single Mo.

>Breeding your own race out of existence
how can 13% out breed 60%? They make mixed rats that breed with other whites to make a quarter and they continue doing it until they're mostly white.

i dnt eat ass she eat muh ass nigga

Darky here, not a dindu though. Black people make interracial relationships more difficult for the rest of us, usually people who don't agree with it at-least just write you off as degenerates and don't let it ruin their day. You might have the occasional group who will talk shit to you for it but that's fairly rare.

Black people just agitate these kinds of people though with their "Ima black all yo wite wimmins whiteboi" shit. Usually places where people are most vocal with their disdain for interracial relationships are also places with regular chimp outs.

reported for retarded

Any time I see these threads, I don't remotely get angry at niggers. I know they're not behind it.
It just makes me want to murder the Jews, all the more.

i've never seen a white woman with a non adopted black kid. but one day, when i do, i'm going to look her right in the eyes and say "what a beautiful child. they really look just like you. your parents must be so proud of you for carrying on their heritage with your lovely family"

just to look in her eyes, and see the broken humiliated person inside. that's not allowed to show how badly they've just been hurt. i like doing that to people,.

yes because nobody else will have you

The beauty of the white woman is not yours to covet

i aint one of em

I see you cropped out the other girl. what a dick move

I've never met a girl with an outie belly button that didn't burn coal

What is wrong with that poor boy in your picture???



Hey, it's not my fault some broad has daddy issues. Keep your women in line and it wouldn't even be an issue

too bad I reported you

If you genuinely think that Blacks are 13% of the population in the US, you are a fucking moron.

Stop that.

>Hates whites
>Wants a white girl so badly

Why do non-whites do this?

Is he OK? He looks malnourished :(

they're actually around 12% and are projected to stay that way for at least the next 50 years

That's because South Africans are the most red pilled on race, especially when your president wants white land taken without payment, and the murder rates of whites are through the roof. You guys should honestly abandon ship and let the niggers all die. America and Australia are likely the two best places, as we're the closest to your culture.


This is gross.

And when that day comes. You'll be outta the picture right?

They're not my women, but you should have enough respect for a person, their family, and their history not to be with white women no matter how you want to rationalize it