Brit/pol/ - QUINTESSENTIALLY edition


> FOUR dead - including a policeman and a woman - and 20 injured as 'two terrorists' mow down people on Westminster Bridge before one is shot dead attacking police inside Parliament gates

>How the London terror unfolded: Path of destruction from Westminster Bridge to the Houses of Parliament

> Westminster attack: First picture of suspect

> Moment House of Parliament was suspended after shooting

> Scottish parliament suspends debate on independence referendum after Westminster attack

Hansard Committee Reports

>The process for exiting the European Union and the Government's negotiating objectives: Government Response to the Committee's First Report

> European Union Committee - Brexit: trade in goods

> European Union Committee - Brexit: Gibraltar

> European Union Committee - Brexit and the EU budget

>European Union Committee - Brexit: UK-EU movement of people

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Fuck off normies. I'm 27 and a virgin. Though not out of choice. No libido see. I've told the story before.

Actually 5 dead so far and 40 injured and the number will probably go up

>tfw Shia moved the flag to near your flat

Gonna have a load of autists swarming me 24/7 now. I doubt they'll do anything though, it's much harder to climb a building than to trespass into someone's garden.

Who let them in mates?

The absolute state of Sup Forums

Gott Strafe E*gland


missed replies

What the fuck? How?
I mean I'm pretty depressed and autistic right now these past few weeks hence the shitposting but what happened bro?
>copy paste plz.

1 is the durka.
Hopefully it doesn't go up.

I just got to the season with her. I can barely watch it because there's nothing British about that bitch.

What did Tim Farron mean by this btw?


Please kick these fuckers out . Aus will help you . Just get the queen to declare war.

we can do this

>"quintessentially jelly"

That Birmingham story is looking more and more like it was an actual happening.

News is reporting in people dying, Muslims aren't people. Therefore only four people have died.

>Oi Farron the absolute state of your husband.

Actually no: There are far more handsome men than your
>MrOrMissus> Who knows?

reddit invaders vote atheist and you think its Sup Forums

The absolute state of the Daily Mail. Every single fucking story is about some whore in skimpy clothes looking for a few shekels.


every fucken time

fuck this shit

Country called

>I'll get me coat.

You a bit behind on the happening mate?

They tried to get away with calling the guy "Asian looking", and the quotation marks are their marks not mine.

Quick age poll: How old is everyone?

I'm 23, nearly 24.

That's a good Plastician.


please explain good chap

Aussie land is going SJW tier with news

Turned 20 in January

Are we ever going to have a fucking civil war or what?

See the issue is that chick in your profile picture. Shes from the great british baking show. The issue is she was chill as fuck. Made jokes. Seemed nice. Joked about streaking. Hugging everyone and baking like a mother fucker. But you know they searched meticulously to find her. But still the media will continue to promote muzzies like her and drown news about this piece of shit.


>be 12
>be changing room at secondary school
>it's a shit school, has a bomb alarm prior to 9/11, all that jazz, direct line to police etc
>some ginger fat kids is being bullied by a prick who's part of one of our towns hardcore criminal gangs
>tell him to fuck off
>i'm 6ft age 12 so the guy fucks off
>he then gets egged on by his mates
>gets his knife out his bag and pockets it
>gets a shoe and comes right to my head
>throws it
>everybody laughs at him
>he then starts smashing my face in, kneeing me, and I couldn't find back cause of his knife, even if I won I'd be shanked in the corridor (got another stories about why you didn't fuck with these guys)
>don't press charges for obv reasons
>shit happens over years, feel like shit
>by time Im 18 Im bed ridden
>I still am today
>got tested for shit, doctor missed something
>find out 2 years ago my body wasn't producing testosterone
>I'm 6ft4' (194cm) and used to do sport, nobody thought shit was wrong

tl;dr I don't produce testosterone naturally any more, so if I forget to take my gel, I feel like shit, I rarely masturbate and because I didn't know about this growing up I never wanted to fuck. I thought girls were hot but never went out to fuck them. Stayed at home feeling shit, either sleeping or playing WoW, CS:S.

So I'm a bed ridden dude who's life is fucked, especially since I was going to medical school (somehow passed a special option thing, I basically collapsed in my exams and failed them anyway).

So everything I see depressed the fuck out of me.

21 in July.



on 27th im 29

You're literally the only people I can speak candidly too...

>Birmingham is involved



Is she? I got to the season with her and I haven't watched it because it just reeks of propaganda to me. This board made me think everything is propaganda

Someone I wish I took the bluepill


Late 20's.
You youngers have so much non-fucking ahead of you if you don't sort yourselves out.

>The loneliness, emptiness, autism and depression will never go; You just learn to cope with it.
>You will learn to laugh more.
>Embrace your pain.

>Suddenly very tired
>No attention span
>no interest in things i used to like
>regret and bitterness
>can't stand the sight of other humans
>don't want to be seen by other humans
>drinking a bottle of wine a night

I've been through depressive periods but I've never felt this nothingy. At least in my previous ones I could listen to sad music and watch sad movies, now the idea of listening or watching anything makes me feel sick and anxious.

How are you bed ridden? Weight? Depression?

>muslim ploughs car through people on parliament bridge
>gets out
>starts stabbing people up including a cop
>gets shot dead
>all media try to hide the fact he's a muslim
>sadiq khan doesn't give a statement for ages
>in his silence every fucker including farage is ripping in to him for previously stating that terrorism is just part of city life and we have to get used to it
>muslims around the world start cheering it on
>bbc tries to claim these people are isis
>they're just average muzzies
>house in birmingham is now being raided because car used was registered there

To add on to this.
>yesterday a weird post was made containing nothing but a string of morse code
>when decoded it gave a pastebin link
>paste was of binary code sequence
>decode brings coordinates
>coordinates were of exact place of today's attack

Also, before I forget to mention.
#StrongerTogether #NotAllMuslims

you have to know as many sides as possible.
Then make up your own mind.
Don't be a sycopant.


>You're literally the only people I can speak candidly too...
Same with me sometimes.

Literally don't give a fuck about this Happening after the way ((London)) insulted the rest of the UK after the Brexit vote and postured to become an independent City state to remain part of the EU. They've brought this on themselves and there probably will be more until they learn to stop supporting ideologies that are literally killing them!

So they can have they're Black and Muslim ghettos and high immigration while i sit here in Northern England undisturbed by the Savages, London is beyond saving it's a pity to say so but it is so

24, closer to 25

just woke up to the news.
no surprises here, fucking islam again.
we will shitpost and make jokes but deep down we all know the exact neighborhoods these people are raised in and the mosques they are trained in.
just saying.

>Mushrooms may help; Read up. 1 dose is sometimes all you need.

>Reduce the booze.
>Try some weed. Good strains.

No Briton deserves this for their idiocy.


just hearing

The second bit

Was that sent to the feds or some shit to look into it?

Or is this some random leak that has no connections to peoples


But that's the point they don't wanna be with us, they want this and they're getting it, nothing will change until shit literally hits the fan, what this country and London really needs is a non Cucked Royal Family, a strong King

>Don't let our elite off the hook with their heavy links to Saudi and ISIS.

>used to do loads of sport
>but unknown to me I wasn't producing testosterone
>my leg muscles were tearing open due to sport but not healing properly
>every time I walk now my leg muscles tear open
>I think this is called malalignment syndrome

I was 125kg, but I lost 30kg. So I'm 95kg. I can get up and walk, but it just causes pain. I am on morphine and neuropathic painkillers. I and my mother (who cares for me) think there is another medical problem due to my head injury but it's so hard to get people to go "yeah we'll look for you".

I'm very depressed but I don't want treatment for it as that has to go on FAC license forms.

Shes pretty likable. For a chick wearing a Hijab she probably comes off as the chillest person on the show. I agree they were going for multicultural...i think they scoured Britain searching for a chill muslim bitch who could bake.

I agree. I wish I never took the fucking blue pill. I work in you know how often I want to tell these Jews to shut the fuck up about the 6 gagillion? Its torture.

Thanks, I'm wary of psychedelics while in a depressive mood though. Could be a recipe for disaster.

Had to stop smoking weed because of anxiety from it, though might try some of the low anxiety strains (can't remember if it's indica or the other one).

215. Years of drinking ARYAN blood has kept me young and rejuvenated for almost two centuries now.

Police officer was unarmed
>only in Europe

London is never going to be English ever again. Haha, mates this sucks. This is fucking shit.

Soo, this is going to just keep happening?
You're so progressive Brit-bongs. Can you show me how you do anal?

Ignore that fucking degenerate.

Exercise. Lift. Get an in demand skill. Get a routine. Quit all drugs, maybe even alcohol if you've fucked yourself over as much as you seem.

Do this and everything else will fall into place.

They're indoctrinated. Are you seriously saying the deaths of Britons is justified because they fell victim to the multi-trillion pound propaganda business that we all here know so very well? We, better than most, know how disgusting the propaganda business is and how easy it is to fall for it. Fuck sake, many of us were "under the spell" before managing to break out of it.

It's not their fault they're indoctrinate from birth, they don't deserve to die like this for being the guinea pig of (((someone))). They're still our people.

Yeah anti-depressants aren't for everyone, but they might work for you, the same with seeing a psychologist, not that it is easy to see one on the NHS, but I don't see why the fire-arms thing is so important, surely your health should come first.

If it's a self defence thing you could always get a crossbow.

Why do British people with money still have fucked teeth? I don't understand it. I'm a poor fucker and had every one of my teeth fixed/replaced/crowned and it cost like $7000 AUD, which considering how much it improved my life, was probably the best investment of my life.

I see people in these Brit threads with the worst teeth possible, but they are actually famous or politicians and hence have the money to do it. Why?

Fair enough about Mushys.
Read up. You prob need a trusted guide.
It helps with depression but only if you have no anxiety about taking the Mushroom itself.

Aye, read up on the strains and when you take them make sure you aren't disturbed. Once a a fortnight or month should be fine for you as you've had anxiety in the past.
Have your food ready. Turn off your phone.

>Mark Rowley, the national lead for Counter Terrorism Policing and the Acting Deputy Commissioner, said: "The police stand with all communities in the UK and will take action against anyone who seeks to undermine society, especially where their crimes are motivated by hate.

>"We must recognise now that our Muslim communities will feel anxious at this time given the past behaviour of the extreme right wing and we will continue to work with all community leaders in the coming days.

The dangerous right-wing! Those poor muslims!

>Mark Rowley said in the news conference that police believed the attacker was inspired by international terrorism

Not Islamic terrorism then?

Fucking hell, even the London counter terroism police are cucks

They've literally always been unarmed - they used to have to borrow people's guns when there were some armed criminals to fight. It's not an example of European decadence, its a testament to how low crime/terrorism rates used to be that they didn't need them

indica is the correct choice for your situation


i'd burn down my local mosque but someone already actually did that

If everyone's teeth is fucked nobody's is.

What a legend

I'd burn down mine as well but it's always raining in so it'll just die out.

Nah mate fuck you, he can do what he wants along with his Gym.

1 dose cured severe depression
Not like SSRI addled-zombies.

Nothing wrong with weed in the dose I suggested.

Alcohol is a depressant by it;s very nature.

>Eat well.
>Learn to cook.

religion of cum, shit, piss and violence.
im using a quran as firewood today.
anyone else want to donate to the IDF?, get in here.

Nah I just like guns. My mum used to shoot and she had an old gun in the early 90's, she let me play around with it. Shoot targets and shit (my garden is pretty big).

I've tried anti-depressants for their pain relief shit. Don't really work. Mum and I think my Adrenal Gland is fucked up. But, again, gotta prove it.

I'm going to try learning to drive this year. It's just so hard to get out of bed, take a load of tablets (which I can't get enough off to help, thanks Dr Shipman!) and then be grogy as I do X and Y. Then I start to heat up, get prickly because I think my hypothalamus is damaged as well.

But my mum ain't gonna live forever. Her life has (and still is) way way way worse than mine, so I gotta man up, really.


my dick is 7

>one crazy British guy who we don't even know was Muslim or not go's crazy
>grrr screw all the Muslims even though they provide much needed culture for the boring British people
I think you forget that the mayor of London is Muslim. How can you hate them considering that?

When would that come up as a topic in finance?

>donate to the idf
Aren't they already getting billions in donations from our countries even though they're already rich? Fuck off Jew, we won't donate to your Patreon.

First you import some muslims, which you have done

Then you give them guns, which you have done

Then you get shot in the name of Allah, which you have done

Congrats! You're well on your way

Compared to your Yankee regular Gun Shootings?

Low crime rates in London? How far back in history are we going? A simple pistol is modest enough to keep your integrity while still being able to act in an emergency. It's your job to protect the public, if you don't have the proper tools you are ill-prepared wherever it is


ahmed detected, i will donate an extra $50 just for you.

Do we know who the girl under the bus is yet?

25 in about a month

Until the late 80s/early 90s

>Not like SSRI addled-zombies.
Fuck you that's not what it is like at all.

Weed on the other hand can cause psychosis.

Well there are quite a few different kinds of anti-depressants, who knows you might find one that works for you but it's your choice.

You should put your health before anything else.

Thanks mate.

>Your dick is 7 years old?
A what age did you begin transitioning?

Americucks really can't

I guess. Give me a list if you can. I've probably tried all of them. I just really don't want it down in my medical notes.

Question for uncut bongalongs, if you work all day and go out afterward and pick up a bird, wont you have smegma/urine buildup under your foreskin? do you have to wash your willy right before sex every time? do you guys carry wet wipes? how does that work?

>Scotland Yard police believe they know the identity of the attacker and believe he was inspired by "international terrorism"; however, the name of the suspect has not been released.[20]

kek they're keeping his identity secret because >muh abusing pakis